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OES 302

Module 9 Question – Coastal Zones

Consider the vulnerability of barrier-island real estate, and think about what protections and
controls you might advocate. For example: How much should a prospective purchaser of the
property be told about beach stability? Should local property owners pay for shoreline-
protection structures, or should state or federal taxes be used? Should property owners be
prevented from developing the land, for their own protection?

1)Choose the ONE protection or control that you believe is the most important to implement.
2)Explain how this protection or control works. 3) What were the most important factors in your
decision? 4) What are the main unknowns?

Background reading: Textbook, Chapter 7, heading: Coastal Erosion and “Stabilization”

subheading: Beach Erosion, Protection, and Restoration and heading: Especially Difficult
Coastal Environments, subheading: Barrier Islands.

1) Storm and Coastal Dynamics

2) This control happens due to the amount of rain and storms they have around beach areas.
3) Floods, which can lead to house and car damage if not told by the owner.
Leaking basements, which is it gets inside your house and starts to damage your stuff, you will
have to replace it.
City sinking- with all of the water coming in and rain flooding the roads, the city is seeking at a
rapid pace which could affect the future.
4) Power outages, will solar panels get damaged, how will people start to use main roads if back
roads keep getting flooded.

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