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The exact years of birth for Generation Z can also vary slightly depending on different sources and

definitions. However, they are generally considered to be born between the mid-1990s to early 2000s and

Positive characteristics associated with Generation Z include:

1. Technology proficiency: Generation Z is often referred to as the first generation to grow up with
widespread access to technology. They are typically highly adept at using digital tools and platforms.

2. Entrepreneurial mindset: Like millennials, Generation Z tends to have an entrepreneurial spirit. They
are innovative, resourceful, and eager to create their own opportunities.

3. Diversity and inclusivity: This generation is growing up in a more diverse and globalized world, which
has fostered attitudes of inclusivity and acceptance of various cultures, races, and identities.

4. Social activism: Generation Z is often passionate about social causes and actively engages in activism.
They utilize social media platforms to raise awareness and drive change on issues like climate change,
racial injustice, and inequality.

5. Openness to learning: Generation Z tends to have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to continuously
learn. They are comfortable seeking information independently and enjoy exploring new ideas and

Negative characteristics associated with Generation Z (though not applicable to every individual) can

1. Short attention span: Growing up in the age of technology and social media, some argue that
Generation Z may have shorter attention spans, due to the constant influx of information and stimuli.

2. Dependency on technology: While being tech-savvy is seen as a positive trait, there is a concern that
Generation Z may rely too heavily on technology and have difficulty disconnecting from it.

3. Anxiety and mental health challenges: Some studies suggest that Generation Z faces higher rates of
anxiety, stress, and mental health issues compared to previous generations. The reasons behind this are
multi-faceted and can vary for each individual.

4. Instant gratification: Similar to millennials, Generation Z is often associated with a desire for instant
gratification and quick results due to growing up in a fast-paced digital era.

Again, it's important to remember that these characteristics are generalizations, and not all individuals
within Generation Z will exhibit these traits. People are unique and can have a wide range of qualities and
experiences regardless of their generational cohort.

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