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Presented by: Tania Rozman

Anita Babilia
Events influenced Gen Z
The COVID-19 Pandemic :
This unprecedented event forced Gen Z to adapt to a new normal.
Education shifted online, social interactions became primarily virtual,
and the concept of normalcy underwent a significant shift. This
experience fostered resilience, adaptability, and a heightened awareness
of global interconnectedness.

Climate change:

Gen Z is inheriting a planet facing significant environmental challenges.

Witnessing the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather
events has instilled a sense of urgency in this generation. They are vocal
advocates for climate action, pushing for sustainable solutions and
holding institutions accountable.
Attitude towards:
Gen Z seeks careers that align with their values and offer a sense of
purpose beyond just a paycheck. Work-life balance is crucial, and
flexibility is highly desired.
En Many are attracted to freelance work, starting their own businesses,
or pursuing creative endeavors.

Gen Z prioritizes genuine connections built on open communication and
shared values. Social media can play a role in fostering connections, but
face-to-face interaction remains important.
They focus on Mental Health, openly discussing mental health challenges
and prioritizing emotional well-being are essential aspects of healthy

Gen Z is extremely comfortable with technology, using it extensively
for communication, information access, entertainment, and
While comfortable with technology, Gen Z is aware of its potential
drawbacks like social media addiction, privacy concerns, and
negative mental health impacts.
Personal qualities

Digital natives
Information consumers
Having grown up surrounded by technology,
They actively seek information online and
they are highly comfortable navigating the
leverage technology for learning,
digital landscape and adept at using various
communication, and entertainment.
technological tools.
Socially Aware:
Socially conscious:

Gen Z displays a strong awareness of social and

environmental issues. They actively advocate for
change and champion causes like sustainability and
social justice.


This generation is generally more accepting of

diverse viewpoints, identities, and cultures compared
to previous generations.
Financially Cautious:
Financally responsible:
Witnessing economic instability, Gen Z prioritizes
financial security and may be more mindful of
spending habits.

Entrepreneurial spirit:
They value financial independence and explore
various avenues to achieve it, including starting
their own businesses.
Other Characteristics:
Mental Health Focus:

Openly discussing mental health struggles and prioritizing

self-care practices are prominent aspects of this

Global Perspective:

Growing up in a more interconnected world fosters a

global outlook and awareness of international issues.

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