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Name: Wilfredo L. Castillo BCAED 3


1. Define a Generation. What is some basis in defining a generation?

A generation is defined by its setting, history, or historical events, as well as by the economic, social, and other
events that it experienced. It also addresses technical developments that took place during their lifetimes, how
they understand generational membership, and how their personal technology experiences stack up against
those of previous generations.2.

What are some generalizations have you heard about…?

a. Baby boomers- born in between 1946 to1964. The baby boomer generation makes up a substantial portion of
the world's population, especially in developed nations

b. Generation x- they are born between the year1965 to 1980. They also take pride in their employment status.
However, they are more likely to be self-established than being associated with a company.

c. Millennials- they are born between the year 1981- 1996 they are Protective, expressive, socially conscious,
diverse, spend too much on avocado toast

d. Generation Z-Even more diverse, tech savvy, screen dependent and socially conscious (1997-2012)

3. In a table, summarize the year division of the generalizations about Generations

Generalizations Year Characteristics

Silent 1928-1945 Loyal, confident,
institutional, play it safe,
thrifty, rule-followers
Generation x 1965-1980 Independent, pragmatic,
cynical, distrustful of
Generation Z 1997-2012 Even more diverse, tech
savvy, screen-dependent, also
socially conscious
Baby boomers 1946-1964 Goal-oriented, work focused,
bootstraps mentality
Millennials 1981-1996 Protective, expressive,
socially conscious, diverse,
spend too much on avocado

Where do you characterize yourself based on the generalizations? Are the characteristics accurate to
describe how you think and act?
I recognized myself as a part of Generation Z because I am a tech knowledgeable person who is
concerned with the way a technologically sophisticated generation uses technology.

4. Differentiate the young and old members of the Millennial Generation and Generation Z. What do you think
is the catalyst that makes this generation to have a gap considering that they are in a one generation?

The older generation z members were the first to be connected as children, they were in elementary school
when the first smartphone was released in 2006 and when social media websites like Facebook and Instagram
became widely used, so they do not have access to smartphones, the internet, or social media. Additionally,
younger millennials are the ones that first experienced social media and cellphones, whereas older millennials
are the last generation to experience these things. Few of them had iPhones or smartphones, and they were
graduating from high school and college when smartphones first appeared while the internet was still in its

5. What are the dangers in creating labels and stereotypes in a generation? Cite an example.
Negative labels, prejudice, and stereotyping can also lead to and contribute to bullying and not treating
others with respect, which are all dangers of generating labels and stereotypes in a generation. Keep in mind
that labels and stereotyping can lead to bullying and/or unfair treatment of others.

6. What are common complaints about traditional-Age students? Have you ever encountered this complaint?
Traditional-age students are frequently criticized for not dedicating enough time to their studies, trying to get by
with little effort, failing to read for assignments, skipping class, and believing they are deserving of good scores.
One complaint I heard was that I sometimes try to put out the bare minimum of effort or that I feel lazy
completing my schoolwork, but I only ever do it when I'm motivated and enthused.

7. What challenges does Generation Z are facing right now?

Most Gen Z teenagers worry a lot about gun violence, particularly mass shootings and school shootings.
Seventy-five percent of people in this age group say that mass shootings are a major source of stress, and almost
as many (72 percent) say the same about school shootings or the chance that they will occur.

8. Technologically, characterize Millennials. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being born in a
millennial generation?

The benefit of being familiar with card catalogs and online catalogs, payphones, the internet, Yahoo Maps,
DVDs, Super NES and PlayStation before and after the internet, as well as the advent of internet social media,
belongs to millennials. One disadvantage of being a Millennial is that they are late bloomers and lack the skills
to use technology properly for learning or in the classroom.

9. Interview someone who you think might belong to Generation x, ask how do they feel and think about our
present generation in terms of how they behave.
One of our family members, who was born in 1976, She thinks that technology is evolving, and she is learning
how to utilize various devices like laptops and cellphones. Additionally, she finds it challenging to keep up with
the younger generation because, at the time, they were less sophisticated in terms of technology.

10. As a future teacher how do you manage a multigenerational Classroom?

I can manage a multigenerational classroom as a future teacher by utilizing a range of teaching strategies
that will support students' learning in the setting since they help pupils reinforce what they have learned.
Additionally, I must be conscious of the necessity of always upgrading my teaching techniques and methods as
their instructor.

11. How do you see the importance of technology in bridging the gap for each generation?

In our daily lives, technology is crucial. We can use technology, for instance, to converse with people who are
located thousands of kilometers away. making it simple for us to do our work and giving us immediate access to
the internet, which enables us students to learn anything new. Many facets of modern life, including how we
age, are being changed by technology. With the advent of mobile devices, communication has completely
changed, opening up new avenues for social interaction and enabling elders to connect with their families in
ways they never could before.

12. How does your generational experience influence your teaching style?
My teaching method, which I add technology into or teach using technology while being creative, is
influenced by my generational experience. This, in my opinion, has an impact on students' desire to learn and
study because they will make sure that while developing instructional materials, the materials are creativel, and
the conversation is fun and engaging with games.

13. What teaching approaches can you make use of in order to bridge the gap of generation between you and
your students in the future?
I may apply new technical breakthroughs or constantly integrate technology into my teaching using new
platforms as teaching strategies to close the gap between me and my pupils in the future. I'll also participate in
training courses to expand my technological expertise.

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