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The generation gap

It is often said that people that are born in different times or periods
tent to have different opinions and points of view based on the things
they had been through. However, why today the gap is much wider than

Firstly, the technology generation is born with a wide range of ideas and
information that they can access at a click away while the millennial
generation had to adapt to the changes that came rapidly in their lives.
Thery were born and raised in a world without internet, smartphones
and social media and it is hard to understand the new generation who is
growing up with the help of all the technologically upgraded things. This
has led to shift in values and beliefs between the two generation because
is hard to understand each other when we have a different perspective of
the world.

Secondly, when it come to being open to new, the Z generation is,

without a doubt, much more open and they want to do things in their
own way .

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