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课程名称:高起专英语 课程代码:333333

学习中心______________________  姓名______________________  学校____________________  专业名称______________________

考试时间:60 分钟 课程层次:高起专


一、语音知识(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

1. _______





2. _______





3. _______





4. _______


6. —Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking?
—You’d better ________ more water than usual. It’s hot today.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took

7. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.
A. two-month B. two month’s
C. two month D. two-months
5. _______

8. The shop _____ at 8:00 a.m.and it ________ for ten hours every day.
A. is open; has opened B. is opened; opens
C. opens; is open D. opened; opens


9. — Mum, could I have ____________ to drink?

D. — Oh, dear.You can only drink some water.There is _________ in the kitchen.
A. anything; else something
B. anything; something else
二、词汇与语法知识(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 5 分,共 50 分) C. something; else nothing
在每小题列出的备选项中只有一个符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑,错涂、多 D. something; nothing else
1.—Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “Made in China”? It is useful.
—What _______ good advice it is! 10. Tom is a book lover. ______ likes reading very much.
A. an; a B. a; a C. an; \ D. \; a A. He B. She C. You D. It

2. She ______ very hard since she came to our school. 三、阅读理解 A(本大题共 3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分)
A. studies B. has studied A
C. is studying D. studied

3. — After discussing, the students ________ some good ideas to work on the project.
— That’s great!
A. put up B. set up
C. caught up with D. came up with

4. I don’t know the teacher is talking with Miss Wang.

A. what B. whom C. who D. which

5. — David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me _______ ?
—He is a doctor.
A. who is he B. who he is
C.what does he do D. what he does

but it was difficult to use. Finally, in 1870, William Lyman added a wheel to the can opener. The metal went around
the top of the can and removed it easily. Finally, people were able to open cans without a lot of work. Canned food
was soon popular.
Frozen Food—A Little Good Luck Can Help!
Clarence Birdseye had the chance to go on a trip to 如 e Arctic
When people there caught fish, they put the fish in a container (容器) of ice to freeze it quickly. When people
cooked the fish later, it was still good! This gave Birdseye an idea. He thought people could also have this kind of
food at home. In 1926, Birdseye invented frozen food. People were able to store food in freezers for a long time.
Air Conditioning—One Answer to Two Problems!
Printing companies make books, so they use a lot of paper. Sometimes, changes in the weather can hurt the
paper. In 1902, Willis Carrier invented air conditioning to control the temperature inside his printing company. This
saved the paper. People soon realized other benefits of air conditioning. Th ey started to air condition their homes in
the summer. Carrier's invention changed the world!
1. When was canned food invented?
A. In 1870. B. In 1810.
C. In 1902. D. In 1926.
2. After the trip to the Arctic, Clarence Birdseye invented ____________.
A. canned food B. can openers
C. frozen food D. air conditioning
3. Changes in weather _____________ in Willis Carrier's company.
A. helped to keep food
B. made rooms comfortable
C. caused health problems
D. hurt printing paper
4. According to the passage, which of the following may lead to inventions?
A. People's needs.
B. Public support.
C. Modern technology.
1. Which is the smallest island country? D. Practical suggestions.
A. Tuvalu. B. Nauru.
C. Vatican. D. Monaco.
2. What’s the area of Vatican? We talk every day. When we have good news, we like to share it with our good friends and when something terrible
A. 21 km². B. 26 km². C. 0.44 km². D. 2 km². happens, we make it known to others soon. But can you imagine that a tree can talk and share news too? Of course,
3. Which of the following about Monaco is TRUE?
A. It’s the world’s smallest country. no tree moves and says words just as people do. Strange as it may sound, though, some trees do manage to
B. It’s the most difficult place to get to. communicate with each other.
C. It has the most overweight people in the world. Willow(柳树) trees are the best-known of these trees. When insects begin nibbling(叮咬) a willow tree, the tree
D. It’s the world’s most densely populated country. sends out a special smell at once. This smell tells the other willows that harmful insects are coming near. All of them
quickly make a chemical(化学物质) in their leaves. This chemical is bad to the insects. The insects do not like it and
they fly away soon. In this way, the willow trees protect themselves from the insects.
四、阅读理解(其他)(本大题共 12 小题,每小题 6 分,共 72 分) The next time when you take a walk in the woods, maybe the trees are “talking” to each other quietly. And
B when someone says that trees cannot “talk”, please tell them that even trees give messages to each other, too.
Inventions All Around Us 1. Willow trees send messages with _________.
Every invention has a story. These stories often have a lesson to teach, too. Here are the stories of some A. words B. movements
everyday household inventions. C. sounds D. smells
Canned Food and the Can Opener—Get It Right!
2. The underlined word in the first paragraph means ________.
Peter Durand invented canned food in 1810, but there was a problem. Durand didn't have a good way to open
the cans. In 1858, Ezra Warner invented a can opener. It used a piece of metal to cut and remove the top from the can, A. 树干 B. 嘴唇 C. 枝条 D. 手势[
3. The passage tells us that some of the trees can ________. A. winning B. getting caught
A. speak just as people do C. leaving D. getting started
B. tell stories to others 4. What is probably the best title of the passage?
C. communicate with each other A. Zach's medal.
D. kill insects in the woods B. The history of golf.
4. According to the passage, the right order of the following is ________. C. Honesty counts in golf.
(a). The willow tree gives out a smell. D. Golf is rich men's game.
(b). The willow trees make a chemical in their leaves.
(c). Insects fly away because of the chemical.
(d). Insects begin nibbling a willow tree.
A. a-b-c-d B. d-b-a-c C. d-a-b-c D. d-c-b-a

No one else knew about the extra (额外的) club in Zach Nash's golf bag. It belonged to a friend, and Zach forgot
it was there as he played his way to win in a junior tournament (锦标赛) this summer in Wisconsin, US.
The 14-year-old accepted his medal, and celebrated with grandparents who had come from a long way to watch.
But when he stopped by his country club to share the news, a professional player noticed something wrong. "Count
your clubs," he told the teenager.
Fifteen—one more than allowed. Zach's eyes filled with tears.
If Zach had just won a basketball or a soccer game and someone had discovered an offence (违反) after the win,
it would not have mattered.
Bending the rules has become acceptable, if not encouraged, in many sports. It is nothing unusual for soccer
players to make a turtle dive (假摔) in the hope of breaking rules.
Golf is different. In a win at all costs world, the game holds itself to a higher standard.
Golf isn't a game where referees (裁判) watch closely. In golf tournaments, dozens of competitors are spread
across acres of land, so officials cannot hope to see each shot. Competitors call punishments on themselves.
Players feel the weight of history. Golf began at least the 15th century, but it became popular as a pastime for the
wealthy who seemed to always have strict rules of behavior, even when it came to shooting at each other in rights.
"It was a sport for gentlemen, not laborers, and gentlemen did not care about winning. They cared about doing
the right thing," said Robert Simon, a golf coach at Hamilton College in New York.
Honesty became a symbol of honor. When one of the game's early stars, Bobby Jones, was praised for calling a
penalty on himself at the 1925 US Open. He replied, "You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank."
So even the error had no effect on Zach's final score—he never used the extra club, the teenager packed up his
medal and dropped it in the mail. "But this was golf, and rules are rules. I just knew what I had to do," he s aid.

Then came another tournament. Before Zach counted his clubs four times.
1. Zach Nash returned the medal he won in the junior tournament because________.
A. he decided to follow the rules of golf
B. he was caught cheating by a player
C. he used another player's club by mistake
D. he made a mistake counting his final score
2. Which of the following statements about golf is TRUE according to the passage?
A. In golf, honor comes before win.
B. Early golf players didn't care about the rules.
C. Golf players usually do whatever it takes to win.
D. Golf referees watch each shot and call punishments.
3. The underlined phrase "teeing off" in the last paragraph probably means "____ ".

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