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Names: _________________________________Score:
Date: __________, September , 2022 Grade:4TH PRIMARY
Instruction nº1: Match the name with the picture (20p)

A. Carrot
B. Milk
C. Potato
D. Egg
E. Bread
F. Onion
G. Tomato
H. Fish
I. Pear
J. Garlic
K. cheese

Instruction nº1: Order the letters about days of the week (6p)
a) aStrudya : ________________ d) riFayd: ________________
b) unSyda: __________________ e) usdTeay: _______________
c) deWsaendy: ______________ f)odMnay: ________________

Instruction nº2: Complete with Instruction nº3: Complete with “don’t like”
“like” or “likes” (5p) or “doesn’t like”(5p)
a) She ___________the spaguetti. a) I _______________ onion.

b) He __________ the cheese. b) She _____________ carrot.

c) My mother ___________ milk. C) My sister ______________ garlic.

d) You _________ the carrot d) Pedro _____________ potato.

e) We _________ apples. E) We ______________ fish.

Instruction nº4: Write the past of the verbs

a) Visit: _________________ b) Dance: ________________

b) Sing: _________________ d) Jump:________________

Prof. Thalia Pereda Sandoval

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