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Katiusca K. Cruz Reyes, Kenia J. Mendoza Almagro, Stephany N. Tomalá Salinas.

Facultad De Ciencias De La Educación E Idiomas, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa


Pine 6/1

MSc. Italo Carabajo Romero

27 de febrero del 2023


Digital storytelling has had an immense constructive impact on the process of

teaching the English language, thanks to the benefits of technology. The objective of this

project is to analyze the use of digital storytelling in enhancing the narrative writing skills

of seventh-semester students majoring in national and foreign languages pedagogy. The

discussion will focus on the advantages and disadvantages that teachers and students

encounter while incorporating this learning tool in the classroom to improve the narrative

writing of EFL students. It is essential to recognize that each student's impact in receiving

information differs, emphasizing the importance of the relationship between teachers and

students in fostering innovative and creative narrative storytelling based on their


This process stimulates writing skills as an enjoyable and student-centered work,

changing the traditional approach to a constructivist one, with students becoming the

architects of their own experiences and creating their educational resources. Furthermore,

teachers suggest that students create their own digital stories through group exercises that

involve creating a story map, plotting the plot structure, character profiling, providing

background information, concluding the story, creating a peer response chart, and

developing a storyboard. By creating digital stories, students can effectively learn English,

thus achieving a student-centered learning approach where English Learners can decide

how they learn English through the e-learning platform.

Keywords: Digital storytelling; Narrative writing skill; the process of teaching; e-learning

platform; Student-centered learning: Second language; EFL students



In recent years, the utilization of technology in education has become an

increasingly prevalent topic of discussion, with particular attention given to the impact of

digital storytelling in enhancing language proficiency. Within the field of English as a

Foreign Language (EFL), narrative writing skills are considered essential for language

development, requiring learners to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas in

written form. This project seeks to explore the potential benefits of utilizing digital

storytelling to improve EFL students' narrative writing skills. Specifically, this study aims

to investigate the impact of digital storytelling on the narrative writing skills of seventh-

semester students major in Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages. Through an in-

depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing digital storytelling in

the classroom, this project will provide insight into the practical implications of using this

tool in the context of EFL education.

Digital storytelling aims to stimulate writing skills with a focus on narrative skills,

in a fun and engaging environment, moving away from traditional teaching methods

towards a more student-centered and constructivist approach. By encouraging students to

create their own digital stories through group exercises, such as story mapping, plotting,

character profiling, and storyboarding, they are allowed to take control of their learning,

creating didactic resources and becoming the architects of their own experiences.

This project aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding the utilization

of technology in education, specifically in the context of EFL narrative writing skills

development. The findings of this study will provide valuable insight into the potential

benefits of digital storytelling as a means of enhancing language proficiency, ultimately

benefiting both learners and educators in the pursuit of effective language education.


Constructivism and Storytelling

The emphasis of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development lies in the

significance of active learning in building an understanding of the world. Piaget (1964)

posited that the process of learning entails modeling, transforming, and comprehending the

construction of objects. To put it differently, learners participate actively with their

surroundings and build knowledge through their interactions with the world.

Learners can change their internalized views of the world through interactions with

the environment, by modifying their existing schemas through assimilation and

accommodation. This is a dynamic process that involves constantly adjusting one's

internalized view of the world based on current information and experiences.

Storytelling in the EFL classroom can be viewed as a constructivist approach to

language learning and teaching. When students engage with stories, they are actively

constructing meaning and making connections between new language concepts and their

own experiences and knowledge. Engagement with stories helps students to build on their

prior knowledge and experiences and to develop a deeper understanding of the language

and culture they are learning.

In a constructivist EFL classroom, storytelling can be used as a tool to encourage

students to think critically and to actively participate in their learning. By engaging with

stories, students can build on their prior knowledge and experiences, and construct their

understanding of the language and culture being taught. Storytelling can also provide a rich

context for language learning, allowing students to make connections between new

language concepts and their own experiences and interests.

In addition, storytelling can promote active and collaborative learning, as students are

encouraged to participate in discussions and share their ideas and perspectives on the

stories being told. Through this process of active participation and collaboration, students

can construct their knowledge and understanding of the language and culture they are

learning, and develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for success

in today's globalized world.

Language Teaching Techniques

Teaching techniques utilized in English Language Teaching (ELT) refer to diverse

methods, strategies, and activities that instructors employ to facilitate learning and enhance

students' language proficiency. These techniques range from conventional lecture-based

teaching to more student-centered approaches that prioritize active participation and


English Language Teaching commonly employs techniques such as communicative

language teaching, task-based learning, audio-lingual methods, grammar-translation, and

the utilization of technology, such as language learning apps or online resources. The

selection of teaching techniques in ELT is influenced by various factors, including

language course objectives, student needs, and instructor teaching style and preferences.

In the table presented by Brown (1995), the various factors that impact the

effectiveness of teaching the English language using controlled, semi-controlled, and free

techniques are systematically organized.

Table 1.

Types of language teaching techniques.

Controlled Semi controlled Free

Teacher centered Use of language in Student-centered

Manipulative a less restrictive Communicative

Structured way than the Open-ended

Predicted students’ controlled, but Unpredicted

responses taking into account responses

Pre-planned linguistic patterns Negotiated

objectives already set up by objectives.

Set curriculum the teacher Cooperative


Author: J. Brown

Source: Brown (1995)

Note: this table shows the parameters covered in each type of language teaching


Storytelling and English Language Learning


Storytelling is an effective method for English Language Learning as it provides a

context for the acquisition of new language skills. Stories and tales are engaging, and they

can motivate students to learn new vocabulary, improve their grammar, and develop their

listening and speaking skills. By listening to and retelling stories, students can build their

confidence and proficiency in using English.

One of the main benefits of storytelling is that it provides a context for the use of

language. Stories can introduce new vocabulary and grammar structures in a meaningful

context, making it easier for students to learn and remember them. Moreover, storytelling

can provide opportunities for students to practice listening and speaking skills, such as

asking questions, making predictions, and expressing opinions.

According to Nguyen (2022), the use of storytelling as a teaching method is not a

new idea and is commonly used by teachers, especially those who teach languages. This

strategy is both uncomplicated and efficient, making it an accessible approach that can be

easily incorporated into the classroom. Another benefit of storytelling in English language

learning is that it can help students develop their cultural awareness and empathy. Stories

can introduce students to different cultures and traditions, which can help them understand

and appreciate diversity. Moreover, storytelling can help students build their confidence in

using English to communicate with people from different backgrounds.

Wajnryb (2003) refers to the utilization of storytelling as a technique that can help

aid learners to remember new vocabulary, grammatical structures, and pronunciation.

Storytelling can be used in various ways in the ELL classroom. Teachers can use simple

stories to introduce new words and verbs, and more complex stories to develop critical

thinking and reading comprehension skills. They can also encourage students to retell or

create their stories, thus enhancing their language production and communication skills.

Additionally, storytelling can be combined with visual aids, such as pictures, videos,

or props, to further enhance students' comprehension and engagement.

This is because storytelling is a memorable approach that allows students to hold

onto the information that is being taught.


According to Bruner (2002), Storytelling is a universal form of communication that

is prevailing in nearly every culture and society. It is perhaps the most dominant way in

which we communicate and share our experiences, thoughts, and ideas with others.

Storytelling in the field of English Language Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign

Language is the act of using stories as a tool for language learning and teaching.

Storytelling involves the use of spoken, written, or visual narratives to provide students

with a context for language learning and to engage them in language acquisition.

In ELL and TEFL, storytelling can take various forms, from traditional tales and

myths to modern literature and media. The stories used can be adapted to suit the level and

interests of the students and can be supplemented with visual aids, such as pictures, videos,

or props, to enhance students' comprehension and engagement. Storytelling provides a

context for language acquisition, allowing students to learn new vocabulary, grammar, and

syntax in a meaningful and memorable way. Secondly, storytelling can develop students'

listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as their critical thinking, creativity,

and so on. Thirdly, storytelling assists peers to develop cultural awareness and empathy, as

stories can introduce them to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Finally,

storytelling can motivate and engage students, making language learning more enjoyable

and effective.

Storytelling can be used in different ways in classes, depending on the level and

needs of the students, as well as the goals of the language program. Teachers can use

storytelling to introduce new language concepts, develop reading and writing skills,

promote discussion and debate, and foster creativity and imagination. Additionally,

storytelling can be used to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, where

students feel valued and empowered to share their own stories and perspectives.

Digital Storytelling

Hausknecht et al. (2019) noted that storytelling has been a fundamental part of

human communication for thousands of years. The earliest forms of storytelling were

visual, such as cave paintings and hieroglyphics, which conveyed stories through drawings.

As human language developed, storytelling evolved from a visual medium to an oral

tradition, with stories passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. In

many cultures, storytelling played a substantial role in preserving cultural traditions,

passing on moral values, and providing entertainment.

Digital storytelling is becoming increasingly important in today's EFL (English as a

Foreign Language) classroom as it offers a unique way for students to engage with the

language and develop their communication skills. Through digital storytelling, students can

combine their language skills with digital literacy, creativity, and critical thinking to

produce authentic and engaging content. Shishko (2022) defines storytelling as the act of

conveying a subject matter of importance or interest to an audience through the use of

factual information and a narrative. Digital storytelling, on the other hand, utilizes

information technology to create and share stories that are tailored to the intended audience.

This technique helps students to improve their language skills in various ways. For

example, by creating and sharing their stories, students can practice their listening,

speaking, reading, and writing skills. Likewise, they can develop their vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation in a meaningful context, and receive feedback from their peers

and teachers. Digital storytelling also promotes student engagement and motivation. By

running digital tools such as videos, images, and sound effects, students can bring their

stories to life and share them with a wider audience. This can help them build their

confidence and self-esteem, as well as foster a sense of community and collaboration in the


Furthermore, digital storytelling supports students’ critical thinking development

and digital literacy skills. Digital storytelling is a powerful and effective way to enhance

English as a Foreign Language learning in today's classroom. Through the combination of

language skills with digital literacy, creativity, and critical thinking, students can develop

their communication skills, build their confidence, and engage with the language in a

meaningful and authentic way.

Writing skills

Developing strong writing skills is a crucial component of English language

teaching for numerous reasons. Firstly, writing is a fundamental skill for communication in

any language. Through writing, students can express their ideas and thoughts in a clear and

organized way, which can help them communicate more effectively in both academic and

professional contexts. Writing also provides students with a means of self-expression and

self-reflection, which can be important for personal and emotional progress.

Moreover, writing skills are essential for academic success, as they are often a

requirement for assignments, tests, and assessments. Strong writing skills can help students

produce clear and coherent essays, reports, and research papers, which can help them

achieve academic goals and excel in their studies. To agree, writing can be used as a tool

for formative and summative assessment in ELT, it can provide teachers with insight into

students' language abilities, including their proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and

organization. This feedback is used to design instruction to meet the specific needs of

individual students and support their language development.

Writing skills are critical for effective communication, academic success, and

overall language advancement in English learning. Through writing assignments and

training, students can develop their ability to express themselves clearly and coherently,

support their language learning, and prepare themselves for future educational and

professional efforts. Prasasti et al. (2022) asserts the significance of English language

writing skills, particularly in cases where students may not feel comfortable or confident in

verbal communication. The selection of effective instructional resources is essential for

cultivating writing proficiency. As such, teachers have a range of activities at their disposal

that can be implemented in the classroom to enhance students’ writing abilities.

Narrative skills

Narrative writing skills are particularly important in English language learning, as

they allow students to develop their creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. By

engaging in narrative writing, students can apply their language skills in a meaningful and

engaging way, as they create and share their own stories and experiences. This type of

writing encourages students to use their language skills to express their thoughts, feelings,

and ideas, and to develop their unique writing style.

According to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), narrative

writing can be defined as a form of writing that tells a story or describes a series of events

in an imaginative way. The organization highlights the importance of narrative writing in

developing students' critical thinking, communication, and creativity skills.

Narrative writing skills also assist students to develop their language proficiency by

exposing them to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and grammatical patterns. Through

the process of crafting a narrative, students can practice their language skills in a

contextualized and authentic way, which can lead to more meaningful and memorable

learning experiences.

Likewise, narrative writing skills are transferable to other types of writing, such as

persuasive writing or academic writing, as they help students to develop key writing skills

such as organization, coherence, and clarity. By mastering narrative writing skills, students

are better equipped to communicate effectively in writing, which can benefit them in both

academic and professional contexts.



The mixed research methodology applied for the study on digital storytelling to

improve EFL students’ narrative writing involves a combination of quantitative and

qualitative research methods.

Data collection questions

1. How important do you consider digital resources for EFL students'

narrative writing skills?

Chart 1. Importance of digital resources for narrative skill in EFL students.

Authors: Cruz Reyes Katiusca, Mendoza Almagro Kenia, Tomalá Salinas Stephany


Notes: Diagram and results from instruments


The majority of participants indicated the importance of digital resources for narrative

skills in EFL students, other participants expressed their position about the use of

technology for narrative skills. Overall, digital resources are becoming important for

language instruction because of their availability in certain classrooms, which are equipped

with devices and systems.

2. Do you think that the appropriate use of digital storytelling helps reading

comprehension in a second language?

Chart 2. Digital storytelling influences supporting reading comprehension.

Authors: Cruz Reyes Katiusca, Mendoza Almagro Kenia, Tomalá Salinas Stephany


Notes: Diagram and results from instruments


This result reflected the utilization of digital storytelling to improve reading

comprehension in the English language, participants indicate their agreement about using

these techniques. The positive and attractive environment becomes interesting for students

and makes them participate in the activities at the time peers start to understand the foreign


3. How satisfied are you with the implementation of digital storytelling to

improve writing skills?

Chart 3. Satisfaction about the implementation of digital tales for improving

writing skills.

Authors: Cruz Reyes Katiusca, Mendoza Almagro Kenia, Tomalá Salinas Stephany


Notes: Diagram and results from instruments


In the third question, the contributors manifested their acceptance of the implementation

of digital tales for improving writing skills. The implementation of digitals attracted

students to join reading sessions and promote motivation to keep learning the English


4. What digital resources do you know of that have been implemented by your

teachers to improve writing skills?

Chart 4. Digital resources are applied by teachers for improving writing skills.

Authors: Cruz Reyes Katiusca, Mendoza Almagro Kenia, Tomalá Salinas Stephany


Notes: Diagram and results from instruments


Getting to question fourth, other contributors express their thought about the use of

digital resources run by teachers to improve writing skills. The most repeated word was

digital educational tools because various participants expressed the use of this technique in

the classroom.

5. What aspects do you consider that generate disadvantages when learning a

second language through digital storytelling? Justify your answer.

Chart 5. Disadvantages of learning a foreign language through digital narration.

Authors: Cruz Reyes Katiusca, Mendoza Almagro Kenia, Tomalá Salinas Stephany


Notes: Diagram and results from instruments


Digital distractors were the most frequent words mentioned by participants, the

results convey in digital distractors as a disadvantage while peers are in classes. These

digital disturbs are social media and video games integrated into devices, which can distract

students and lose their attention during the classes.


Digital storytelling is an effective tool to improve EFL (English as a Foreign

Language) students’ narrative writing skills. Digital storytelling is a technique that uses

multimedia tools, such as images, audio, and video, to tell stories. The process of creating a

digital story involves planning, drafting, revising, and publishing. This process helps

students to develop their narrative writing skills in several ways.

Primarily, digital storytelling provides a motivating and engaging way for students

to learn and practice narrative writing skills, based on a comfortable environment for

students. Learners can use their creativity and imagination to develop a story that

incorporates multimedia elements, making the writing process more enjoyable and

meaningful. Digital storytelling can also provide a sense of ownership and pride in the final

product, which can increase students' motivation to write.

In addition, digital storytelling allows students to focus on different aspects of

narrative writing, such as plot, character development, setting, and dialogue. Students can

use multimedia tools to create vivid descriptions of characters and settings, add sound

effects and music to enhance mood and tone, and create a clear and engaging plot. This

process helps students to develop their narrative writing skills in a more holistic way, rather

than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary.

In the process of creating a digital story, students need to plan and organize their

ideas, make decisions about which multimedia elements to include, and revise and edit their

work. This process can help students to develop their creativity, analytical thinking, and

problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in many areas of life. Digital

storytelling can help students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, digital storytelling is a valuable tool for improving EFL students’

narrative writing skills. It provides an engaging and motivating way for students to learn

and practice narrative writing, allows students to focus on different aspects of narrative

writing, and helps students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Incorporating digital storytelling into EFL instruction can enhance students' language

learning and prepare them for success in the digital age.



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Hausknecht, Simone, Vanchu-Orosco, M., & Kaufman, D. (2019). Digitizing the

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National Council of Teachers of English. (2013). Writing in the 21st century.

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Wajnryb, R. (2003). Stories: Narrative activities in the language classroom.

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