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Physical Activity Reflection – DUE Monday

1. Using the table identify the PERSONAL and SOCIAL factors that impacted your participation and
engagement in each activity completed today. When listing your factors, place them in the appropriate
columns (where they a factor that acted as a BARRIER or an ENABLER)

Personal Factors Social Factors

Barriers: Barriers:

SPIKE BALL Enablers: Enablers:

Barriers: Barriers:

BOCCE Enablers: Enablers:

Barriers: Barriers:

CRICKET Enablers: Enablers:

Barriers: Barriers:

TAG Enablers: Enablers:

2. Which activity where you the most motivated to participate in and explain why
3. Which activity where you the least motivated to participate in and explain why

4. There were some extrinsic rewards on offer today, how did this impact on your:
a. Motivation levels

b. Participation in each activity


5. Identify how participating with friends might impact on a person’s participation and motivation levels in a
specific activity

6. Identify and discuss which factors played more of a role in your engagement and participation today
(personal or social) and evaluate how this links to your participation in weekly sporting activities in
everyday life

7. Using the information on Megatrends from last week, identify any relationships and correlations between
your data (above) and the emerging trends (megatrends) discussed in the articles

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