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1. Tell me about yourself!

2. Why do you want to work at this company?

3. What are your greatest strengths?
4. What are your greatest weaknesses?
5. What are your goals for the future?
6. Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcome
7. Why should we hire you?
8. What is your salary range expectation?
9. How do you work under pressure?
10.What can you bring to this company?

1. My name is Cindy Vendrica Lie, I’m 28 years old. I graduated from

University of Indonesia as a Bachelor of Social Sciences 4 years ago.
2. I want to have a career in this field because it suits my skills. This
company and position can provide significant room for work.
3. I’m very collaborative. I’ve always enjoyed working on teams and it is
one of my strongest attribute.
4. I’m too critical with myself and I often feel like I’m not giving my best,
although my supervisors hadn’t complained about my performance.
5. I’m finding stability with a certain job and continuously developing my
6. My precious job was a journalist. I once wrote a news about goverment
officials. But after that news being broadcasted, I got some intimidation
and harassment from various actors. At first, I felt confused about how
to handle that situation. But then I realize that you don’t have to be
afraid if you stand for the right.
7. I’m fluent in English, and I have a good communication and presentation
8. 6.000.000 to 7.000.000 (six to seven million rupiahs)
9. I shifted my mind to make it seems like and exciting opportunity instead
of an impossible challenge.
10.I’ve spent the past two years journalisting. I learnt how to analyse and
evaluate information from a variety of sources.

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