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Grupa [EY Kasa Imig nazwisko Liczba punicéw -4 biura podrézy. Na juki 1.1.-1.3. w ponizsze} notatce, Luki naleZy uzupelnié w jezyku angielskim. ‘TRIP TO PARIS + Departure time: 1.1. from Heathrow. + Take my identity card or 1.2. : + Price of my ticket: 1.3. ; + Bank account number sent by e-mail FA Uzupetnij dialogi. Wpisz w kazda luke brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymaé spéjne i logiczne teksty. Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jezyku angielskim. Uwaga! W kazda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. Tookat these high-heeled Fa. have the beetroot shoes, They are anesomel cup without potatoes? Toasn't sing looking ait fora second, your Cerne ainses) at Data 126 Ocena s (op) wed | G cersete: Grupa QQ | strona 124 EB For each situation choose the correct option. Przeczytaj informacje na temat zwyezajéw slubnych w réznych krajach (A-C) oraz zdania 3.1, Do kazdego zdania dopasuj wlasciwg informacje. Wpist rozwiqzania do tabeli. Uwagal Jedna z informagji pasuje do dwéch zdati g married is a very important day for most Polish people. They start planning the wedding ceremony right after getting engaged, and the future in-laws also take part in most of the preparations, Some Polish women don’t want to be seen by their fiancé in their wedding dress until the ceremony in church. They say it may bring bad luck. The reception is usually spectacular — with more than 100 guests invited and lots of food on the tables. At midnight, the bride throws her veil towards a group of unmarried women who are dancing together in a circle. The one who catches the veil will soon get married, The party ends in the morning, but only for a few hours, It starts again in the afternoon and is called poprawiny. India is a very unique country, with diverse customs, different religions and cultures. However re always extremely elegant and colourful. A typical Indian wedding lasts three days, but some rituals start as early as fifteen days before the day of the wedding, The parents and future spouses are tied together with a piece of thread called Mauli and they ask the gods for a blessing. Before the ceremony, there’s a procession of the groom — the groom, usually rides a white horse and all the family members greet him with loud singing and flowers. You won't see any black suits or white dresses during the wedding — everyone wears pink, red and green outfits, and the whole surrounding shines in silver and gold, It’s quite interesting in Wales that the symbol of a man’s love for his future wife is 8 spoon. A man has to make this spoon of wood and give it to his girlfriend. If she takes it, it means they are engaged. Unless a bride sees a bird singing after opening her eyes on the wedding day, she will be unlucky and the marriage will end in divorce. Meanwhile, the couple will live happily ever after if the bride’s wedding veil gets torn during the party. Another belief is also connected with the veil - the wife-to-be has a pin in it and throws this pin over her shoulder. The person who finds it will be the next to marry. In this counti 3.1. It’s important for a woman to see an animal when she wakes up on the wedding day. 3.2. The groom shouldn’ the bride in her wedding dress. 3.3. The wedding ceremony takes more than two days. 3.4. The parents of the bride and groom take part at the ceremony, (148. ee Generator cupa 1 ona 224 WB Przeczytaj tekst. Sposrdd wyrazéw podanych w ramce wybierz te, kt6re sq poprawnym uzupelnieniem luk Wpisz. odpowiednia literg (A-F) obok numeru kazdej luki Uwaga! Dwa wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasuja do Zadnej luki A. comes | B. found | C.imagine| D.eaten | E.taken | F.goes Sweet dreams Everyone loves sleeping, but there is one nation who cannot 4.1. a day without a short nap. If you visit Spain in the summer, you will quickly notice that all the shops, banks or offices are closed in the afternoon. It’s because of the siesta — a time of relaxation after eating lunch. In Spanish, the word ‘siesta’ means ‘a nap’, but it 4.2. from the Latin ‘sexta’, which is ‘sixth hour’. ‘That may help to explain the fact why a siesta is usually 4. at | pm or at noon, There are two main reasons for a need for a siesta. Firstly, it's extremely hot in Spain, especially in July and August Secondly, Spanish people eat a lot of food in the afternoon, and they are simply very sleepy. That feeling when you've 4.4. your dinner and it’s scorching hot outside = does it sound familiar to you? For me, it surely does. © Przetiumacz na jezyk angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymaé zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnosé ortografiezna wpisywanych fragmentéw zdaii, Uwagal W kazda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 5.1. Do you know (czy jest) a petrol station nearby? 5.2. We give (prezenty sobie nawzajem) on many occasions, not only at Christmas or Easter. 5.3. (Nikt mu nie pomégl) with his homework. GPrzeczytaj opis ilustraeji. Uzupetnij kaéda luke (6.1-6.3.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstal spéjny i logiczny tekst zgodny z ilustracja. Wymagana jest pena Poprawnosé ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentéw zdaa. The picture was taken on the 6.1. wwe can see lots of sand on the ground and the sea or ocean. A woman and a girl are 6.2. with their dog. They're not just going for a walk, it looks more as if they are jogging. The gitl is wearing a pink hoodie and violet trousers and the woman is wearing a 6.3. blouse and trousers, Maybe it’s the woman's daughter. It must be warm because they are both wearing summer clothes. (148. Card | GSenesater cupa 1 ona 324 |Organizujesz spotkanie ze slawnym artystq. Napisz.e-mail do kolezankiz Anglii: (.15p, * poinformuj, kto bedzie Twoim goseiem, + napisz, 0 co zamierzasz zapytaé artyste, pros kolezanke do obejrzenia spotkania online. Napisz swoja wypowiedé w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sig jako XYZ. Mozesz wykorzystaé slownictwo i zwroty zamieszezone w ramce. I'm writing to " The event will | She/He is Hello Kate, tell you. I've invited. take place. famous for. 4 % How about Give me a call sreaden |g? Vioiningthe —|ifyouare | Take care a event? interested. Rozwih swoja wypowiedé w kazdym z trzech podpunktéw, tak aby osoba nieznajaca polecenia w jeryku polskim uzyskata wszystkie wskazane w nim informacj Pamietaj, ze dlugosé wypowiedzi powinna wynosié od 50 do 120 stow. Oceniane sa: umiejetnosé petnego przekazania informacji, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnosé Jezykowa. Lord | G Senerater Grupa GY | strona 424

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