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Unit 8 8.192 8193 B94 8195, 8.196 8197 8198 bond foond! (n) = a strong feeling of friendship, Jove, shared belts and experiences that unites people / wie €g.Both parents had very special bona with thelr children. get by /get ‘bal (phr v) = to have enough money to buy the necessary things but nat more /wigzaé keiee 7 koe, jak sob rade €9.Do you think tis possible to get by on $50. week? prosperity ipra'sperti (n) = wealth, success /dobra eninktra dobrobyt 9, We can allenjy he benefits of economic prosperity. Der. prosperous (ad) perspective ipaspektwv/ (n) = the way of viewing sth or a situation / pxspektywa .2g.She saw things rom a diferent perspective after head tod her the truth plague ible (v) = to continually cause a lot of ‘rouble or suffering /gneit daa sig we maki, ty (papa) 2g Societys plagued by juveilecime. juvenile fdsurvanatl (ad) « relating to young people /modociany £¢9.The jveline detention centre aims to ehabitate young offenders. connotation /kono'efPn! (0) mening / kona £6, ts one of those words that have negative connotations. 2 (suggested) VOCABULARY EXERCISES A. Wybierz odpowiedni wyraz 1. Campaigners stood outside the college, asking students to sign A petitions © fiots B_ demonstrations 106 D celebrations 8200 8201 8.202 8.203 8.204 8205, 2. Although investigators know who the {implement /impmnent/ (v) wiprowadcie, waeozyé eg. tfstricter measures were implemented, then problems wouldn't rise. Det: implementation (n) concerted /kon'satid/ (ad)) = done in a planned way by 2 group of people / zbioramy, wspbiny 29, Weal have to make a concerted effort to incsease the soles of our products. scapegoat /skerpgaat! (n) = a person who is blamed for sth bad / oxic ofiarny 9. You cant make me a scapegoat for your own failures! by the same token (idm) = in the same way, for the same reason / tak samo na te same aside 2g, There was very litle evidence that he was quily, by the same token there was ite to say he was abide by /o'bard bat (phi v) = to obey /praestregat 9, They have o abide bythe rules, otherwise they ill be disqualified. alleviation /ajevefen/ (n) = lessening of the severity of sth / lagodzeni,zmniefszerie 2g. The committee were focused on the alleviation cofhomelessnes inthe city. Der: alleviate (v) foster /fosta!/ (¥) = to encourage or develop / rozwija,rozbudzat 29. The schools careful to foster the creativity ofits pups 0 catty out / is, they cannot track him down. A chic 8 culprit © aime consensus Unit 8 That racist comment showed how Herbert is 7 towards immigrants, A. bigoted malevolent B_ spontaneous D_ humiliated Strict rules were to cutb the increasing amount of | 8 vandalism at the school. A controlled © accumulated 8 immplemented D craiated Since 15 percent of the world is responsible for 80 percent | 9 Cf gross domestic products, there is an obvious need to wealth. A stem withdraw B evoke D_ redistribute 10 Various ...... Were organised in protest against the cuts in student grants, A walks © marches B paths D ands Wise w luki wlagciwe wyrazy 2 lity. ‘She never saves anything from her wages because she is 2 sens Shopper, A compulsive B mischievous © surveillance D_ high-ranking Asylum seekers were filed with at the thought of hhaving to return to their homeland ‘A anguish © distraction B exdusion D harassment ‘The photograph of the starving child 10 his mother dopicted the severity of the famine A preaching © farteaching B. clinging D egging ‘At the demonstration, many innocent by-standers were killed oF... By debris falling on them. A endowed instilled B_ maimed D aliminated + segregation © biannually + mobility * contemptuous * exploitative * solidarity * elucidate « steadfast + legitimate ‘discrimination The methods of multinational corporations | 6 are condemned by human rights organisations. Being an environmentalist, he is in tis | 7 beliefs about introducing an environmental tax on consumers and producers. 8 Budgets are reviewed in March and October. 8 Separating gisls and boys at school is a form of 10 Union leaders called for a general strike to show with overworked healthcare staff. Uzupetn luk jednym wyrazem. Hopes of saving the island from tourism development | 2 5 the building supplies arrived, The guest speaker the lights as the film footage was projected onto the screen Her eyes with sorrow as she watched them 90. The spokesman at the demonstration went on to exactly what the group's demands were. ‘Advertisements for job vacancies should not include a preferred age as this shows Although perfectly work at weekends is disrespectful Despite the minister's logical solution, the backbenchers were of hs proposal There is high job In Britain, as people readily relocate because of employment opportunities. making employees It is not necessary to queue up in the bank as you can funds from the ATM. ‘The UN leaders decided to . area. He was obliged to the threat of dismissal troops from the his statement or face 107 108 unit 8 3 After a brief , the shares dropped back to 165 p. 5 The tension between rival groups mounted and the ‘Thousands of people attended the in the situation was extremely park for World Environment day. \f anything was less than perfect the singer The crowd gasped at the amazing shots of the tennis ‘would fly into a rage and start sacking people. players during the tong The liquid had to be carefully transported {0 prevent it from evaporating and possibly exploding, 4 The young woman moved with and elegance. He was only given a couple of days! to ‘move out of his flat. Even though he is not a religious man he insists on saying before he eats, 1D Uzupeiij rakujacy fragment wpisujac tacanie 2 wyrazem podanym thustym drukiem od 3 do 8 stow, tak aby wyrazi to samo znaczenie. Nie zmieniaj podanego wyrazu. 1. He knew that it was against the law for someone to | 4 Imposing an import duty on the exotic fish made the snunitor his enna situation worse ingement He knew that having someone exacerbated Imposing an import duty on the exotic ‘monitor his emails was fish privacy, the situation. 2. The distribution of wealth is not evenly balanced in many | 5 The government's decision will be made after all the societies. tails are known, apportioned Wealth withhold ‘The government in many societies, Until al the details are known, 3. He falsely claimed that he had lost his passport in India. bogus He made losing his passport in India, E_ Whisz w luki wyrazy utworzone od stéw podanych wielkimilterami Despite 1) of violent clashes with the police, the EXPECT environmental group's 2) against cloning was surprisingly DEMONSTRATE peaceful. Instead of the usual mass of uncontrollable 3) ‘ RIOT there was not a banner-waving 4) Insight. The group had settled PROTEST. for a rather unique way to voice their message that human cloning was ACCEPT 5) ‘As members of various medical 6) artived at INSTITUTE the International Conference centre, they were met with more than two thousand bodies lying down, dressed in white, blocking the entrance. Key ” in the group had come up with the idea as a non-violent CAMPAIGN 8) against the recent developments concerning the practice of cloning DECLARE and the proposed 9) to allow human cloning LEGISLATE, Police had to resort to using water jets to make the group withdraw. Despite their 10) , the group disbanded when tear gas was used. A spokesman at PERSIST the conference was reported to have said that charges against the group for causing Gh De had been dropped. REST

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