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What is a Job

Employer Candidate
-to gauge the -to prove ability
candidate to the employer

20XX Contoso business plan 2

Face-to-face Interview
Screening Interview

Types of
Telephone Interview
Interviews Video Conference Interview
Panel Interview
Group Interview
Face-to-face Interview
• It is the most widely used interview type
• During the face-to-face interview, the interviewers will be
able to make a clearer judgement of your suitability for a
• In this type of interview, you need to prepare yourself
properly and bring along all the relevant documents for
the session
• The benefit of this interview; it provides you with a chance
for you to assess your competition
Screening Interview
• Mainly conducted by more established or larger
companies in cases when a large number of applicants
are involved
• Candidates with the more suitable experience,
qualification and personalities are selected
• They will then be required to attend a subsequent
interview to determine their suitability before being hired
• Usually coordinated by the personnel or human resources
department while subsequent interviews are done by the
relevant department
Telephone Interview
• Telephone interviews are a good way to judge an
applicant’s communication skills
• Usually conducted for a candidate from another state or
country before the future employer meets the candidate in
person for the purpose of screening the candidate
• It avoids waste of time and money for both the
interviewee and interviewer
• Should you be called at an inconvenient time, politely
request for another session or offer to call back at a
mutually agreed time
Video Conference Interview
• The benefit of video conferencing apart from
saving money/travelling time, is that the
interviewer can see the interviewee and vice versa
• Internet connection is crucial for a disturbance-
free video conference interview, make sure you are
connected to a stable Internet connection before
starting the interview
• Use an earphone to block out sounds & make sure
your room is neat (or use virtual background)
Panel Interview
• In a panel interview, you will usually have two or more
• With more interviewers, it reduces biasness and increases
the chance of getting the most suitable candidate
• The panel of interviewers are usually made up of
representatives from different departments and they will
usually take turns in asking questions
• Each interviewer may focus on different aspects of your
personality, qualification or expertise
Group Interview
• The purpose can be to save time or to pit you against the
other applicants
• Group interviews usually involve several candidates
applying for the same position
• It can also be done when there are a few vacancies for the
same position
• It offers a chance for the interviewers to see how you can
interact with and fit into a group, and if you have the
necessary leadership quality required for the job
Job Interview
Do your research
Practice interviewing
Prepare your
Prepare your attire

20XX Contoso business plan 10

1. Do your research
• Find out about the company/organisation – their core
business, vision and mission, their values,
departments etc (look at their social media posts too)
• Read the job description carefully so that you know
what skills are required. If there is none, research the
• The information will help you answer questions about
the company and the job
2. Practise Interviewing
• This is to familiarize yourself with the process and the
questions you might be asked during the interview
• Search for and make a list of anticipated questions for
the position you applied for online
• Craft out suitable answers
• By anticipating interview questions, you will be able to
give more organised and relevant answers
Type of interview questions
1. Screening questions
• This type of questions requires you to tell the
interviewers about yourself (your background,
qualifications, skills, why do you want to work in the
• The question could be a straightforward “Tell me
about yourself” or other forms such as “What is
your greatest strength?” or “Do you have a
“Tell me about yourself”
I am Farhan Iman Ali. I am 26 years My name is Ng See Han Rodney. I have just
old and have a degree in turned 24. I hold a degree in Electrical
Engineering from UTM. I can speak fluently
Mechanical Engineering from the in Malay, English, and Mandarin. Besides
University of Kitakyushu, Japan. I am engineering, I enjoy participating in many
trilingual and proficient in Malay, outdoor sports, such as tennis and soccer.
English, and Japanese. I am These sports help to cultivate a strong
energetic and an excellent team team spirit and encourage cooperation
among team members. Thus, I consider
player. These qualities are evident myself to be an excellent team player and
in my interest in many outdoor also an adventurous and energetic
sports. I wish to make a significant individual. I aspire to revolutionize
contribution toward the Malaysian motor sport and to make a
engineering field, especially in the significant contribution to the engineering
national car industry. field.

HAMID, S. A. (2022). Mastering English for Employment. Cengage

20XX 14
Learning Asia.
“Tell me about yourself”: why Text B is better
I am Farhan Iman Ali. I am 26 years My name is Ng See Han Rodney. I have just
old and have a degree in turned 24. I hold a degree in Electrical
Engineering from UTM. I can speak fluently
Mechanical Engineering from the in Malay, English, and Mandarin. Besides
University of Kitakyushu, Japan. I am engineering, I enjoy participating in many
trilingual and proficient in Malay, outdoor sports, such as tennis and soccer.
English, and Japanese. I am These sports help to cultivate a strong
energetic and an excellent team team spirit and encourage cooperation
among team members. Thus, I consider
player. These qualities are evident myself to be an excellent team player and
in my interest in many outdoor also an adventurous and energetic
sports. I wish to make a significant individual. I aspire to revolutionize
contribution toward the Malaysian motor sport and to make a
engineering field, especially in the significant contribution to the engineering
national car industry. field.

HAMID, S. A. (2022). Mastering English for Employment. Cengage

20XX 15
Learning Asia.
Types of interview questions

2. Direct Questions
• Direct questions require you to provide answers to
questions that are straightforward.
For example: “If you are hired, what can you offer to the
• This question requires direct answers and you should go
straight to the point and explain what you can do for the
Types of interview questions

3. Indirect Questions
• Indirect questions are questions that interviewers ask to get more
information about you.
For example: “Tell us how you spend your time wisely?”
• When interviewers ask you this question, they are usually not
interested to know your hobbies or your favourite weekend
• They ask you this in order to see what kind of person you are, and
how well you are suited for the position.
Types of interview questions
4. Problem-based/Situational Questions
• Problem-based questions are usually hypothetical questions posed
to gauge how good you are at solving problems.
• For such questions, you will usually be given a situation or problem
that requires you to solve.
• The main aim of the interviewer is to know how you would deal with
a particular issue.
For example: “If a customer complains that you are being rude to her,
and that she would not want to go to your shop anymore, what would
you say or do to change her mind?”
Types of interview questions
5. Behavioural Questions
• Interviewers who are interested in finding out or predict how you might behave or
act in future may use such questions in the interview.
For example: “Tell us about a problem that you faced in your previous company,
and how you have solved the problem?”
• Based on your answers, your interviewers will try to gauge your personality,
sensibility, adaptability while judging your ability to navigate difficult questions
and situations
• Focus on details that would interest the interviewers, such as your special skills,
relevant experience, greatest achievement or your ability to troubleshoot
What if you are asked a question you could not answer?

• The best bet would be to admit that you do not know, BUT
do not leave it at that.
• Explain that you would be willing to learn more about the
matter by doing additional research or by seeking advice
from others.
• This will show that you are honest and you are willing to
Common interview questions
1. Tell us about yourself.
2. What do you know about our company?
3. Why did you apply for this job?
4. Why should we hire you?
5. What are some of your qualities that are suitable for this job?
6. How did you become interested in this field of work?
7. What does success mean to you?
8. How do you handle stress and pressure?
Common interview questions
9. What do you have to offer this company?
10. What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?
11. What do you see yourself doing in five years?
12. Why do you consider yourself a good candidate for this job?
13. How has university education prepared you for this job?
14. How are your previous job experiences related to this position?
15. Why have you left your previous job?
“Do you have any questions?”
• What are some of the challenges and opportunities in the
• Where does the company see itself in 5 years time?
• What is expected of the position I am applying for in the
first year?
• What opportunities are there for learning and career
• What is the culture of the company/team?

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3. Prepare your documents
• Copies of your résume and cover letters
• Relevant certificates (especially educational
• Copies of identification/birth certificates
• Copies of porfolios/job samples (if relevant)
• Put them in a folder

4. Prepare your attire
• No matter what job you're interviewing for, the first
impression is very important
• For an interview for a professional position, dress
accordingly in business attire
• For a job in a more casual environment, such as a
store or restaurant, it's still important to be neat, tidy,
and well-groomed, and to present a positive image
to the employer.

Make sure your hair does
not cover your face or
eyes. It should be
styled neatly. Extreme
hair styles and lengths
should be avoided.
Also, do not use too
much hair products.
Cosmetics: Keep make up simple. Aim
for a natural look. Do not attend
interviews barefaced. Nails should be
trimmed, well groomed and if
painted, in subtle colour.

Smell: Use perfume sparingly. Wear

freshly laundered clothing and do not
attempt to use perfume to cover
smell of food or smoke. Keep in mind
that some people are sensitive or
allergic to strong smells.

Clothes: conventional or traditional dark-coloured suit with

plain and preferably light coloured long-sleeved shirt. If it
gets too warm, you can always take off your coat and still
look formal during the interview.
Pants: Your pants should be the right length so that your
skin will not show when you sit down.
Shoes and Socks: Shoes should be well-polished and
formal. Stick to plain designs in leather.
Go for a good quality silk tie in plain or subtle patterns that matches
and not clash with your suit or shirt colours. Match your belt to your
Go for darker-coloured leather for more polished look.
If you choose to wear jewellery, wear bare minimum. A basic watch is
usually more than enough for a man.
Hide any piercings or tattoos.
It may not be highly visible but it is advisable for your to wear dark
mid-calf socks.
neat and nicely cut
Shave before going for your
interview. For those with
facial hair, make sure they
are well-groomed and do
not hide your facial
You may have to shake hands
with more than one person,
make sure your nails are
trimmed short and clean.
Do not wear too much
aftershave, deodorant or
1. Be punctual (come at least 30 minutes earlier)
2. Greet or at least smile to everyone you meet in the
interview place
3. Know the names (and titles) of your interviewers if
4. Listen carefully to the interviewer
5. Answer truthfully

6. It is ok to be nervous but try to control it
7. Do not talk bad about your former employer,
educational institution or anyone at all
8. Prepare some questions of your own in case you
are asked
9. Never ask about salary and bonus prematurely
10. Always end the interview on a positive note

Mind your body language
• Good posture (while you walk in, stand or sit)
• Eye contact with everyone when responding to question
• Listen attentively; tilt your head slightly
• Avoid fidgeting (clasp your hand loosely on the table)
• Avoid looking at your phone (silent mode, please)
• Smile (show a friendly face)
• If you have to shake hand, make sure your grip is solid and firm
• Speak up (but don’t shout)

Last Words
• Job Interview needs preparation mentally, physically, emotionally
and intellectually
• Be confident by knowing the content of your résume by heart, by
practising to answer anticipated interview questions beforehand
and by “faking it until you make it”
• If you realise during the interview that you actually do not want the
job, then you get it, do politely decline the job offer
• Mind your manners at all time


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