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Mathematics – Test

Charis National Academy

Semester 1 / 2021-2022
The Measurement - Length
Name : ________________ Date : ____________
Class : ______ Parent’s signature: ____________

A. How many eggs tall are they?

Color the shortest animal.

B. Compare 5 pencils.

a b c d e
1. Pencil ____ is the tallest.

2. Pencil ____ is the shortest.

3. Pencil c is as tall as pencil ____

4. Pencil b is shorter than pencil ____

5. Draw pencil that taller than pencil a (Draw in the box e)

C. Compare these object.




1. __________ is the shortest.

2. Pencil is _____________ than eraser.

3. ___________ is the longest.

4. Eraser is ______________ than pencil.

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