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Christianity Infographic

Morality and Beliefs

Catholicism shows the importance of living a
moral and ethical life, with deep faith in God

1. The Holy Trinity: Catholics believe in one God who exists

in three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and
the Holy Spirit.
2. Prayer and sacraments importance: They believe in the
power of prayer and daily participate in sacraments,
such as the Eucharist (Holy Communion), Confession,
and Confirmation.
3. Role of the Church: They believe that the Church is the
place of the body of Christ on earth and that is
responsible to teach its members the matters of faith and

Orthodox Christianity shares many of the same beliefs and
as Catholicism, which is why I have choosen different
beliefs and morals.
1. Importance of living a moral and ethical life: Orthodox
Christians believe in the importance of living a moral and
ethical life, guided by the teachings of the Church and deep
faith in God.
2. The existence of sin: Orthodox Christians believe in original
sin, which means the state of sinfulness that all humans
inherit from Adam and Eve, as well as personal sin, which is
the result of a person's own choices and actions.
3. Need for forgiveness: Orthodox Christians believe in the
importance of achieivng forgiveness for sins, both through
personal prayer and the sacrament of Confession.

Protestantism takes strong importance on the Bible as the
main source of moral guidance.
1. The salvation of faith alone: They believe that salvation is
a free gift of God that comes through the faith of Jesus
Christ alone, nothing else.
2. Priest of all believers: They believe that all believers have
direct access to God through Jesus Christ, and they are
summoned to become priests who approach God on their
own or by others.
3. Importance of an Individual Conscience: They believe that
people are responsible for their own moral choices and
beliefs and that they should be guided by their own
conscience and the bible.

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