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our great chairwoman today thank you so

much and start please

well we start our International winner

right now


good afternoon everyone firstly it is my

pleasure to welcome you all to our

International Symposium

Bali the Journey of heart today Friday

June 2nd 2023

thank you so much for being here

I would like to say the utmost gratitude

toward God for letting us together into

this event with good and stable state of


I am akamahadevi lecturer from Valley

tourism Polytechnic as the chairman of

this International Symposium and this

Symposium was made possible thanks to

the initiative of Dr Reza sultani from

prison webinar in collaboration with


it is sat on honor to welcome you here

in these events

our event today divided into three


first we are coming and opening by head

of Valley tourism Authority

and second agenda as a main session of

the International Symposium read by Dr

Bridget flowers from Australia and also

presentation from speakers with with

question and answer and for the last

session the third question closing with

a conclusion

now we go to our first agenda

welcoming speech from head of Valley

tourism Authority

before his speech I would like to

introduce him

acho as a head of Bali tourism Authority

his work

he worked for government in tourism in


especially his start already almost 28


in tourism industry he graduate from

University of udayana

in diploma 4 tourism of Tourism and this

Magister in tourism in management

well uh I think

drive his experience in tourism sector

and in also in government for many years

and now time is yours Patcher

to present and we're coming

people soon

thank you

thank you


but we are coming and opening the



The Honorable the Secretary General

unwto Mr Carla private

The Honorable chairman Pacific Asian

travel Association Mr Peter


we can hear you



The Honorable chairman Pacific Asia

travel Association Mr Peter Simon

The Honorable president World tourism


with the children's dentists

Dr Bridget Richard as a moderator


this thing is Speaker participant ladies

and gentlemen om swasty as to

May the Almighty God bless us all

on this special chance I would like to

thank the organizing committee for

organizing this International Symposium

I'm sure it will support our world's

good tourists or develop sustainable and

quality tourism in Bali

Destinies participant ladies and

meanwhile recently many negative news

being final in the social media about

foreign visitor has quality low or

against culture local Norms such as

riding motorbikes without proper safety

tools work in Bali without wrote in Visa

their tourist Visa or sticker with doing

business without any legal document

foreign tourists with Bali ID and many

negative Acts that will influence value

destination reputation to be back on


and we all understand there is some is a

reputation depending on industry on

demand side when travel does not have

revised experience or never visited

the destination before

the surely is something risk to decide

their travel choices

a good perception of the destination

repetition have to minimize

the unsatisfactory of triple experiences

of the supply side a good reputation

will give a positive benefit to the

destination set us get visitor

investment and still human resources

when tourists have a great holiday they

will price the destination telling

friends and family about the main

foolish time they have had any work on

Amazing place to visit

likewise when they don't have such a

good experience they run the destination


sharing with saying bad things and

criticism criticizing the destination as

a result their poor experience

business participant ladies and

gentlemen to cope with this those

negative personal

rise as harming value destination


Bali government of Bali province has

immediately formed a special task force

will include police and immigration

officer event custom field Institution

this us this task force member will

later supervise

handle foreign tourism and take action

again for a visitor who is the public

order or violent immunity alone

the government and law enforcement

officer need to strengthen it he fought

to take from action

so far the immigration office in Bali

has done from action again tourists who

filed immigration rules

many tourists have been deported to

their countries as a proof of

government's commitment

because the problem of foreign stories

in Bali that have not been resolved can

affect the interest of tourists from

other countries

who really want to visit Indonesia

I'm sure all relative institutions in

Bali have strong commitment to protect

Bali as our beautiful

safe and friendly yet respect below


businesses participant ladies and


this is my brief speech I wish truthful

myself to fall today seminar

hopefully it will support Bali

destination reputation to be sustainable

with good knowledge behavior and quality



sorry ladies and gentlemen

I am so sorry as cannot join the seminar

until Phoenix

because I have to attend their ability

there cannot be retreated represented by


okay well they have some stuff of mine

are still standing by in this minute

thank you
thank you Pacho

for your kind welcoming address to our

speakers and participants and also give

us the valley tourism update from the

government's perspective

thank you very much again and as uh

Pacha mentioned his staff will still

have enough time to stay with us and we

are really appreciated

now we go to the next agenda

the second agenda

main session of the International

Symposium by speakers with their

presentation question and answer

Sensation will lead by Dr Bridget Trower

I would like to share her profile

Dr birjit Trower holds a PhD in tourism

management from the University of

Queensland Australia

conceptualizing special interest tourism

harass journey is replete with extensive

experiences in the field of pleasure

travel and tourism both in industry and

Academia and not to forget the adventure

that is like

has worked in higher education in some

other countries another England Germany

New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates

now here we come Dr birjit Trower as a

moderator from Australia time is yours

Dr Bridget

thank you Dr ekka and welcome to

everyone quite excited to be here today

with such an amazing panel of speakers

and everybody else who has tuned in

um just as a quick summary it was lovely

to hear the brief introduction uh just

then which highlighted to me that German

tourism is all about experiences yes but

it is also all about relationships

relationships with people place and

planet Earth and I think that's what the

whole webinar today will all be about

um and I think you know just to go ahead

this theme for the today's was just set


um I would like to specifically welcome

all the speakers here today uh who I

will address very shortly

um very briefly might I add though

because there's so many of us here today

or you I will not be a speaker and as

always welcome also goes to the

thousands watching on our website and

also other social media media platforms

including YouTube Facebook and Instagram

and yes also thank you Reza Dr Riza

sultani for once organizing this webinar

cannot forget that and once again

welcome and thank you for uh Dr Taylor

if I had a big present here again today

for honoring us with your presence

now um I might start off briefly to make

one point and that is that I'm actually

delighted to have been asked to moderate

here today and to step in and take

actually Professor Stephen Oak's Place

who was originally planned to be the

moderator for this webinar today

unfortunately he is not available today

and he sent his apologies

uh I might add also and while I am an

Australian just like Steve and also

Professor Knoll Scott who will be

talking later on I know lovely to see

you here later you might hear I do not

speak with an Australian accent uh I am

originally from Germany and I have never

managed the reading Master the Aussie

accent so bear with me with the way I

speak and that means also pronouncing

all the Indonesian names I apologize in


um now Professor Stoke um Steve noakes

sent us a very wonderful video and also

a message

um the video however we cannot play and

I like to ask everyone to go to tourism

webinar website and look at it in your

own letter time now I would like to

however briefly read out something that

Steve sent to us to just give you an

idea of his relevance here as well now

um Professor Steve Knox is a team leader

of the project management support unit

within the large-scale Indonesia tourism

development project

and he's also the chair of equinoxes

Indonesia he's a long-standing

equatorialism Pioneer with The Lodges

adjacent to protective areas in Sumatra

kalimantran and Flores

the company used to have a lodges in

Bali as well as it is usually the

Gateway a departure place for customers

of equal Lotus Indonesia all lodges have

strong commitment to empowering local

communities to contribute to and benefit

from biodiversity conservation at local

level now Stephen makes a point that a

short video he sent in is one approach

to sustainable tourism in Indonesia

which is a very major underpinning topic

of today's webinars

um so another point that I'd like to

raise in another message we received and

this one is actually from Professor

Wolfgang Alf
um he will also be joining the next

webinar now

um Professor art uh sent out this

message for Bali

the development of China's outbound

tourism to Bali is a good example for

the danger involved in concentrating on

arrival numbers as a main kpi and

tourism for a sustainable development of

tourism in the future the interests of

all stakeholders visitors local

communities employees service providing

companies governments and the

environment our car future Generations

must be taken into account

without benefits and satisfaction for

all tourism does not work

recall that many fought tourism a tool

for destinations and companies we have

developed during the years of the


and I could not agree more with his

words here and and I think we'd like to

bear that in mind as we listen to the

stickers coming up

before I do introduce all the speakers I

do have to go through a couple of

so-called housekeeping points

to start off with um given the challenge

of cyberspace and you know the speakers

located around the world we might of

course be confronting some um technical

challenge along the way however given

the overall time frame of only 90

minutes available for the presentations

today each speaker has only about five

minutes for sharing the insights and


the overall time available that's for

webinars is generally 120 minutes and we

hope to have left some time after all

the speakers for Q a so please hold on

to your thoughts until then and make a

note of them accordingly you can

actually make comments along the way on

the zoom chat area so so don't forget

them to conclude it's actually Dr Ecker

who will conclude today's webinar Before

We Say Goodbye okay

um also I would like to point out that

anyone can access the webinar this one

and all other previous ones including

any PowerPoint presentations and any

other information on Jordan

the day after tomorrow actually and also

the profiles of the speakers which will

all remind actually on the website

forever so you can always revisit uh
um I would also

um introduce the speakers

as we progress through the program very

shortly and I'd like to highlight

because of the immense background and

complex background that each one brings

into today's webinar I will only

introduce by name and title and again

the Highlight for everyone to visit

through the webinar to explore the

profiles in more detail for you so thank

you for that

um now at one point I think it's very

important to highlight given the topic

of sustainability and tourism and the

words just that we heard before uh we

are running very shortly on the 8th of

June another webinar entitled bad

tourist Behavior

we believe this to be of relevance and

not only actually to Bali but to places

called at several destinations in the

world of travel and tourism rather than

homes of people that live there so uh

don't forget anybody here today if you

want to pass that on that is happening

on the 8th of June

um now with all of that in mind Rizza

and I and I will try our best to

coordinate everything today and

hopefully everything will go smoothly

right so let me introduce the speakers

for today

um who again as I said I pronounce the

names correctly starting with the

Indonesian ones the first speaker will

be Dr Augustine

who's the president of Navasota


is also called

I've been told by Dr eka thank you very


um the second speaker when Mr would be

Mr putu avinastra head of asita Bali and

again we've been told

speaker will be Dr nimale

Who is obviously the chairwoman today

both speaker from the uh Indonesian

continent is Miss ratna


chapter again I'm in told to address her

with evil right now thank you very much


and I look forward to all the

presentations there the following

speakers after that will be a Dr

talibrify and most of us do know him as

a former Secretary General of the United

Nations and again I don't need to

introduce them very much there if you

want to please go to the his profile the

following speaker there um will be uh Mr

Peter Simona president of Tata and we

might find that we cannot connect with

him and I believe Raza we have a video

there for him that we can play

um speaker after that has already

alluded to earlier will be Professor

null Scott he's Professor for tourism

management sustainability Research

Center in Australia and again he has a

broad and expense background like many

of us here so looking forward to your

presentators you know

and how can we not forget already spoken

to Jurgen Steinmetz who is the president

of world tourism Network and holds other

positions in the domain of travel and

tourism extensive background again

please do look on to his what web

profile onto the network and last

speaker will be Professor Jeffrey Lipman

who we have included short notice and

I'm delighted actually to welcome you Dr

Professor Lipman uh particularly given

the latest research that you will be

presenting on that was done on Bali with

a proposed framework of green tourism uh

very much looking forward to that uh at

the end of all of that will be the Q a

session and then the closing by Dr Echo

any questions that you will have please

hold on to the end of the session

so may I ask for the first speaker to

take the floor please


sorry can I can you hear me at all



okay thank you very much yeah thank you

yeah I was waiting for you thank you

so when I start now

yes please okay I do sales cleaner

so my time is five minutes

if we can leave it as that oh 10 minutes

okay uh the title of my presentation is

regulation and stakeholder participation

this is uh Bali

orientation of sustainable tourism

we are concerned about mrsio cultural

continuity economic continuity and

ecological sustainability

so this is the focus of Tourism of

Indonesia from nature to Russian culture

sixty percent


there'll be something cement sector of

Bali development and then we are

supporting a lot for income of Tourism

so 50 is coming from Bali to Indonesia

total is about 20 million dollars US

dollars per year

so it means that balis become the


spot for economic from tourism for

Republic of Indonesia

Hindu religion

according to the local regulation number


this is the various cultural object

tourism in Bali according to research


2004 is electronical

architecture Arts cultural concept

principle music romantic film language

literature religious traditional


uh and this is the situation now the

update at the moment 92 countries

already have visa on the rifle


36 Airline have direct flight from where

to uh situation before profit is about

40 more than 40 rounds


is very happy because this figure is

higher than National efforts

the number of foreign tourist arrival

from January to April was 1.4 million


so to achieve sustainability quality and

dignified dignified valid tourism

issue a circular letter I think just now

we've heard already from the head of

military Authority

because some problem also with

visitors to visit Bali they

some of them is

yeah action is not respecting our

culture Etc

the constants of school relations

I will quickly foreign


and religious symbol that must be

purified so this is do endurance


so they have to do this one and then

also between some

earnestly respect the custom position or


ceremonies we are polite reasonable and

proprietary clothing

we have politely and sacred area

accompanied by tour guide when seeing


tourist attraction

perform foreign foreign currency in the

authorized money changer make payment

with Indonesian standard PR code conduct

transaction in Ruby currency

Drive in compliance with lose and


including helping International driving

license orderly traffic on the road

dress modestly we are a helmet follow

the traffic sign to load messenger

Beyond capacity

and I don't know under the influence of

alcoholic illegal drugs using

official four wheel usable

transformation or two wheel

transformation under the auspicious

business anxiety or two wheelers versus

rental Association

stay at the place of accommodation that


the appropriation of lotion regulation

comply with all special proficient ruled

in apply and histories attraction and


now this is the dunes

entering part of the mind holy places

such as Temple except for the purpose of


by wearing traditional Balinese clothing

or prayer groups and not in a state of

so it's not allowed to claim the Sheikh

a sacred tree

we have fear that they secrete holy

places sacred places Temple

secondologists refugee and religious

symbols such as climate secretary

building and the photos with a more

disclose without clothes

littering and polluting legs spring

reverses and public places using

single-use plastic

such as styrofoam YouTube horse Woods we

have in politely make noise and take

aggressively towards state official

government local communities

direct or indirectly through social


such as spreading hate speech and fake

information of Hope

and Carry Out business activities

without having official document issued

by the conference Authority engaging in

illegal activities such as

selling home or exporting Florida


artifacts sacred object buying and

selling illegal Goods including illegal


well I also would like to share the

direction of policies and regulation of

the provincial government Edition

maintaining the Sun City and Harmony of

Mali nature and its content to create

prosperous and the people in his life

based on local wisdom will accept tea


and glorification of water sources

unification and glorification of plan

purification verification of mankind

education of the universe

six sources of well-beings and happiness

in life

this is talking about

subak is traditional


uh water system organization so this is

to be some ecological potential

so why this is important this concern

because every year

there is a

become less and less the rice field

can be

action or can be managed by

farmer because

chains become the accommodation please

sell by the owner of the land so this is

very important for sustainable position


because subah is based on philosophy the

commitment from all stakeholders

especially to reduce the function of

agricultural into tourism accommodation

several districts in Bali have with

Texas already field

this is the stakeholders inputs to

government so master plan blueprint for

volatility must be reviewed every

five years to adopt the current

situation in some areas this route must

be made

so that there are no traffic jam

and many passages admit to break down

traffic jam during High season Epic


for occurring capacity accommodation to

find the amount of accommodation from

time to time to Affordable Supply

provide cheap computable fast public

transportation that connects cities in

Bali can

so you can go around Bali in short time

this is the government what government

support from

from central government number one

the tourism Marine Corps

so many crews now coming through this


to shorten the distance from the pasta

to singaraja




the new Harbor of

sanura international hospital in sanur

in this Cultural Center in bloom Vermont

Recreation Center at West Valley

and International

at saraman Island University

okay this is the

in the flings in developing sustainable

position so all stakeholders must be

to make sure the sustainability

so increase in social economic welfare

social cultural ambushes experimental


so this is the stakeholders eating with

the governor

facility meeting

of stakeholders

the government actually also doing uh

writing regulation in writing so call it

in local English

there are

some like the single-use plastic

disposal restriction the use of

traditional Balinese custom

clothing and well including standard or

but early tourism governance

and the marketing utilization of

Agriculture fishery and local Industrial

Products organic farming system

contribution of tourists to the

protection of natural environment and

culture or Bali Source base Waste

Management protection public spring

arrivals and since

so this all uh


if you want a complete one you can

contact me later because I'm also the

tourism expert for the governor of Mali

why Bali has become the most popular

investment destination and viable it is

always happy

and friendly to uh to tourists number

one it has become a conceptable very

friendly and always respect I guess well

in these people believe in the law of

karma if you do you do if you do good

you will have good luck

violinists also believed in religion

religious teachings and some holy book


IST also believe in practice the

philosophy of Sarita

karana's relationship with God human and


the majority of Balinese are not

ambitious in pursuing worldly pressures

Pleasures because the

they were listed all human will

eventually die and it's very important

to do good things while still alive

people also believe in and Carry Out

religious teachings namely

thinking good saying good and doing good

and understand

the conclusion to ensure the

sustainability of electricity higher

quality and dignified tradition


the operation and formation and also

need the

government and all stakeholder to be

helped each other and giving an input

each other and helping each other

every year into tourist accommodation

and tourism area

we believe that value tourism will be

sustainable because Kali has strong

principle that are obvious on the

philosophy of the laws of

religious teachings with the many

violating violations by Foreign tourists

in Bali lately both regarding custom

culture traffic and existing laws the

government issued the circular

for foreign

we hope that

after this circular letter

enacted it can suppress suppression

thank you very much maybe in 30 seconds

or so thank you so much okay thank you

thank you very much thank you very much

yes thank you very much


I was going to ask you in a minute just

a little comment thank you very much

Riza we do have to watch our times a

little bit if I may just remind

everybody of it and thank you for that

um very comprehensive presentation it's

obviously uh touched on all the various

concepts of sustainability and um but

karma in peace actually and that

reminded me of the Notions of you know

carrying capacity and limits of

acceptable change and with that actually

I always say is it not about caring

capacity that we are also looking at

perhaps just a thought of mine there

um all right thank you once again very

much for that the second speaker if I

may now asked for Baba kaputu to take

the floor okay thank you very much

Bridget for for the time

and uh let me

show you our presentations

well uh ladies and gentlemen it is a

honor for me to be a part of the speaker

in this International Symposium

so our presentation today is with the

title Valley the Journey of her next


so uh

next well I would like to give you the

view of the Bali Buddhism from time to


start from the 20

it is the first arrival of the real

police from Bali and after that uh on

the 60 low point of the tourism and

first five-star hotel in Bali which is

located in sanur and the next pass of

Valley tourism development was when the

Asian African conference took place in

1960 where the President sukarno also

invited world leaders to come to Bali

and then in 70s young epis were in Bali

as a tourist and


this become also very popular for those

who coming to Bali and stay in Kuta in

the 1980 and 1990 a golden age of the

Bali tourism and on that era is

everybody want to work in the tourism

industry rather than they work in the

government offices

and in 2000s we have a problem with the

bomb uh blast there therefore the uh

Valley was shocked and after that in

2010 will be the value recovery again in

2020 we also have a problem with the

coffee strike but let's uh talk about

asita what is asita asita is the

associations of Indonesian of tour and

travel associations of Indonesia Bali is

one of the chapter

among the 34

chapter in Indonesia with the member

until now is 420 or 40 members but after

profit we still have only 250 members it

means half of our members are still

close because of the coffee

are in Bali a majority of our members

they are doing inbox

and we are focusing into 11

Market divisions such as European Asian



and uh you see in 2022 uh Bali was

appointed as the best island in the

world by the Leisure from the United

States because uh Bali and cultural and

tradition religion in fact almost every

aspect of life on the island and draw

people to to Bali and to Sea and also

the most important point is to

experience the Bali culture and you see

by our numbers the visit

until 2023 are now is uh one million

four hundred thousand something it means

that our Valley is not recovery yet

comparing to the situation difficult



what is happening now in Bali certainly

due to digitalization

uh Bali are known by everyone all over

the world and the problem with the

digitalizations we also are facing a lot

beside that we also have a problem with

the price War environment pollution as

what Mr guste mentions and lately we

have a bad tourist Behavior therefore

the government

creating the new regulation in order to

implement law enforcement so I think uh

with those uh

case that we have

lately in Bali we have to discuss more

wise in order Bali is become a recovery

and then to be the best destination in

the world thank you

thank you

for your wonderful insights into the

history in the present day

um aspects of Bali tourism it just again

highlights you know historically Bali

has always been attractive to tourists

opening the hearts and the doors to

everyone who likes to visit and that's

lovely and it shall remain that

hopefully may I ask the next speaker

then uh and if I make on and Dr Ecker

please if you would like to go ahead and

share your lovely presentation

thank you Dr Bridget for the time uh

third time five minutes only because Dr

because they already takes

well now uh

we talk about Bali as the Journey of

heart heart means love joy peace and

also Enlightenment so I see we can see

from perspective uh theoretical and

applied science


destination of peace and how to create

value as a peace destination and then I

use some theoretical and applied science

to describe Valley as how to be uh how

to design body as a peace destination

we have a some references related to

journey of heart from tourism and Laser

studies they're talking about the


and then other

references talking about Activity part

also from hotel also from the tourist

destination and then some research from

talking about from head to hurt tourism

research journal and then this is the

sort of video I would like to say

happiness is peace it's not pleasure

right and everybody thinks happiness is

trying to get as much pleasure as you

can give there is nothing more agitating

to your mind than extreme pleasure

right it's like peace


uh our our question what is people's

final go to traveling uh as the tick


mentioned a tourist visit destination

with a purpose to find happiness

happiness is this so now we're talking

about Bali as a journey of heart how to

create the Bali as a business


it's not


this is the data uh why do people travel

to Bali uh some data so that the people

come to Berlin because of the culture

environment food culinary and creative


and then I will go to another slide this

is the model uh how to create value uh

in the future from uh perspective of

quality tourism and quantity tourism and

also From perspective of planning and

marketing and also for the uh applied of

the theoretical and applied science how

to create value in the future

to be a wellness tourism destination

experiential tourism destination green

and sustainable destination

destination and also as a peace

destination with the quantum tourism

approach or perspective

and also about the six pillar of Valley

government program so I I will mention

about this uh uh topic again

well uh as we know uh of the global

happiness index the data sound about the

world world top 20 happy countries but

how about the island Bali uh have award

as a happiest destination in the world

so if we talk about the islands Valley

one of the happiest destination in the

uh we use the perspective of the

theoretical and

others references and now we use a heart

operation skill where is the position of

Peace as we know from this scale uh

peace have a 600 hairs of the frequency

it's mean that uh peace above then uh

love above then sorry about enjoy so

this is our concern on how to create a

body as a destination and then also


uh here uh we try to implement Hertz

vibration scale to our condition in Bali

and why we

develop our destination to be a peace

destination and this is the level of its

destination the destination purpose is

higher than love and joy it is mean that

the peaceful destination can be created

and realize a peripheral of love and joy

this is the position of the piece on the

heart's vibration scale

then this is the uh theoretical approach

from the Einstein's theory

so I think we have talked more about

this in another time yet making

impossible to literally making

impossible to possible and then this is

the end stain uh note that God does not

play this with the universe it's mean

that from the story from the theory and

still mentioned that uh usually Instinct

use of physics as a certainty science

but when we talk about Quantum tourism

we talk about uncertainty sound the

invisible Quantum basic

uh this is the model of the tourism

system I think it's the old system uh

with the development as a leapers said

in 1979

and we try to I try to develop a new uh

Quantum tourism system from Bali study


here I use the

a tourism system of liver and I

Implement some theories and uh

applied research approach and figure out

to Quantum tourism system

this is the model of leaper a tourist

interrupting countries to tourism

destination or receiving countries and

then uh the tourists uh

have their self-awareness to go to a

destination and then when they come to

the destination they will they will feel

that Bali has a magical of a valley or

or we call it as a taxed Marine and then

from this side uh the tourists or people

who come to Bali we uh we


we try or we make sure that the the

people who come to Bali feel love joy

peace and Enlightenment from a

perspective insane liberal character

also my research

and also this is the Einstein quote a

spooky action as it is at a distance

this is the popular Einstein quote from

physical Quantum I think so that is the

last our presentation about the quantum

tourism and this this is the model I

found out from the case of Bali as a

business destination with the approach

of the heart's Theory liquor Theory and

also uh


I think that's all and then for the last

for our discussion


uh Juliet


you can start from heart our love and

joy and then for the second quantum

tourism uh it could be as a media to

develop this destination to

Enlightenment I think that's all Dr

Bridget's time is yours thank you

thank you so much Dr Ecker for this

presentation and peace is very close to

my heart if I may say um dodging by

possibly also my book that I published

The Way of the peaceful trailer there to

care and connect

um I couldn't agree more

um why do people travel to bar is

seeking uh inner peace and outer peace

and you mentioned the word love

so many people say I love to travel and

yes I love Bali but are we loving Bali

to death

the big question that we obviously

addressing today thank you so much for

that lovely presentation

mayor asked in the next speaker please


uh the beautiful insights of yours thank

you so much

share my screen

oh second all right this is everybody


talking about the tourism and what is

coming up next but I would like just to

share about the um

um yeah the regenerate tourism we all

agree that people has traveled across

the uh the globe and uh some of them is

not really

um only taking care of the good things

but also leave the bad things right so

we don't want that to happen

um so the uh yeah went to talking about

the preserving and I have environment

some of us will remember sustainable

travel or Eco travel but actually these

two concepts are not enough to answer

the anxiety

the reason is because two terms of the

goal of preserving the environment but

do not include ways of solution and

repair what has been damaged because of

that we need New Concept that can be

only provide the alternative in

minimizing environmentally damage but

also how to fix it

um the tourism concept of the most

appropriate concept abuse in the time is

because the regenerative travel is a

tourism concept

that aims not only to protect the

natural resources but also to

participate in the renewing nature so

that it can be regenerated damaged


uh when damage of the resources occur we

must be responsible for it although the

government take part to fix the damage

but still we are the tourism

practitioners also take the charge I

just would like to share the example

what happened L of fire in the mountains

this happened a long time ago just

because the body is one of the waiting

destinations and the people like to take

a pre-wedding photos or videos and

they're using one of our mountains and

it was a dry season and very dry the

grass are really really Brown and dry so

one of the visitors just threw the

cigarette butts you know on on the on

the grass and uh as soon as happened and

of course the five percent you know so

this is the the the the damage that uh

already produced by the visitors which

we don't want that to happen again so

while we try very much to educate them

that this is also uh dangerous so not to

take care of the nature

okay the various forms of the

regenerative tourism which are suitable

is the principles are the same which is

including the tourists

also have the regenerative sense that

needs to manage properly

and can be act as they are as a house a

sense of belong you know belonging it as

it is uh I said that they are in their

own country although they are guests in

our country you know that togetherness

also with the locals the local Society

quality openness and also implementing

the system that oriented towards a

continuous value of improvement

fix what needs to be fixed well

including the um the environmentally uh

needed so we need to have the principles

of sustainability and regenerative

tourism second place to be implemented

making rules for foreign stories is

important indeed

and it will be much more important if

implemented or cultivated with all the

people together with wisdom immigrants

and even the house Community even for us

in Bali

um we need to have uh sorry yeah


perhaps it should be not that they're

traveling and even is preserving the

environment literally the condition of

the Earth getting scattered investigate

the calibration it turns out that

traveling activities also contribute

damage to the Earth especially in terms

of amount of waste not to mention about

finding the plastic bottles when you're

climbing the mountains I remember when I

was young I climbed the montagu and I

collect so many plastic bottles you know

I hope it's not really happening now but

it was a long time ago and so can you

imagine that not all the tourists or

even the local tourists you know try to

to adapt so if we can also guess how

they keep traveling without having to

increase the amount of waste food waste

for example when it goes to the

landfills you know will cause the

increase of the methane in gas whereby

is more dangerous for the human being

within gas is very dangerous you know

once the food which is collecting even

from the hotel sorry from other area and

if they are not rescued and then let's

just go to the first you know which is

not really good for us

and let's be a smart travel while in the

Journey of the heart we need to keep our

environment preserved clean beaches of

course pristine Waters this is good for

divers and also for snorkeling you know

activities you know free from your

breasts embrace the culture and let's

say for Bali beautiful and Serene that's

Dr Nika said that you know culture is

more than 90 percent of this thing Bali

you know Bali is you know it's beautiful

you know I I've been just sharing a bit

I was in Mexico

um last month and I introduced myself

I'm ratna from Bali they just remember

Bali they don't remember my name said hi

Bali hi Baleno whenever I go to for

dinner or for lunch or for coffee breaks

they always regard me as value not right

now you know that anyway yeah lovely to

share with you and um thank you very

much and hope that we have the more

educated tourists that preserve Bali as

a beautiful destination and it is

another very uh passionate presentation

always a joy to listen to thank you very


um and yes regenerative tourism how can

we not raise that particular topic uh it

is obviously all about a mindset shift

is it not uh generally speaking and um

I'd just like to always say when people

ask me what regenerative tourism is all

about and I like to refer to a professor

Susanna Beckham's quote it's about

giving back yes have not really realized

in our individualistic Society so thank

you very much for that lovely

presentation we are coming to the

conclusion of the Balinese uh segment if

I may call it that and a man that draw

on calling

Dr talibrify if you don't mind to share

your thoughts at this point in time

thank you

thank you so much Bridget thank you I

hope my voice is clear and third

is it it's wonderful thank you

thank you

I just want to say hello from

you from Jordan

and I was in Bali two years ago

Indonesia several times so this is a

very only two times every time I visited

I feel all what's being said to be true

but what are interested in most is the

guidelines of the governor of Bali with

regard to what to do and what to do

well I think it's very very appropriate

because tourists and diseases that come

to a place they must respect that place

they must have certain values with

respect to people

they have to change not the people

people don't have to change to please to

his institutes to change to to please

the local community to learn from them

that's important to know

because otherwise

we will never learn from each other

tourism is a very important element in

peace because we learn from each other

we're up shoulders with each other we

can never ever

a feeling of resentment or stereotype


population that you had dinner with and

listen to the stories into their needs


peace is very important here

and I want to also say something about

the environment because we have so much

promises badly let me call you so


what the environment

if you speak it spoke about that now

sustainability is not just about the

environment sustainability is social

economic and and

political sustainability

sustainability is much more than just

the environment is important that is

because the environment is very


but it's not all about the environment

it's about how much

does the community share of the benefits

of Tourism

how much does the

Community benefits from that that's

economic sustainability social

sustainability is to preserve the

culture of that plate to preserve the

relationship between people and each


and that we talked about

in a minute

so I want to just say that it's

important that we keep in mind that the

governor's outline is very very

important they wish more people around

the world with adapted

values and examples

without doubt I've been to Bali and I

know with the Hindu culture is all about


population there are very very very kind

population I went to the mountains as

well not just to the beaches in the

mountains there was beautiful sea levels

and beautiful environment

just want to say that thank you so much

Bridget thank you for giving me this

opportunity thank you

thank you it's always a pleasure time so

thank you very much for sharing those

thoughts which align very much with the

previous presentations and I doubt also

with the ones following

um I think you know what stands out is

you know with a conflict perhaps between

human-centric approach to tourism and

travel and then the ecological one which

we are obviously battling with as far as

climate change is concerned and I know

that um whether a lipid will address

that and possibly know YouTube

um so thank you very much again for that

presentation the next speaker as such

would be a Mr Peter Simone the president

of Qatar now

um Marisa I'm not sure is it available

or would you need to play the video that

you sent us in maybe we can bait his his

um in the tour in the mountains in Nepal

so his connection is not good but okay

you're going to play okay okay

he sent us a video but in the case



correctness Falls where I'm uh attending

the planet annual Summit and Adventure

Mark uh we just finished the event it

was fantastic and we're about to go on

the tour

so if I don't participate in the zoom

call today I I do apologize uh and I

want to congratulate Reza and of course

all of my my friends from Bali and Dr

Talib and all the people that are

joining today

um of course Bali is a is a phenomenal

destination I know well uh my family

lives there my wife is is Balinese and

it's a it's a wonderful destination

there's a lot of challenges Nepali has

right now in terms of dealing with the

carrying capacity uh and there's been

discussions by the governor to to even

limit the number of people that can come

one of the ideas that I have is if we're

trying to make sure the tourists behave

well perhaps it should be some sort of a

code of conduct that people sign when

they arrive on the island some sort of a

pledge or a commitment so you know I

think that would be a better way of

going about it than what what governor

Foster is saying to uh to limit the

number because it's very difficult to

live limit access to it to a place but

time can do that but that's a very

different destination so that would be

my suggestion so again my deepest

apologies for not being able to spend

more time with you I do hope that you

have wonderful discussions and and I

thank you so much

thank you

thanks for playing that razor um I think

what came clear out of that particular

presentation but Peter interesting

enough is the mention of pledge of

pledges which have actually been around

for some time and applied in various

destinations and of course there is the

Pledge for the peaceful traveler by The

International Institute for peace of

Tourism which all alludes to what we're

talking about today so we should not

forget that either various Concepts to

possibly to be applied when we're

talking about how to deal with tourism

tourism management okay after that a

presentation via video Noel Scott

Professor Knoll Scott from the tooth

management sustainable Research Center

in Australia welcome null

the state is all yours please go ahead

thank you uh Burger can you hear me

great well look um I really

um appreciate the opportunity to talk

today especially amongst the uh

luminaries the uh the uh uh people

um who I've been speaking previously

both from

um Indonesia but also uh from uh

globally and uh so um telebo it's

wonderful for your comments and Peter

Peter's comments and Jeff's going to

talk again so well done

um I want to make a few points I suppose

uh one is


we seem to be talking about quite a

complex problem

uh it seems to be a problem

um that fits into a number of different


um and people perhaps might be have

talked about some of the characteristics

of the problem or some issues

but there's a number of those things

that have been identified for example

we've talked about land use problems

with um irrigation and the sale of a

land for tourists for tourism


we've talked about


some issues of uh the behavior of

uh tourists and their lack of respect


um the religious principles in Bali

we've also spoken about

um some other issues which are more

about the future that is perhaps in a

marketing sense we might be talking

about these as the type of customers we

want or what we want to offer customers

in future peace love and joy

so um it's a complex problem as all uh


um uh tourism problems are

um I I'd like to think

um about two things about that problem

one is

um who's dealing with it

uh who's making the decisions

and then also how are they being

communicated to people okay so


clearly there are a number of

stakeholders involved in this problem

there's the community

uh the industry the government academics

and so on


um there will be a variety of different

opinions about

um how to deal with land use problems

how to deal with the uh


uh visitor

transgression of rules and also what

position we should have in future now

I'm not sure exactly how those decisions

are being made

um this might be called a Destination

Planning destination visioning exercise


all stakeholders agree on a future


so we're seeing elements of that

certainly the communities involved in

this problem but I'm not sure how they

are represented

in the tourism planning decisions

and also I'm not sure exactly how the

government and the industry are

communicating together I'm sure it's

very efficient but

um so so the the governance structure

who's making decisions how the various

stakeholders positions are being taken

into account and how decisions about the

future of of tourism in Bali is being

done so a little bit um uncertain to me

the second issue of course is

um communication of decisions so in

Australia we do see

um messages uh in the newspapers you

know other

um ways of communication Public

Communication and they're generally very

negative about the rules and things that

are being presented uh or coming from um

it's not that the rules are necessarily

bad I agree I think that um any culture

and any place has a has the opportunity

it should be implementing its policies

and values and religious values and so

on the issue is how you communicate it

to people that's a second issue and

I don't

see I I it would appear to me that there

are alternate um there are some

techniques and things that could be used

to better communicate the um these

decisions and so


I I I would I would um suggest that

there's a bit more of a


a structured process

by which these important destination


are made both about current problems of

uh you know transgressions

um involving local people in decisions

uh land use planning

and then moving on to communication to

the world and uh positioning for the


very complex

but that requires quite a a

structure of governance within the

destination which I think

needs it could be improved as it could

be in any destination so

um I suppose those are my comments um

I don't I I agree that there's the

problem I agree that there is a need for

respect of religious principles and



uh the population

beliefs in the tourism area it's just

how do you do it how do you organize it

how do you


actually do stuff in an efficient way

thank you

well thank you very much Noel for your

uh again very insightful comments and

what was really appreciated there is the

fact that you raise the complexity that

tourism is uh and I always make the

point too that actually tourism is a

microcosm of society so it exists within

all of that and uh you know we kind of

forget that and uh communication is a

major component of any kind of

relationship uh whether that is with

Ventures or you know politics or any

other context so yes the notion of

communication I think would be something

highly that needs to be addressed and

how we go private about that

particularly given the multiplicity of

the stakeholders involved so thank you

very much for that

um that leads actually quite nicely into

the next presentation which

um is Jurgen you get Italian meds if uh

you'd like to take the floor and give us

your insights and considerations thank

you very much for that to you again

thank you very good and um I have to say

I'm delighted to be here today out of

many reasons one of the most important

reason for me is as chairman of the word

tourism Network I want to welcome and

urge every one of you to attend our

event in Bali we have our first Global

Summit what will be taking place

September 29th to October 1st in Bali

and you find the information at time so please join us it's going to

be interesting we're going to cover a

lot of subjects and I'm personally so

delighted to have this event in Bali

because literally my my current part of

my life and career started in Bali

etoba news started in Bali and we

started in Bali in 2001

um when we were appointed by PA adika

the minister at this time for tourism to

help with awareness in United States and


situations like

some Terror activities and other

activities in Indonesia we were trying

to communicate and we're getting into

the communication a message to the

travel industry in the United States

about the geographics of Indonesia how

to really put this all in perspective if

travel advisories are really Justified

so this was our really first task and um

and I I agree this hasn't changed

communication is top important also

communication between the stakeholders

what Dr Noel said and we had this

challenge back in 2000 when we were

actually ex saw that the private sector

really at that point Didn't Trust the

government and the government didn't

trust the private sector so we actually

tried to work with asita and all these

organisms Asians and started an

organization what is the International

Coalition of Tourism partners and many

years forward now

etoba news as a global publication we

always have our roots in Bali and we

don't forget this and the International

Coalition of Tourism Partners through

the detour of the I'm sorry the

Indonesian Coalition of Tourism Partners

went into the International Coalition of

Tourism partners with our president

Jeffrey lippman who will speak after me

in this now part of the world tourism

Network the same organization we're

bringing now to Bali but look when when

we're talking about sustainability Bali

is always and always has been a very

special place it's

it's called the island of the God

because it's so special

and cultural

um understanding is important for any

destination and always was important for

Bali but then you have other forces I

remember the time when the Hard Rock

Hotel opened

um Bali turned into a Party City and

people are not or didn't come to Bali to

kuta specifically

um to um to explore the culture they

don't care really didn't care about the

culture they cared about partying and

having a good time and where I live

right now in Hawaii we have the same

issue people are going to Waikiki really

don't care about the Hawaiian culture

those that are going and explore other

parts of Hawaii those that wanted to

explore other parts of Bali these are

the people they are conscious of

everything we have discussed and I think

it's important to find this balance and

possibly even divide this type of

audience we mentioned uh enforcement of

laws and regulations that is good a

tourism police is going good and you

know my organization we have trained a

lot of Tourism police in various

countries around the world and tourism

police is really not a police that goes

in there and arrests people it's a


um with friendly people that can adjust

to cultures there is the culture of

those people that visit a destination

and then there is a culture of people

that reside in the destination and um

and discard from many times in a

destination where people decide us in a

tourist destination like Bali is divided

you have areas like kuta and Sanu there

are tourists sophisticated tourist

destinations culture is not on the

foreground maybe as much as it may be

still be in ubudo in other parts of Bali

so all of this has to be put in

perspective and I fully agree the focus

should be not on over tourism but

unfortunately I don't think we can stop

it in Hawaii we tried now to charge

enormous fees for tourists to visit

certain sites so this isn't


um perhaps that is an alternative but

education of course is something what a

tourism board should always put on the

Forefront why not talk to Airlines and

have them show a short film about the

culture about what this destination is

about before their land and I know you

cannot force Airlines to do this but I'm

sure Islands would cooperate in

specifically the national carrier Garuda

would do this well these are just some

thoughts and I'm I'm very happy to be

here today I'm as I said I'm just

arrived in Mumbai in India and um and

I'm looking really forward ex exploring

Bali again I went through all the

different stages in Bali including what

um was mentioned the bomb attacks and

and everything else and I feel for me

it's like almost like a second home and

I'm really ready to return and anything

we can do from communication

you got it we're here thank you very

much bear again

a pleasure Jurgen um obviously you're an

expert in communication as far as the

whole tourism industry is concerned uh

with your particular platform as well uh

beautifully linked into what null just

alluded to the importance of Education

as well which is actually communication

is entrenched in education and because

of multiple stakeholders there and the

culture that we live in you know we live

in a culture of entitlement and

unfortunately as much as we you know do

speak about the niche tourism markets or

the special Industries Market cultural

tourism peace touring all of that we are

faced with mass tourism with a lot of

behavior that is actually entrenched in

societally per se and you know it

doesn't stop at home it gets paired into

tourist destinations and that is

obviously the challenge we are facing so

thank you for that

you know before you get to the next

thing I forgot one important part yes I

mentioned it it's niche tourism our

organization the world tourism network

is all about smes and small and

medium-sized companies in the travel and

tourism business and I couldn't think

about a better place than Bali where

there are opportunities especially for a

small Niche markets to explore and these

are the people we really want in a

destination these are people who are

ready to explore different things and

that's why I'm really so excited we're

bringing smes to Bali and communicate

with smes in Bali to explore this niche

market sorry about this very good

no you're perfectly right with it

Whatever May exactly extend on that

because it is a destinations that offer

uh you know the whole uh complexity of

who they are uh what they are what is

the essence that is actually what

attracts the tourism you know by Concept

in the first place and that is what

we're trying to maximize in all the

presentation ahead obviously uh you know

spoken about that uh so the niche

tourism aspect there to say was WTN is

very appropriate um I couldn't agree

more with that and yes I'm looking

forward to experiencing in this tourism

and you know peace particularly uh Bali

when I come at the end of September for

the conference so thank you uh all right

last thing is it sorry but is it sorry I

really need to go because friends at the

moment thank you so much yes

thank you thank you thank you for being

here and we'll talk next time thank you

bye bye bye

uh yes I saw Jeffrey just get up and

he's back again uh because the stage is

all yours Jeffrey because you have so

much to share

um as I said uh Professor uh definitely

that will be the last speaker and I'm

really excited about what you're going

to present and talk about uh your

critical perspectives are always welcome

um in particular giving the latest

research I'm showing we'll be drawing on

in your presentation so the floor is all

yours Jeffrey please go ahead

thanks business and I probably can't

live up to that introduction and I

actually got up to let my cat in through

the window and it will probably walk

across the screen as I'm as I'm talking


um and and before I say anything it's

it's just a pleasure to see my friend

Talib here

um and to see you looking so well to

eleven hopefully we will we will see

each other before one of us goes to meet

the um the great tourism leader in the


um and also Jurgen always

um we've done so many things together

over the years and to listen to your


you're really focused thoughts uh which

fit so well with null stocks

um and just one overview point I want to

make five points today and that's one

minute for each point visit I know that

um but just one overview point when you

have a seminar like this and we all do

so many of them

we tend to generalize because you have

to because you do but one of the points

I think Noel made this is a very

complicated issue and all we can do at

this moment is touch on it so when we

get complicated charts and and and

detailed information

in five seconds

we don't catch it and that's why I you

know I want to make a shout out for the

seminar that uh Thomas talked about in

in at the end of September the time

events where there will be a real

opportunity to explore these issues in

much greater detail

so with that five points and you

wouldn't be surprised if I don't start

by saying the climate crisis which

nobody has really touched on today it's

far and away the biggest challenge

facing our entire world including Valley

including Indonesia

um and maybe particularly because some

of the consequences which is in simple

terms extreme weather events these are

going to change everything that we have

known in the past

and it's not just a change to to

regenerative tourism or pro-proteourism

it's a change to human life on the


and this is what the scientists are

telling us and there are no good signs

out there nothing the best we can do

because there's a there's a a blanket

around the earth and it takes 100 years

to get rid of and we've put it there

and it's it's producing it's producing

forest fires it's producing floods it's

producing and the worst that's have ever

been seen the worst weather events that

have ever been seen and we can't take it

off the top of our agenda

and at sunx Malta the small NGO that I'm

running we never will because it's it's

our res on Detra and it's for our kids

if we care about our kids

we have to change the way we're doing

stuff completely

second Point small islands are in the

firing line

probably the least responsible but the

most exposed and the last in the line to

get any help

and Bali is an important player in this

respect because it's a global tourism


and I'm not speaking just for Cenex here

but you referenced it um

baggage in 2014 I co-led with Terry de

Lacy from Victoria University

a major study

of a green growth strategy for Bali

which was commissioned Thomas by our

friend gernadika the late gerdadika

and which had even Stevie Knox as part

of the accident of the team so there's a

lot of this and you know it's a 200-page


and it took six months to produce and it

was never ever implemented because the

government changed and this came out of

the previous government so what I wanted

to do and I don't know if I can do this

I'm not so clever with my screen here I

have a screen share that I can show you

if I can share my screen for one minute


because it's

if I can do it it's neat

can you see that yes yes

okay this what I'm showing you here is

the uh what I'm not showing you here is

the final conclusions of this study

which we actually put into not a

traditional organization chart but a

Balinese Temple

and there are dozens of unviewed

recommendations on reducing greenhouse

gas upgrading infrastructure capacity

management it's all sitting there and

this is that goes to the point that's

that you were making very good it's

built on the local community on tree

it's a Karana sustainable development we

researched that we we had uh focus

groups with with local residents and

visitors we had eight focus groups

um you know which which we organized

with the university in Bali so it it

it's there and you know I'm going to

repeat this point but at the end of the

um of my comments we will focus a day on

this during the time conference a plan B

for Bali tourism which actually starts

now as it was not then by putting

climate into the agenda


I now want to make my my third point

tourism is an important part of the

climate equation eight to ten percent of

emissions and totally built on

predictable benign weather which is no

longer the case

gives me mute yourself

okay I did mute him okay go ahead

sorry racer let me go back to that point

we have the Glasgow framework and and

everybody's talking about it there's a

kind of establishment support around

this initiative

it's not enough it's just a starting

point we have to go further and we have

to go faster the Glasgow declaration

talks about Net Zero 2050 and halving by

2030 and it leaves out the most

important recommendation of the ipcc

which was to Peak emissions by 2025. we

have to Peak emissions by 2025 and you

and that's left out because that's the

tough thing that's the hardest thing of

all but we're not talking about starting

a new product or building a new tourism

resort we're talking about the future of


existential means exactly that

the fourth point at sunx Malta we stand

for education and action and we're

trying to put our money where our mouth

is we've started a postgraduate diploma

in climate friendly travel

we have nearly a hundred graduate

students this year and we are putting

them in charge of national chapters

around the world and we will be putting

one in Bali

and we are starting a new

climate-friendly travel Club

which will reach out to Travelers

themselves with what we think is an


cost-saving way to compensate for their

travel carbon why because offsets which

is what the whole industry is relying on

keep polluting and pay somebody

somewhere to to make it make you feel


no we say you can compensate for your

for your travel carbon

with a benefits Club and we know we have

over 200 hotels on our registry who are

ready to give benefits to Travelers

and there will be no cost involved to

Travelers for this they won't have to

click a button on a website alongside

another button that says if you want an

extra piece of baggage click here if you

want to reduce your carbon click here if

you want to sit next to the person who

you're traveling with click here and pay

pay we think there's a better way and a

better way for travelers and my final


I repeat we look forward to exploring

these climate issues in a one-day


at the time conference later in the year

where we will explore a plan B for the

climate-friendly travel future of Bali

and we hope to do this with many of you

who are here on this call thank you

thank you Jeffrey

um again yes I love

very critical and a very broad

perspective which we need to always

consider that brought back to me the

ideas of the keywords that I always ask

why are we doing things how are we doing

things what are we doing who's doing

what uh where are we doing it and

importantly also when are we doing

something when are we doing looking at

it so thank you very much for that

concluding presentation there and I

think we have finished with all the

speakers for the time being and I just

want to touch base again with Echo and


um how we would like to proceed because

we have now time a bit of time for Q a I


is that right

yes yes of course we have what I'm

sharing I think you you can see it is

there are webinar on the 8th of June

next week but tourists Behavior so I

think that's really related to Bali

tourism as well so you can find more

information next week and tomorrow on

our website

Ecker do you want to say something at

this point in time I know you're going

to do the concluding

points uh right at the end perhaps

someone else of someone from the

speakers would like to add something or

we have someone who is listening live

who would like to tune in and post some


I have three that you can see waving

hands somewhere


thank you very much and all the speakers

it's very valuable to me to join this

International symbolism

all speakers so we regret time to be

here with you all and thank you for all

of the input

ation of Bali on behalf of


government as well because I am also now

the expert team of

a tourism expert team of governor of

Bali so once again thank you very much

and see you again on the eighth it's

very interesting the title


thank you

Bridget can I say something please go

ahead of course yes uh well uh I myself

would like to thank you very much uh for

uh being here with you all uh

on behalf of the chairman of the ashita

valley I would like to

inform you as well that uh we asita Bali

going to have

International tourism event

that take place in Bali from 14 to 17th

of June this year it will be the 9th


it's called Bali and Beyond prevalent

fair or bdtf so you may check on our

website so uh this year events

they're gonna be around

350 buyers from the 51 countries between

to our event for both online and offline

and there will be about

230 exhibitors from are 11 provinces of

Indonesia as well as we have exhibitors

from other countries such as from Italy

from China from Malaysia as well as from

United States so hopefully for next year

event uh all of you able to join with a

bbti thank you very much

thank you for that I'm sure Jurgen that

will be something that you can advertise

on WTN I'm not sure whether you're in

contact with that sounds like something

to do

um right anybody else from the panel

here otherwise yes good morning again

I would like to thank you for your

moderation and Mr sultani for organizing

this great
webinar and I want to thank all the uh


persons from Bali tourism promotion

board it was really informative I only

have suggestions

uh what Mr Jurgen said is absolutely

right Bali is a luxury product it's an

each market

we here in Saudi Arabia you know uh we

had a VIP Travel Club and our King

Salman visited Bali during the visit to

Malaysia and Indonesia

and a lot of people are

you know excited to visit Bali but

actually there is not enough information

with the travel agent in Saudi Arabia


I have a suggestion usually during cash

Pride a lot of

playgrounds they come the biggest from

Indonesia about 240

000 the flights go empty then this could

be packaged with the Bali and other

destinations in Indonesia and I think

there will be a very big Market

but what I suggest here perhaps with Mr

Jurgen he invited me to come to the

event in September

as I said we are organizing the Islamic

tour event in KL from 13 to 15. so uh

perhaps this would be a good event to

participate but even when I heard now

there is a trouble pair on the 6th of

June of 16 of June I think we can

organize a webinar with our local travel

agent and then they would like to see a

destination marketing or inbound

operator and their packages and that

could be promoted via webinar later on

we can to do some workshop and Roadshow

throughout Saudi Arabia thank you so

much for a great presentation wish you

all the best

thank you sir

it's there and I couldn't agree more

again actually Barney and Indonesia it's

a beautiful country for everybody to

come I know I was there about four years

ago meeting my emirati family they came

from Dubai I came from Australia and we

met in Bali in Jakarta and we had a

wonderful time so the promotion of their

particular connection and acceptance of

culture from that perspective culture is

Marty diverse we won't go into there

today but I think it's important one it

was an attraction that actually Bali and

Indonesia has per se so thank you very

much for that side

um anybody else for any comments please

um we still have some time do we not

uh yes I raised my hand I'm from Serbia

good morning from Belgrade

you can see his National strategy and uh

thank you for all information see you

share with us and excellent


and uh there are many issues which we

can discuss also in September when we

have our conference

organized by World tourism Network we

involve tourism Network know that as the

Jurgen said the initial tourism is very

important special forms of Tourism we

know are very important for the future

of Tourism

but uh what I would like to stress is

education because many of you said about

something about the education about

tourism behave badly uh which we know

and we think in WTN that we have to

discuss about education we have a

separate uh I mean uh we are thinking

about it to educate everybody in tourism

if you educate tourism organizations

tourism networking completely to educate

tourists as well because tourists are

traveling to a different countries not

knowing as you said before anything

about the culture anything about the

people and the uh actually they don't be

behave according to the culture of the

destination they are going to and

because of that it is very important for

example here in Belgrade I always teach

my students that first of all they have

to see the culture to read about the

culture of the people and the history of

the people of the history of the country

they're traveling to so these are just a

few issues I I would like to say and

hope that you're coming in September to

our conference we'll we'll travel

tourism Network in Bali and then that we

can discuss about

thank you very much thank you thank you

and may I also call you Earth know why

do you think that's how you're going to

refer to you I know you've found those

webinars as well

uh education I think is a big one and um

I think he made the point that we need

to educate certainly the tourists and

that's a challenge because we're dealing

with a mindset and also something called

tourists which

uh refer to a way back that more than 30

years ago and that is very entrenched

now in our culture we're living in very

entitlement our culture so that is

actually where the challenge is but also

the tourism industry needs to be

educated including the ones that

actually selling travel to tourism when

I get exposed to travel agents and so

forth and I possibly have just I want to

have discussions about what we discussed

today I'll get blank faces and the focus

is always how do we make money out of it

and I think there is a need for

Education about all of that so that's

just my personal perspective and my

experience because having worked in

industry but also education Academia and

so forth a big agenda and I look forward

to that particular day when when I'm

also there in September

again anybody else would like to comment

yes I see two more handsome Miss

Hollywood please yes

hello welcome to the Saudi Arabia my

voice is clear yes it is

yeah that's nice yeah so I totally agree

with Miss though um if I couldn't hear

her name one was speaking right before

me that we should really uh educate

everybody who will visit everywhere

um like it's not studying the culture

where they're revisiting but just have

uh headlines about it you know uh what's

good to do what's not good that's the

first thing and the second thing I I

agree with Mr

um uh I think Muhammad from Saudi Arabia

that uh like if we don't have time to

um many visiting in the next two weeks

so I again if you can make something for

us like in the online or some something

like this webinar it's so nice and it

connects us from all around the world

and it's easier for us to

be with you guys

thank you just to correct my name is not


alright hobbies and you are in my group

yeah thank you

to connect between the world and really

Bali is a very nice destination I

visited twice

um once in 2010 and once in 2000 I think

15. so I saw a very nice Improvement

between this series and I'm really sure

that if I visit for the third time I

will see much more and nicer uh

improvements thank you so much everyone

nice to meet you thank you I see one

more hand the sand Emmanuel

Maurice alfavor yes

good afternoon everybody from here I

live in Bali my name is

uh appreciate everybody can you can you

all hear me yes yes I appreciate

everybody I appreciative for your

opportunity given to me I'm from Africa

I live in Bali

so we we've been talking about tourism

which is a very very important thing in

this course and

so many points has been said that nature

I appreciate everybody that made a very

beautiful contribution on YouTube about

sorry we know that tourism brings

development and all of that to the

society applied so I think uh my input I

think the government of uh Bali should

look into some things they should take

some things into organisms which uh I'll

be talking about at the safety of the


so that anybody that is coming into a

particular place

their safety to their safety should be

ensure I don't know if you're the one

I'm saying but where some of the places

you visit here in about the road are so

bad so I don't know if the government

can come in and take some actions about

the rule some of these places of

attraction that gives you the display

some of the islands outside Bali I mean

outside the city of us like this and

other places their roads are so tiny the

roads are so bad that we have so many

times you experience casual things on

the road so I'm just saying suggesting

that if the government can come in yeah

I mean the tourism is bringing the

movement and money or something is

coming out of trade so if the government

can come in to take care or consider

making this road

sustainable but when the tourists are

coming their safety will be ensured and

they will go back with a testimony to

come back again for the second time

because someone says so

and then they speed thoughts too

sometimes you if you have casualties or

you see videos of casualties of people

traveling to an island using a smaller


and their boat is Cap hiding and all of

that thinking just in the middle of the

speed there are so many casualties like

that so I'm just suggesting I mean there

are people who are who should check the

wave when they wave or the price is very

high and then they they don't have to go

through the things so if the wave is so

high they can stay back because I know

they use little little boat to cross the

sea to another Island so which is

causing so many casualties so if the

government I'm just suggesting if the

government can make Provisions for a

bigger ship or they should consider when

the wave is very okay for people to go

through the sea wherever they are going

to so that we can have who can Ensure

the safety of Tourism authorities that

are coming into Bali you will have to

ensure their safety 100 from when they

go back they will tell others that

balance the United States which we all

know I live in Bali Bali is a very nice

place but we have to consider the self

of the stories that are coming in and

somebody said something that you don't

have to limit people that are coming in

that's a very good point

anybody that wants to come into balance

to come as long as they are eligible to

come in they have all the documents

about the requirements and all of that

to come in from its immigration as long

as they are very clear they should come

in and then the codes of condos should

be undertaking at the point of entry

where whoever is coming in should be

killed there are things we should let

this person understand that okay these

are the things you should know about

where you're coming to which is value of

this in the valley because the culture

and all of that so these things should

be taken into confidence just like I

said safety is very very important not

just coming in and you're going but


so many casualties some people are

losing their lives in the sea and stuff

like that so I think safely if you if we

are considering peace in the land I

think we should consider safety as well

safety as well okay thank you thank you

I'm sorry I have to stop you if you

don't mind so because we are really

running out of the time thank you so

much uh the next maybe Miss Wendy Yang


and maybe the last one yeah

this is windy I'm talking now from

Taipei Taiwan uh I would like to inform

all of you that school International

Asia we are having the annual Congress

right now in Bali and then holding in

the malusaka in new zadura and we have

the leaders from the global tourism

industry I will I would like to comment

to today's as a compliment to all of

your performers especially our I was a

moderator Burgett very good and all this

speaker we have really focused on the

problem and also to the Future and us

tomorrow will be the general assembly of

our school Asia Congress so I think

maybe some of you I know a second Jurgen

is ours colleague I hope but you can

also join maybe online as well

this is uh I think very important

organization in a tourism industry so I

I hope that you will make very good use

of it and then surely we have a lot of

travel agents very powerful to operate

we're bringing many many positive

tourists into Bali Om Shanti Shanti

Shanti oh

thank you thank you Wendy skull

international organization of friendship

I believe yes thank you very much

they just thank our colleagues from


tourism board that are here and Dubai

Dubai tourism Department also from the

minister of Christians are here thank

you so much and the colleagues here

thank you yes Bridget please

I think as you just mentioned before we

are running out of time

um and we might have to call in Dr Ecker

please again to conclude the session for

today and first one another one another


thank you Dr Bridget as a moderator for

this Symposium on 2nd of June and now I

would like to conclude of the our

Symposium I think uh our note here about

the 20 but uh I'm sure that the doctor

was there and Mr kutu already take notes

for all of the


input and ideas from participants and


uh and as we know about the SX as an

expert of Tourism for Valley governor

and papa puto as the chairman of asita

and already mentioned about the event in

Valley and Beyond repair and I just

mentioned the keyword of the uh our

Symposium today very as a tourist

destination on our development concern

on body as a brand of molecularism

and then in every development of value

it's a culture base and next sustainable

tourism destination you talk about the

issues on carrying capacity the news

problem the behavior to reflect property

Balinese culture Transportation model

not supported to all tourists and about

the land you're spending and the next

improved type of tourism activities and

attraction as alternative tourism for

Bali culinary tourism regenerative

tourism Quantum tourism foreign

tourism but we are focused still quality

to reserve with our stakeholders by

support and six uh we take note for law

enforcement to maintain value as

evaporate destination and his

destination minimize a bed at least

that police behavior and seven

smas for small Miss Market it is the


to maintain our economic energy and

number x uh as a small island with a

green group

is open for international market with

the uniqueness and attractions with the

international standard of services and

then we Implement uh all of them with

the excellent services to tourism

tourism Industries

mentioned about a plan B for the climate

change injury

and at 11.

from Dubai we take note Delta we need a

promotion connection uh between our body

and reply and last uh tourism education

to educate everybody in prison sector I

think there are a lot of the input and

ideas which already share at the chat

room and I think uh this simple ship

already uh

dreams uh recorded oh yeah and then we

can share to participants in the next

days that is uh thank you for sharing is

there any question

before I close the webinar

well we have recorded and the recording

will be edited and from tomorrow we'll

be on our website tourism

including the all the Powerpoints and

the profile of all the speakers and so

you can go and see and you can also

contact any speakers if you want

okay I just like to conclude I've just

been looking through everybody present

and uh thank you very very much for

everybody around the world tuning in


um perhaps the last word to tell them if

you would like to say something to on

the way out

what was it thank you so much Bridget

thank you what a pleasure

okay that's it I think we shall say

goodbye I like to thank Bridget for hard

work she has done a lot also behind the

scan and Dr ekka as well and of course

Dr talab rafai

um Steve Knox is not here Professor

Steve Knox thank you so much but he

helped and he's in traveling nine

mountains in uh in near Jakarta he told

me so he didn't had a good internet and

Peter Simone he had a bad connection

she's in Nepal and of course Jurgen our

good friend and

Mr Nola Scott who is traveling now in

Portugal early morning thank you so much

Scott you're always with us thank you

so thank you thank you Bridget so if you

want to finish you want to say something

well again just be my pleasure and um to

be part of turmoidal once again I've

been a part of this and on various

occasions and again I actually will be a

part of that particular next webinar

which is very again something that I've

addressed in my book it's a better of

behavior and I spoke about uh to raise

about that about six weeks ago and said

perhaps we should run this and of course

now it's in the news everywhere so it's

about a good timing isn't it let's do

that and we all look forward to seeing

you there next week in six days thank

you very much for that thank you so much

thank you bye bye bye everybody thank

you from Melbourne thank you bye-bye

thank you

it will catch you sometime now

thank you Jurgen thank you guys thank

you everyone thank you yeah you're gonna

stay well too and of course everybody


thank you

Caleb can we talk later okay are you



no no I'm oh he's gone okay no problem

okay it was really good thank you so

much everybody thank you okay and thank

you Bridget so we close thank you

everybody good luck


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