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Colegio Metropolitano

English – Literature
Third Course – Ambar, Bronze, Onyx
Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

Comprehension Check: Chapter 5

Directions: Use the following questions to help guide your reading and understanding of
Chapter 5. As you read the novel, answer the questions using complete sentences.

1. Returning from his long walk, what causes the Time Traveller to panic?

2. What does the Time Traveller think he hears when he bangs his fist on the pedestal of the Sphinx?

3. How does the Time Traveller make a new friend?

4. What is his new friend’s name?

5. What lesson did the Time Traveller learn from his new friend?

6. What does the Time Traveller call the people from the lower world?

Many words in the novel are key to understanding the novel. Before each chapter, write the
definitions and use them in a sentence.


1. sloth (43):

2. repugnance (44):

3. Occidental (44):

4. subterranean (46):

5. indolent (54):

6. ramifications (55):

7. aristocracy (57):

8. degeneration (57):

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