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While augmented reality, technology and particular apps have many

advantages, it can also be misused and caused dangers.

Firstly, technology can harm people and waste their time. People use it as
weapons to destroy others, instead of improving themselves. 
Secondly, addiction to screens generally develops when the subject seeks to
divert its attention from discomfort. Boredom, sleeplessness, lack of purpose or
even social isolation. 
The overuse of AR technology can have negative impact on human health, both
mental and physical, with side effects including eye issues, ear problems and
states of mental dependence.
The spread of mobile technology has made it easy for people to access massive
amounts of information from various sources. The information overload can
cause stress. 
AR glasses and lenses made through substandard design and manufacturing
processes can potentially cause impairment in the perception of the wearer.
Collecting data is an essential part of AR devices. It gather data also of the
people being viewed through the devices.
The hacker attacks can lead to a denial of service or overlay wrong information,
leading to potentially catastrophic consequences.
In conclusion, we should be careful with modern technologies and protect
ourselves from its dangers that I have mentioned.

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