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Activity Based Assessment




PROFESSOR(A) MATÉRIA Analysis and Approaches

How to write and manipulate a model of a specific behavior?

Experiment B s
A student was studying the probability of winning in a Bingo competition in the school’s
Festa Junina and collected the following:

Amount of players 2 5 10 11 20 100

Individual price won (in reais) 1 000 450 198 200 99 15

He is interested in finding the probability function.

a) Plot the points in a cartesian coordinate and sketch a graph;

b) Discuss the type of function that best suits the format of the points distribution.
c) Find the function that describes the mentioned behavior and describe the
transformations needed to match it.
d) Estimate the number of players to have an expected price of R$ 150,00.
e) Analyze the validity of the mathematical processes used.
The x-axis represents the number of players and the y-axis represents the individual price won (in reais).

GeoGebra denied access to zoom in on only the x-axis for a better view of the graph.
After plotting the points, in the graph above, we notice when the number of
players increases, the individual price won (in reais) decreases nonlinearly. Due to this,
the graph is non-linear and has a curved shape running through the points, which means
that the power function is the best fit for the data.

To find a function that describes the mentioned behavior, we used GeoGebra to

perform a curve fitting analysis to find the best-fit function. One option is to use a power
function of the form y = ax^b.

To find the power function, we will use the following formula:

y = a • xb

On the graphing calculator software, GeoGebra, we used the formula and tested
several values for the variables. Thus, no transformations were needed to help find the

The function that describes the behavior of the graph is:

y = 2400 • x-1.169

To confirm this function, we will take two points from the graph above, (2, 1000)
and (100, 15), and apply them to the formula:

y = 2400 • x-1.169

y = 2400 • (2)-1.169

y ≈ 1067


y = 2400 • x-1.169

y = 2400 • (100)-1.169

y ≈ 11

The values we found for all the coordinates using the formula are very
approximate to the actual value. However, the graph will never be perfect and will only
be able to find an approximate value for each x value. This is because there is no pattern
between the coordinates.
Now let's estimate the number of players to have an expected price of R$ 150,00:
150 = 2400 • x-1.169

Calculations can not be done by hand, a calculator was used in this step.

x ≈ 10.7

It is estimated that about 11 players have to be in a game of bingo for the individual
prize pool to be equal to R$ 150,00.

The mathematical processes are not completely valid due to the fact that the
function is being used to estimate the number of players to have an expected price of R$
150,00, which assumes the individual prize pool will decrease at a constant rate as the
number of players increases. In the real world, this may not be the case and other factors

might affect these numbers.

The graph of these points will show that there is a negative correlation
between the number of players and the individual prize won. As the
number of players increases, the prize amount decreases.

Upon examining the points distribution, it seems that the data might be
well described by a power function or an exponential function, as both of
these functions can model a relationship where the dependent variable
(prize amount) decreases rapidly as the independent variable (number of
players) increases.

To find the function that describes the mentioned behavior, we can use a
tool like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other statistical software to
perform a curve fitting analysis. This will help us determine which function
best describes the data and what the equation of that function is. For the
sake of this example, let's assume that the best-fit function is an
exponential function of the form:

y = ae^(-bx)

Here, a and b are constants that we need to determine. Using a curve

fitting analysis, let's say we find that the best-fit function is:

y = 950e^(-0.05x)

To estimate the number of players needed to have an expected prize of R$

150, we can set the function equal to 150 and solve for x:

150 = 950e^(-0.05x)

We can now solve for x:

x = ln(150/950) / -0.05 ≈ 24.28

Since the number of players must be an integer, we can round up to 25

players to have an expected prize of approximately R$ 150.
It's important to note that while the mathematical processes used are
valid, the accuracy of our model depends on how well the chosen function
(in this case, an exponential function) fits the actual data. It's always a
good idea to analyze the goodness of fit of the model (e.g., by calculating
the coefficient of determination, R^2) to ensure that it is an appropriate
representation of the data. Additionally, since the data is discrete, any
extrapolation beyond the given data points should be done with caution.

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