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Statement of the problem

1. Why do students read wattpad?

2. What are the benefits of reading wattpad other than entertainment?

3. How does Wattpad enhance students reading skills?

Apart from that we also interviewed some student who have have read or have been

reading Wattpad through online chat and in person on their empty time

CHAP 4(additional data)

(After Graph 7)

Data from our interview

We interviewed students who have answered yes (54 Grade 10 students) on our

questionnaires, and most of them answered, that Wattpad has helped their vocabulary

in terms of understanding difficult words and pronunciation , because through reading

Wattpad they had encountered many difficult words, widening their curiosity on what

that particular word meant and also for them to understand the story they are reading .

And also the said students that on the many stories that have read they learned many

life lessons and some information about certain aspects, such as: in love, people, live,

and many more

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