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Class XI


1. Read a book/novel of your choice and write its review including the plot,

Theme, characters and other important elements in about 200-250 words.

2. Read the lesson-‘Discovering Tut…..the saga continues’ from Hornbill and

Make a collage on King Tut by finding details about him and his reign.

3. Read the newspaper daily and find out samples of the following:-

A. 2 Posters

B. 2 Advertisements [ eg-situation vacant, lost and found, missing and

sale/purchase from the classified columns of a newspaper.]

Paste them neatly on assignment sheets or A4 sheets and attach in file.


1 A person goes to post office slowly and purchase postcard. Then he comes back steadily. Draw the
time velocity and time displacement graph for the person

2 A body covers 1/3 of its journey with speed V1, next one third with speed V2 and the last one third
with speed V3.Calculate the average speed of the body during the entire journey.

3 What in the ratio of the distance travelled by a body falling from rest in the first second and third
second of its fall.

4 if the initial velocity of a particle is u and collinear acceleration at any time t is at, calculate the velocity
of particle after time t.

5 The distance travelled by a moving particle at any instant is half of the product of its velocity and the
time of traverse. Show that acceleration of the particle is constant

6 Derive position velocity and position time relation by calculus method

7 Determine the horizontal force required to displace a mass of 0.03 kilogram suspended by a string
until the string makes an angle 30 degree with the vertical.

8 Can a flight of a bird be an example of composition of vectors?

9 An aeroplane takes of at an angle of 30 degree to the horizontal. If the component of its velocity along
the horizontal is 240 km per hour,

What is the actual velocity? Also find the vertical component of its velocity?

10 The sum and difference of two vectors are perpendicular to each other. Prove that the vectors are
equal in magnitude.
11 Calculate the horizontal distance travelled by a ball thrown with a velocity 20 √ 2 m/s without hitting
the ceiling of an auditorium of height 20 m.

12 Find the time of flight ,maximum height and horizontal range of a projectile given angular projection
on an inclined plane where angle of inclination with the horizontal is theta.

13 what will be the effect on maximum height of a projectile when its angle of projection is changed
from 30 degree to 60 degree without changing its initial velocity of projection?

14 Prove that the maximum horizontal range is 4 times the maximum height attained by the projectile,
when fired at an angle so as to have maximum horizontal range.

15 Thee displacement of a body is given to be proportional to the cube of time elapsed. What is the
nature of acceleration of the body.

Holiday Homework

Sub: Chemistry


Q.1 Determine the molecular formula of an oxide of iron in which the mass percent of iron and oxygen
are 69.9 and 30.1 respectively

Q.2. Define discovery of neutron.

Q.3 write the conclusion of Rutherford atomic model.

Q.4 what the difference between isotope and isobar.

Q.5. which isotope of hydrogen is called protium.

Q.6. calculate and compare the energy of two radiation one with wavelength 800 pm and the other with
wavelength 400 pm.

Q.7. calculate the frequency and wave number of radiation with wavelength 480 nanometer.

Q.8. Give difference between emission spectrum and absorption spectrum.

Q.9. write the drawback of Rutherford atomic model.

Q.10 Explain the relative atomic mass of an atom.

Q.11. Define concentration of solution in the terms of parts per million.

Q.12. what mass of copper oxide will be obtained by heating 12.35 gram of copper carbonate. (Atomic
mass of Cu= 63.5 )

Q.13. write the difference between empirical and molecular formula.

Q.14.write the law of definite proportion.

Q.15. Explain Bohr’s atomic model.

Physical Education

Maintain the record file

Practical-1: Labelled diagram of 400 M Track and Field with computation.

Practical -2: Labelled diagram of field and equipment of of any one International Olympic Committee
recognised Sports/Game of choice

Holiday Assignment

Class- 11

Subject – Painting

1 These are colour scheme. Make a Landscape .Do this work on A4 size drawing sheet -: Primary and
Secondary colours (Water colour)

2.Make a Poster. Here are given some theme -: Save the Earth ,Save the Water, Girl Education Do this
work on A4 size sheet.( any one) Water Colour

3.Topic – Still Life- (Pencil shading)

(Any one ) Colouring ( Any One)

1.Nature and Object Study –

Object -: School bag, water bottle, Vase,Glass,Jug.

Nature – Any Fruit, Any Flower

1. Indian Painting Tradition-:

1. Worli painting of Maharashtra

2. Mithila or Madhubani painting of Bihar

Do all art works on A4 sheet

Colour- Water colour .

4- Make and decorate Portfolio

Material-: Hand made sheet, Chart paper ,coloured ribbons


Q-1 Brinjal and potato belong to same genus solanum .but two different species what defines them as
separate species

Q-2 A students of taxonomy was puzzled when told by his/her professor to look for s key to identify a
plant .He went to his friend to clarify what key the professor was referring to? What would the friend
explain to him?

Q-3 How is thefive Kingdom classification advantageous over the two Kingdom classification

Q-4 Diatoms are also called as pearls of ocean why ? What is Diatomacious earth?

Q-5 Fungi are cosmopolitan .write the role of fungi in your daily life.

Q-6 Draw a labelled diagrams of. A. female & male thallus of a liver wort

b. Gametophyte& sporophyte of funaria

C. Alternation of generation in angiosperm

Q-7 write three major difference between chordates& nonchordates and draw a schematic skecth of a

Q-8 Mammals are most adapted among the vertebrates elaborate

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