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Calculus Early Transcendentals 3rd

Edition Rogawski Solutions Manual

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Calculus Early Transcendentals 3rd Edition Rogawski Solutions Manual

3.1 Definition of the Derivative
Preliminary Questions
1. Which of the lines in Figure 11 are tangent to the curve?




solution Lines B and D are tangent to the curve.

2. What are the two ways of writing the difference quotient?
solution The difference quotient may be written either as

f (x) − f (a)
or as
f (a + h) − f (a)

f (a + h) − f (a)
3. Find a and h such that is equal to the slope of the secant line between (3, f (3)) and
(5, f (5)).
f (a + h) − f (a)
solution With a = 3 and h = 2, is equal to the slope of the secant line between the
points (3, f (3)) and (5, f (5)) on the graph of f (x).
tan π4 + 0.0001 − 1
4. Which derivative is approximated by ?
tan( π4 + 0.0001) − 1
solution is a good approximation to the derivative of the function f (x) = tan x at
x= π

5. What do the following quantities represent in terms of the graph of f (x) = sin x?
sin 1.3 − sin 0.9
(a) sin 1.3 − sin 0.9 (b) (c) f  (0.9)
solution Consider the graph of y = sin x.
(a) The quantity sin 1.3 − sin 0.9 represents the difference in height between the points (0.9, sin 0.9) and
(1.3, sin 1.3).
sin 1.3 − sin 0.9
(b) The quantity represents the slope of the secant line between the points (0.9, sin 0.9) and
(1.3, sin 1.3) on the graph.
(c) The quantity f  (0.9) represents the slope of the tangent line to the graph at x = 0.9.


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1. Let f (x) = 5x 2 . Show that f (3 + h) = 5h2 + 30h + 45. Then show that

f (3 + h) − f (3)
= 5h + 30

and compute f  (3) by taking the limit as h → 0.

solution With f (x) = 5x 2 , it follows that

f (3 + h) = 5(3 + h)2 = 5(9 + 6h + h2 ) = 45 + 30h + 5h2 .

Using this result, we find

f (3 + h) − f (3) 45 + 30h + 5h2 − 5 · 9 45 + 30h + 5h2 − 45 30h + 5h2

= = = = 30 + 5h.
h h h h

As h → 0, 30 + 5h → 30, so f  (3) = 30.

2. Let f (x) = 2x 2 − 3x − 5. Show that the secant line through (2, f (2)) and (2 + h, f (2 + h)) has slope
2h + 5. Then use this formula to compute the slope of:
(a) The secant line through (2, f (2)) and (3, f (3))
(b) The tangent line at x = 2 (by taking a limit)

solution The formula for the slope of the secant line is

f (2 + h) − f (2) [2(2 + h)2 − 3(2 + h) − 5] − (8 − 6 − 5) 2h2 + 5h

= = = 2h + 5
2+h−2 h h

(a) To find the slope of the secant line through (2, f (2)) and (3, f (3)), we take h = 1, so the slope is
2(1) + 5 = 7.
(b) As h → 0, the slope of the secant line approaches 2(0) + 5 = 5. Hence, the slope of the tangent line at
x = 2 is 5.

In Exercises 3–8, compute f  (a) in two ways, using Eq. (1) and Eq. (2).

3. f (x) = x 2 + 9x, a=0

solution Let f (x) = x 2 + 9x. Then

f (0 + h) − f (0) (0 + h)2 + 9(0 + h) − 0 9h + h2

f  (0) = lim = lim = lim = lim (9 + h) = 9.
h→0 h h→0 h h→0 h h→0


f (x) − f (0) x 2 + 9x − 0
f  (0) = lim = lim = lim (x + 9) = 9.
x→0 x−0 x→0 x x→0

4. f (x) = x 2 + 9x, a=2

solution Let f (x) = x 2 + 9x. Then

f (2 + h) − f (2) (2 + h)2 + 9(2 + h) − 22 13h + h2

f  (2) = lim = lim = lim = lim (13 + h) = 13.
h→0 h h→0 h h→0 h h→0


f (x) − f (2) x 2 + 9x − (22 + 9(2)) (x − 2)(x + 11)

f  (2) = lim = lim = lim = lim (x + 11) = 13.
x→2 x−2 x→2 x−2 x→2 x−2 x→2
S E C T I O N 3.1 Definition of the Derivative 199

5. f (x) = 3x 2 + 4x + 2, a = −1
solution Let f (x) = 3x 2 + 4x + 2. Then
f (−1 + h) − f (−1) 3(−1 + h)2 + 4(−1 + h) + 2 − 1
f  (−1) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
3h2 − 2h
= lim = lim (3h − 2) = −2.
h→0 h h→0

f (x) − f (−1) 3x 2 + 4x + 2 − 1
f  (−1) = lim = lim
x→−1 x − (−1) x→−1 x+1
(3x + 1)(x + 1)
= lim = lim (3x + 1) = −2.
x→−1 x+1 x→−1

6. f (x) = x 3 , a = 2
solution Let f (x) = x 3 . Then
f (2 + h) − f (2) (2 + h)3 − 8
f  (2) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
8 + 12h + 6h2 + h3 − 8
= lim = lim (12 + 6h + h2 ) = 12.
h→0 h h→0

f (x) − f (2) x3 − 8
f  (2) = lim = lim
x→2 x−2 x→2 x − 2

(x − 2)(x 2 + 2x + 4)
= lim = lim (x 2 + 2x + 4) = 12.
x→2 x−2 x→2

7. f (x) = x 3 + 2x, a = 1
solution Let f (x) = x 3 + 2x. Then
f (1 + h) − f (1) (1 + h)3 + 2(1 + h) − 3
f  (1) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
1 + 3h + 3h2 + h3 + 2 + 2h − 3
= lim = lim (5 + 3h + h2 ) = 5.
h→0 h h→0

f (x) − f (1) x 3 + 2x − 3
f  (1) = lim = lim
x→1 x−1 x→1 x−1
(x − 1)(x 2 + x + 3)
= lim = lim (x 2 + x + 3) = 5.
x→1 x−1 x→1

8. f (x) = x1 , a=2
solution Let f (x) = x1 . Then

f (2 + h) − f (2)
f  (2) = lim = lim 2+h 2
h→0 h h→0 h
2 − (2 + h) −1 1
= lim = lim =− .
h→0 2h(2 + h) h→0 2(2 + h) 4
f (x) − f (2) 1
− 12
f  (2) = lim = lim x
x→2 x−2 x→2 x − 2
2−x −1 1
= lim = lim =− .
x→2 2x(x − 2) x→2 2x 4
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Severance, Frank Hayward. Ms., 1856- ——. An historical lecturer of
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the State of New York.
Seymour, Horatio Winslow. N. Y., 1854- ——. A Chicago journalist
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a volume of short stories; Many Waters; The Great Adventurer. Scr.
Shackford, Charles Chauncy. N. H., 1815-1891. A Unitarian
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professor of rhetoric at Cornell University. A Citizen’s Appeal in
Regard to the War with Mexico; Social and Literary Papers. Rob.
Shaffer, Newton Melman. N. Y., 1846- ——. An orthopædic surgeon of
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and Secondary Schools; A Quaker Experiment in Government; The
Quakers in the Revolution; Two Centuries of Pennsylvania History.
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(1816), a Sharpless genealogy.
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Shaw, John. Md., 1778-1809. A physician of Baltimore. Poems (1810).
Sheedy, Morgan Madden. I., 1853- ——. A Roman Catholic clergyman
of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Christian Unity; Social Problems.
Sheldon, Charles Monroe. N. Y., 1857- ——. A Congregational
clergyman in Topeka, Kansas, whose writings have been
extraordinarily popular, especially in England. In His Steps; His
Brother’s Keeper; The Redemption of Freetown; Richard Bruce;
Robert Hardy’s Seven Days; The Twentieth Door; The Crucifixion
of Philip Strong; John King’s Question Class; Malcom Kirk; One of
the Two; The Miracle at Markham; For Christ and the Church; The
Narrow Gate.
Sheldon, Henry Davidson. Utah, 1874- ——. A professor in the
University of Oregon. Student Life and Customs. Ap.
Sheldon, Walter Lorenzo. Vt., 1858- ——. An ethical lecturer of St.
Louis. An Ethical Movement; An Ethical Sunday School; The Story
of the Bible; Old Testament Bible Stories for the Young. Mac.
Shepherd, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee [Kirkland]. “Odette Tyler.” Ga.,
1860- ——. An actress. Boss, a Story of Virginia Life.
Sheppard, Francis Henry. Mo., 1846- ——. A retired lieutenant-
commander in the United States navy. Love Afloat, a novel.
Sherlock, Charles Reginald. Pa., 1857- ——. A novelist of Syracuse,
New York. Your Uncle Lew; The Red Anvil. Sto.
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Philadelphia. A Bachelor’s Wedding Trip. Pen.
Sherman, Lucius Adelno. Ms., 1847- ——. An educator, professor of
literature in the University of Nebraska. Analytics of Literature;
What is Shakespeare? Gi. Mac.
Sherwood, Andrew. Pa., 1848- ——. An assistant state geologist of
Pennsylvania. Geology of Lycoming and Sullivan Counties,
Pennsylvania; Geology of Potter County, Pennsylvania; and the
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Sherwood, Margaret Pollock. “Elizabeth Hastings.” N. Y., 1864- ——.
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Dramatic Theory and Practice; Daphne: an Autumn Pastoral; The
Coming of the Tide. Hou. Mac.
Shields, George O——. O., 1846- ——. A writer of New York city. The
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Game Fishes; Hunting in the Great West; The American Book of
the Dog; Camping and Camp Outfits; The Battle of the Big Hole.
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(page 342). A writer of Niles, California. The Biography of a Baby.
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Minnesota. West.
Shipman, Louis Evan. L. I., 1869- ——. A New Hampshire playwright
and novelist. D’Arcy of the Guards; Predicaments, a collection of
short stories; Urban Dialogues; Ralph Tarrant; The Curious
Courtship of Kate Poins. Lip. S.
Shiras, Oliver Perry. Pa., 1833- ——. An Iowa jurist. Equity Practice
in Circuit Courts of the United States.
Shock, William Henry. Md., 1821- ——. A noted United States naval
engineer, author of an important work on Steam Boilers, their
Design, Construction, and Management.
Shoemaker, John Vietch. Pa., 1852- ——. A physician and medical
lecturer of Philadelphia. Poisons and Antidotes; Ointments and
Oleates; Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Heredity,
Health, and Personal Beauty. Ap.
Shortz, Robert Packer. 18— - ——. A civil engineer who has written
the novels The Passing Emperor; The Gift of Bonaparte; The Girdle
of the Gods.
Shriver, John Shultz. Md., 1857- ——. A Washington newspaper
correspondent. Almost, a romance; Through the South and West
with President Harrison.
Shuey, Mrs. Lillian [Hinman]. Il., 1853- ——. A novelist of California.
Hulda; Don Luis’ Wife: a Romance of the West Indies; The Little
Lady of the Cobweb Palace; California Sunshine (verse). Lai.
Shufeldt, Robert William. N. Y., 1850- ——. A surgeon and biologist
of Washington city. The Anatomy of Birds; Chapters on the Natural
History of Birds; The Myology of the Raven; Folk-Lore Tales of
Moe and Asbjörnsen (with A. Shufeldt); Chapters on the Natural
History of the United States.
Shuman, Edwin Llewellyn. Pa., 1863- ——. A journalist of Evanston,
Illinois. Steps into Journalism; Practical Journalism. Ap.
Shumway, Edgar Solomon. Ms., 1856- ——. A university extension
lecturer. A Day in Ancient Rome; Latin Synonyms. Gi. He.
Shute, Daniel Kerfoot. Va., 1858- ——. A physician of Washington
city. A First Book in Organic Evolution.
Shute, Samuel Moore. Pa., 1823-1902. A Baptist clergyman, professor
of English literature at Columbian University, Washington city,
from 1859. Manual of Anglo-Saxon.
Shutter, Marion Daniel. O., 1853- ——. A Universalist clergyman of
Minneapolis. Wit and Humour of the Bible; Justice and Mercy;
Child of Nature; Applied Evolution.
Sibley, Edwin Day. 18— - ——. A Boston lawyer and writer. Stillman
Gott, Farmer and Fisherman. Lit.
Sibley, Mrs. Louise Florence Maria [Lyndon]. N. Y., 18— - ——. A
littérateur of Malden, Massachusetts. A Lighthouse Village. Hou.
Sickles, David Banks. N. Y., 1837- ——. A diplomatist, United States
Minister to Siam 1876-1881. Leaves of the Lotus; The Land of the
Sidney, Edward William. Pseudonym of Nathaniel Beverly Tucker
(page 390).
Siebert, Wilbur Henry. O., 1866- ——. A professor of European
history in the Ohio State University from 1898. The Underground
Railroad from Slavery to Freedom; The Government of Ohio. Mac.
Sigsbee, Charles Dwight. N. Y., 1845- ——. A noted naval officer,
captain in command of the warship Maine at the time of its
explosion in the harbour of Havana. Deep-Sea Sounding and
Dredging; The Maine. Cent.
Simmons, Henry Martyn. N. Y., 1864- ——. A Unitarian clergyman of
Minneapolis. The Unending Genesis; New Tables of Stone and
Other Essays.
Simonds, William Edward. Ms., 1860- ——. A professor of English
literature at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. A Student’s History
of English Literature; Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Poems;
Introduction to the Study of English Fiction. He. Hou.
Simonton, Charles Henry. S. C., 1829- ——. A jurist of Charleston.
Lectures on Jurisdiction and Practice of United States Courts;
Digest of South Carolina Equity Decisions.
Simpson, Samuel. Mch., 1868- ——. A lecturer on American church
history in Hartford Theological Seminary. Life of Ulrich Zwingli:
Swiss Patriot and Reformer. Ba.
Sinclair, Upton. Ind., 1878- ——. A novelist of Princeton, New Jersey.
King Midas; The Journal of Arthur Stirling; Prince Hagen: a
Phantasy; Manassas. Mac.
Singleton, Esther. Md., 18— - ——. The Furniture of our Forefathers;
A Guide to the Opera; Turrets, Towers, and Temples; Love in
Literature and Art (edited); Wonders of Nature (edited); Romantic
Castles and Palaces (edited); Social New York under the Georges.
Ap. Do.
Sitterly, Charles Fremont. N. Y., 1861- ——. A professor of biblical
literature at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey,
from 1892. Praxis in Manuscripts of Greek New Testament; History
of the English Bible (with S. G. Ayres, supra).
Sizer, Nelson. Ms., 1812-1897. A phrenologist of Brooklyn. How to
Teach; Forty Years in Phrenology; Heads and Faces; Right
Selection in Wedlock; Resemblance to Parents.
Skeel, Adelaide. N. Y., 1852- ——. An author of Newburg, New York.
An After Christmas Thought; My Three-Legged Story-Teller; King
Washington (with W. H. Brearley, supra). Lip.
Skinner, Mrs. Henrietta Channing [Dana]. Ms., 186- - ——. Daughter
of R. H. Dana, 2d (page 87). A novelist of Detroit. Espiritu Santo;
Heart and Soul. Har.
Slattery, Charles Lewis. Pa., 1867- ——. An Episcopal clergyman of
Faribault, Minnesota. Felix Reville Brunot. Lgs.
Sleight, Charles Lee. N. Y., 1856- ——. An Episcopal clergyman of
Waterford, New York. Prince of the Pin Elves; The Water People.
Sleight, Mary Breck. N. Y., 18— - ——. A writer of Sag Harbor, New
York. Prairie Days; Osego Chronicles; Pulpit and Easel; The House
at Crague; Flag on the Mill; The Knights of Sandy Hollow; An
Island Heroine.
Slicer, Thomas Roberts. D. C., 1847- ——. A Unitarian clergyman of
New York city, but prior to 1881 in the Methodist ministry. The
Great Affirmations of Religion; The Power and the Promise of the
Liberal Faith. Hou.
Slocum, Joshua. N. S., 1844- ——. A navigator who in 1898 completed
a voyage around the world alone in a craft of nine tons register. The
Voyage of the Liberdade from Brazil to New York; Sailing Alone
Around the World. Cent.
Smart, Richard Addison. Ind., 1872- ——. A mechanical engineer of
Boston. Handbook of Engineering Laboratory Practice. Wil.
Smiley, Francis Edward. Pa., 1858- ——. A Presbyterian evangelist of
Philadelphia. The Evangelization of a Great City.
Smith, Mrs. Alice [Prescott]. Wis., 18— - ——. A novelist now
residing in California. The Legatee; Off the Highway. Hou.
Smith, Arthur Cosslett. N. Y., 1852- ——. A lawyer and novelist of
Rochester, New York. The Monk and the Dancer; The Turquoise
Cup. Scr.
Smith, Arthur Henderson. Ct., 1845- ——. A missionary in China
among whose writings are Chinese Characteristics; China in
Convulsion; Rex Christus. Mac. Rev.
Smith, Asa Dodge. N. H., 1804-1877. A Congregational clergyman,
president of Dartmouth College, 1863-67. Letters to a Young
Student; Memoirs of Mrs. Louisa Leavitt; Christian Statesmanship.
Smith, Benjamin Mosby. Va., 1811- ——. A Presbyterian clergyman of
Virginia, professor of Oriental literature at Union Theological
Seminary in Virginia, 1854. Commentary on the Psalms and
Proverbs; Family Religion; Questions on the Gospels.
Smith, Charles Henry. Sa., 1842- ——. A professor of American
history at Yale University from 1890. History of Yale University
Smith, Charles Sprague. Ms., 1853- ——. A lecturer of New York city;
Barbizon Days.
Smith, David Eugene. N. Y., 1860- ——. A professor of mathematics in
the Teachers’ College, Columbia University, among whose
professional works are Plane and Solid Geometry; History of
Modern Mathematics; Teaching of Elementary Mathematics. Gi.
Mac. Wil.
Smith, David Thomas. Ky., 1840- ——. A Louisville physician.
Obstetric Problems; The Philosophy of Memory and Other Essays.
Smith, [Edmund] Munroe. L. I., 1854- ——. A professor of Roman
law at Columbia University from 1891. Bismarck and German
Unity. Mac.
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee [Allen]. N. H., 1817-1898. Wife of H. B.
Smith (page 317). Beside editing The Life and Work of Henry
Boynton Smith, she wrote several hymns which are found in
hymnals, and other verse.
Smith, Frank Berkeley. 18— - ——. Son of F. Hopkinson Smith (page
347). The Real Latin Quarter; How Paris Amuses Itself; Budapest,
The City of the Magyars. Fu.
Smith, Mrs. Harriette [Knight]. O., 1855- ——. A Boston journalist.
The History of the Lowell Institute.
Smith, Harry Bache. N. Y., 1860- ——. A dramatist of New York city,
among whose opera librettos are Robin Hood; Rob Roy; Clover;
Sindbad; The Little Corporal. He has also written Will Shakespeare,
a comedy; Stage Lyrics and Sonnets.
Smith, Henry Erskine. N. Y., 18— - ——. A New York writer. On and
Off the Saddle; Love’s Diplomacy.
Smith, Henry Preserved. O., 1847- ——. A Presbyterian clergyman,
professor of Hebrew at Lane Theological Seminary at Cincinnati
from 1877. The Bible and Islam; Critical and Exegetical
Commentary on the Books of Samuel. Scr.
Smith, John Bernhardt. N. Y., 1858- ——. A professor of entomology
at Rutgers College. Economic Entomology for the Farmer and Fruit
Smith, John Day. Me., 1845- ——. A lawyer of Minneapolis. Cases on
Constitutional Law. West.
Smith, Justin Harvey. N. H., 1857- ——. A professor of history at
Dartmouth College from 1899. The Troubadours at Home. Put.
Smith, Langdon. Ky., 1858- ——. A New York journalist. On the Pan
Smith, Lewis Worthington. Il., 1866- ——. A professor of English in
Drake University, Iowa, from 1902. A Modern Composition and
Rhetoric; God’s Sunlight; The Writing of the Short Story. Cr. He.
Smith, Marion Couthouy. Pa., 18— - ——. A magazine contributor of
East Orange, New Jersey. Dr. Marks, Socialist.
Smith, Munroe. See Smith, Edmund Munroe.
Smith, Nora Archibald. Pa., 186- - ——. Sister of Mrs. Riggs (page
315). A writer upon kindergarten themes. The Children of the
Future; Under the Cactus Flag. With Mrs. Riggs she has written The
Republic of Childhood; The Story Hour. Hou.
Smith, Orlando Jay. Ind., 1842- ——. The president of the National
Press Association. Eternalism: A Theory of Infinite Justice;
Balance: The Fundamental Verity. Hou.
Smith, Philip Henry. N. Y., 1842- ——. An editor and author of
Pawling, New York. Acadia: a Lost Chapter in American History;
Curiosities in American History; General History of Dutchess
County, 1609-1876; Legends of the Shawangunk; Vermont and
New York Land Jobbers; The Statesmen of Podunk; Little Ethel, or
a Sprig of Sumac; Evangeline, a dramatization of Longfellow’s
Smith, Samuel Joseph. N. J., 1771-1835. Grandson of Samuel Smith
(page 350). A writer of Burlington, New Jersey, author of the hymn,
“Arise, my soul, with rapture rise.” Miscellaneous Writings with
Memoir (1836).
Smith, Theodore Clarke. Ms., 1870- ——. A professor of American
history in Williams College since 1903. The Free-Soil Party in
Wisconsin; The Liberty and Free-Soil Parties in the Northwest;
Analytical Index and Bibliography to the American Statesmen
series of biographies. Lgs. Hou.
Smith, Thomas Berry. O., 1850- ——. A Missouri educator, president
of Central College, Fayette, from 1901. Studies in Nature and
Language Lessons; In Many Moods (verse). He.
Smith, William Benjamin. Ky., 1850- ——. A professor of mathematics
at Tulane University, New Orleans, from 1893. Elementary
Coördinate Geometry; A Clue to Trigonometry; Bible of the New
Testament; Introductory Modern Geometry. Gi. Mac.
Smithey, Royall Bascom. Va., 1851- ——. A professor of mathematics
in Randolph-Macon College, Virginia, from 1878. History of
Virginia; Civil Government of Virginia. Am.
Smythe, William Ellsworth. Ms., 1861- ——. A journalist of San
Diego, California. The Conquest of Arid America. Har.
Sneath, Elias Hershey. Pa., 1857- ——. A professor of philosophy at
Yale University. The Philosophy of Reid; The Ethics of Hobbes;
The Mind of Tennyson.
Snow, Alvin Lincoln. Il., 1862- ——. A clergyman of Lenox, Iowa.
Songs of the White Mountains and Other Poems.
Snow, Charles Henry. N. Y., 1863- ——. An engineer, dean of the
School of Applied Science, New York University, from 1897. The
Principal Species of Wood (1893). Wil.
Snow, Lorenzo. O., 1814-1901. The president of the Mormon Church
1898-1901. The Italian Mission; The Only Way to be Saved; The
Voice of Joseph; The Palestine Tourists. The Book of Mormon was
translated into Italian by him.
Snow, Walter Bradlee. Ms., 1860- ——. A mechanical engineer of
Boston. Mechanical Draft; Steam Boiler Practice. Wil.
Snowden, David Harold. W. Va., 1842- ——. A Congregational
clergyman in Kansas. Is Man a Creation? God’s Hand in American
Snowden, James Henry. Pa., 1852- ——. A Presbyterian clergyman of
Pittsburgh, editor of the Presbyterian Banner. Scenes and Sayings in
the Life of Christ. Rev.
Snyder, Albert Whitcomb. N. Y., 1845- ——. An Episcopal clergyman
of New York city, among whose writings are The Chief Things;
Confirmation; Church Doctrine for the People. Wh.
Snyder, Charles McCoy. Pa., 1859- ——. A Philadelphia journalist.
Comic History of Greece; Runaway Robinson. Lip.
Sommerville, Maxwell. Va., 1829-1904. A professor of glyptology in
the University of Pennsylvania from 1894. Engraved Gems; On the
Meinam, together with Three Romances of Siamese Life and
Customs; Sands of Sahara; Siam. Lip.
Soule, Charles Carroll. Ms., 1842- ——. A Boston writer. Romeo and
Juliet, a New York travesty; Hamlet Revamped; The Lawyer’s
Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations.
Sousa, John Philip. D. C., 1854- ——. A popular musician and
bandmaster. The Fifth String. Bo.
Southworth, Alvan S——. 1846-1901. The secretary of the American
Geographical Society for some years. Four Thousand Miles up the
Nile; Life of General Winfield Hancock.
Spalding, Frederick Putnam. Pa., 1857- ——. A civil engineer. Notes
on Hydraulic Cement; Text-Book on Roads and Pavements;
Hydraulic Cement, its Properties, Testing, and Use. Wil.
Spalding, James Field. Ct., 1839- ——. A Roman Catholic theologian
of Concord, Massachusetts, but prior to 1890 an Episcopal
clergyman of Cambridge. The Teaching and Influence of Saint
Augustine; The World’s Unrest and its Remedy. Lgs.
Spalding, Volney Morgan. N. Y., 1849- ——. A professor of botany at
the University of Michigan from 1876. Introduction to Botany;
Guide to the Study of Common Plants; Monograph on the White
Pine. He.
Spalding, William Andrew. Mch., 1852- ——. A journalist of Los
Angeles. The Orange: its Culture in California.
Sparks, Edwin Erle. O., 1860- ——. A professor of history in the
University of Chicago from 1895. The Men who Made the Nation;
Formative Incidents in American Diplomacy; The Men who Rule
the Nation.
Spearman, Frank Hamilton. N. Y., 186- - ——. A magazinist of
Wheaton, Illinois. The Nerve of Foley; Held for Orders, tales of
railway life; Doctor Bryson; The Daughter of a Magnate; The Close
of the Day. The Strategy of Great Railroads. Ap. Scr.
Speer, Emory. Ga., 1848- ——. A jurist of Macon, Georgia. Removal of
Causes from State to United States Courts; Lectures on the
Constitution of the United States.
Speer, Robert Elliott. Pa., 1867- ——. A Presbyterian missionary.
Christ and Life; Papers and Practice of the Christian Life; Studies of
the Man, Jesus Christ; Remember Jesus Christ; Missions and
Politics in Asia; Memorial of a True Life; Studies of the Man, Paul.
Sperry, Lyman Beecher. N. Y., 1841- ——. A lecturer of Oberlin, Ohio.
Concerning Narcotics; Confidential Talks with Young Men;
Confidential Talks with Young Women; Husband and Wife;
Physiology, Fear and Faith. Rev.
Speyers, Clarence Livingstone. N. Y., 1863- ——. A professor of
Chemistry at Rutgers College, New Jersey, from 1891. Text-Book
of Physical Chemistry. Vn.
Spingarn, Joel Elias. N. Y., 1875- ——. A tutor in Columbia University
from 1900. A History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance; The
New Hesperides; American Scholarship. Mac.
Sprague, Frank Headley. Ms., 1861- ——. A metaphysical writer of
Quincy, Massachusetts. Spiritual Consciousness.
Sprague, Franklin M——. Ms., 1843- ——. A Congregational
clergyman of Tampa, Florida. Socialism from Genesis to
Revelation; The Laws of Social Evolution; Honest Money.
Sprague, Henry Harrison. Ms., 1841- ——. A lawyer of Boston.
Women under the Law of Massachusetts: their Rights, Privileges,
and Disabilities; History of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire
Society; City Government in Boston (1890).
Sprague, Homer Baxter. Ms., 1829- ——. An educator of Boston,
among whose many publications are The Fellowship of
Slaveholders; Voice and Gesture; Alleged Law Blunders in
Shakspere. Gi.
Sprague, William Cyrus. O., 1860- ——. A lawyer of Detroit.
Sprague’s Abridgment of Blackstone’s Commentaries; Flashes of
Wit from Bench and Bar; Directions to Vendors in Conditional
Sales; Sprague’s Speeches; Illustrative Cases on the Law of
Domestic Relations; Selected Cases on Contracts.
Stanley, Hiram Alonzo. N. Y., 1859- ——. A journalist, formerly of
Binghamton, New York. Rex Wayland’s Fortune; The
Stapleton, Ammon. Pa., 1850- ——. A Lutheran clergyman of
Philadelphia. Natural History of the Bible; Annals of the
Evangelical Association; Evangelical Catechism and Bible
Stapleton, Mrs. Patience [Tucker]. Me., 1861-1893. A novelist and
journalist of Colorado. My Jean; Kady; My Sister’s Husband; Babo
Murphy; Rose-Geranium.
Starling, William. O., 1839-1900. An engineer in government service.
The Improvement of the Mississippi River; Some Notes on the
Holland Dykes; The Floods of the Mississippi.
Starr, Frederick. N. Y., 1858- ——. A professor of anthropology in the
University of Chicago from 1893. First Steps in Human Progress;
On the Hills; American Indians. He. Fl.
Starr, Louis. Pa., 184- - ——. A Philadelphia physician. Diseases of the
Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood; Hygiene of the
Nursery; Diets for Infants and Children in Health and Disease.
Starrett, Mrs. Helen [Ekin]. Pa., 1840- ——. A Chicago educator.
Letters to a Daughter; Letters to Elder Daughters; After College,
What? Cr.
Stearns, Henry Putnam. Ms., 1828- ——. A physician of Hartford.
Insanity: its Causes and Prevention; Mental Diseases.
Steere, Joseph Beal. Mich., 1842- ——. A professor of zoölogy in the
University of Michigan. Fifty New Species of Philippine Birds.
Steffens, Joseph Lincoln. Cal., 1866- ——. A journalist of New York
city. The Shame of the Cities.
Stein, Evaleen. Ind., 18— - ——. A verse-writer of Lafayette, Indiana.
One Way to the Woods.
Steiner, Bernard Christian. Ct., 1867- ——. The librarian of the Enoch
Pratt Free Library at Baltimore from 1892. History of Education in
Maryland; History of Education in Connecticut; Citizenship and
Suffrage in Maryland; Institutions and Civil Government of
Maryland; History of Guilford, Connecticut; Genealogy of the
Steiner Family; Life of Sir Robert Eden.
Steinmetz, Charles Proteus. Ga., 1865- ——. An electrician of
Schenectady. Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current
Phenomena; Theoretical Elements of Electrical Engineering.
Stelwagon, Henry Weightman. Pa., 1853- ——. A Philadelphia
physician. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin; Treatise on Diseases
of the Skin.
Stengel, Alfred. Pa., 1868- ——. A Philadelphia physician. A Text-
Book of Pathology.
Stephens, Henry Morse. S., 1857- ——. A historian of Scottish birth,
formerly a journalist, but from 1892 to 1894 lecturer on Indian
history at Cambridge, England, from 1894 to 1902 professor of
modern European history at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,
and from 1902 professor of history at the University of California.
Beside contributions to the Encyclopedia Britannica and Dictionary
of National Biography, he has published A History of the French
Revolution; The Story of Portugal; Albuquerque (in Rulers of India
Series); European History, 1789-1815; Principal Speeches of the
Statesmen and Orators of the French Revolution (edited); Syllabus
of European History. Mac. Put.
Stephens, Robert Neilson. Pa., 1867- ——. Kinsman of A. H. Stephens
(page 359). A New York writer of plays and novels, dramatic editor
of the Philadelphia Press, 1887-1893. His plays include, An Enemy
to the King; The Ragged Regiment. His novels are, An Enemy to
the King; The Continental Dragoon; The Road to Ruin; A
Gentleman Player; Captain Ravenshaw; The Mystery of Murray
Davenport; The Bright Face of Danger. Pa.
Stephenson, Henry Theu. O., 1870- ——. A professor of English in
Indiana University from 1900. Patroon Van Volkenberg; The Fickle
Stephenson, Nathaniel. O., 1867- ——. Brother of H. T. Stephenson,
supra. A novelist, professor of history in the College of Charleston,
South Carolina, from 1902. They that Take the Sword; The
Beautiful Mrs. Moulton.
Sterrett, James Macbride. Pa., 1847- ——. An Episcopal clergyman,
professor of philosophy in Columbian University at Washington
city from 1892. Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion; Reason
and Authority in Religion; The Ethics of Hegel. Wh.
Stetson, Mrs. Charlotte [Perkins]. See Gilman, Mrs. C. P.
Stetson, Mrs. Grace Ellery [Channing]. R. I., 1862- ——. Daughter of
W. F. Channing (page 57). A littérateur of Pasadena, California. Dr.
Channing’s Note Book (edited); Selections from hitherto
unpublished manuscript of W. E. Channing, 1st; The Sister of a
Saint, and Other Stories; Sea Drift, a collection of verse; The
Fortune of a Day. S. Sm.
Stevens, Albert Clark. N. Y., 1854- ——. A New York journalist.
Cyclopædia of Fraternities.
Stevens, Augusta De Grasse. N. Y., 1865-1894. A novelist and art critic
whose home was in London for many years. Distance, a novelette;
Old Boston, an American Historical Romance; The Lost Dauphin;
Miss Hildreth; The Sensation of the Season; A Romantic
Inheritance. See Black’s Notable Women of To-day. Ap. Scr.
Stevens, Charles Wistar. N. H., 1836-1901. A physician of Boston.
Revelations of a Boston Physician.
Stevens, Charles Woodbury. Ms., 1831- ——. A Boston merchant. Fly
Fishing in Maine Lakes.
Stevens, Frank Lincoln. N. Y., 1871- ——. A professor of botany and
vegetable pathology at the North Carolina College of Agriculture
for 1903. Agriculture for Beginners and many professional papers.
Stevens, Hazard. R. I., 1842- ——. Son of I. I. Stevens, infra. A lawyer
of Boston. The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens. Hou.
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls. Ms., 1818-1862. A major-general of the United
States army, killed at the battle of Chantilly. Campaigns of the Rio
Grande and Mexico; Report of Explorations for a Route for the
Pacific Railroad from St. Paul to Puget Sound (1855-1860). See
Life, by H. Stevens (1900).
Stevens, Joseph Earle. Ms., 1870- ——. A business man of New York
city who has published Yesterdays in the Philippines, a record of
life in Manila, 1894-1895. Scr.
Stevens, Sheppard. See Stevens, Mrs. Susan.
Stevens, Mrs. Susan Sheppard [Pierce]. Al., 1862- ——. Daughter of
H. N. Pierce (page 297). A novelist of St. Louis. I Am the King;
The Sword of Justice; The Eagle’s Talon, a Romance of the
Louisiana Purchase; The Sign of Triumph. Lit. Pa.
Stevens, Walter B——. Ct., 1848- ——. A Washington newspaper
correspondent. Through Texas (1892).
Stevenson, Burton Egbert. O., 1872- ——. A librarian of Chilicothe,
Ohio. A Soldier of Virginia, an historical novel; At Odds with the
Regent; The Heritage; Tommy Remington’s Battle; Marsan; The
Halladay Case; Cadets of Gascony; The Marathon Mystery. Cent.
Hou. Lip.
Stevenson, James Henry. Ont., 1860- ——. A Methodist clergyman,
professor of Hebrew in Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Herodotus
and the Empires of the East (joint author); Babylonian and Assyrian
Contracts; Hymnology of the Assyrians and Babylonians. Am.
Stevenson, Paul Eve. N. Y., 1868- ——. A writer of Garden City, Long
Island. A Deep-Water Voyage; By Way of Cape Horn. Lip.
Stevenson, Mrs. Sara [Yorke]. F., 1847- ——. An archæologist of
Philadelphia. The Book of the Dead; Maximilian in Mexico. Cent.
Stewart, David. Md., 1856- ——. A lawyer of Baltimore. The Law of
Marriage and Divorce in England and the United States; Digest of
the Law of Husband and Wife (with F. King).
Stifler, James Madison. Pa., 1839-1902. A Baptist clergyman,
professor of New Testament exegesis at Crozer Theological
Seminary, Chester, Pennsylvania, 1882-1902. The Life of Christ;
An Introduction to the Book of Acts; Commentary on the Epistle to
the Romans.
Stillman, Annie Raymond. S. C., 1855- ——. How They Kept the
Stillman, Thomas Bliss. N. J., 1852- ——. Nephew of W. J. Stillman
(page 361). A professor of analytical chemistry in the Stevens
Institute of Technology at Hoboken, New Jersey, from 1886.
Engineering Chemistry; The Rutgers Scarlet Letter.
Stimpson, Herbert Baird. Md., 1869- ——. A novelist of Baltimore.
The Regeneration; The Tory Maid. Do.
Stimson, Henry Albert. N. Y., 1842- ——. A Congregational clergyman
in New York city. Religion and Business; Questions of Modern
Inquiry; The Apostles’ Creed. Rev.
Stine, Wilbur Morris. Pa., 1863- ——. A professor of engineering at
Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, from 1898. Photometrical
Measurements; The Wreck of the Myrtle, and Other Verses.
Stiness, John Henry. R. I., 1840- ——. A jurist of Providence. History
of Lotteries in Rhode Island; Liquor Legislation in Rhode Island.
Stockard, Henry Jerome. N. C., 1858- ——. A North Carolina educator
who has published Fugitive Lines.
Stockbridge, Horace Edward. Ms., 1857- ——. An agricultural
chemist, professor of agriculture in the Florida Agricultural College.
Rocks and Soils. Wil.
Stockham, Mrs. Alice [Bunker]. O., 1833- ——. A Chicago physician.
Tokology, a Book of Maternity; Keradin; Karezza; Parenthood;
True Manhood; Koradine (with L. H. Talcott); Creative Life;
Stockton, Louise. Pa., 1838- ——. Sister of F. R. Stockton (page 362).
A novelist and journalist of Philadelphia. Dorothea; Apple Seeds
and Briar Thorn; The Sylvan City, a series of papers upon
Stockwell, Chester Twitchell. Ms., 1841- ——. A dental surgeon of
Springfield, Massachusetts. The Evolution of Immortality; The
Philosophic Idea of God; Sentiment versus Science; Ethical Aspects
of the Evolution of Machinery; Relation of Evolutionary Thought to
Immortality; Ethical Basis of Equality; The New Materialism; The
New Pantheism; Ethical Ideals and World Movements.
Stoddard, Enoch Vine. Ct., 1840- ——. Cousin of W. O. Stoddard
(page 363). A physician and surgeon of Rochester, New York,
professor emeritus of therapeutics and hygiene in the University of
Buffalo. Beside professional papers he has published Bertrand du
Guesclin: his Life and Times. Put.
Stoddard, Francis Hovey. Vt., 1847- ——. A professor of English
literature at the University of the City of New York. The Modern
Novel; The Evolution of the English Novel; Tolstoi and Matthew
Arnold; The Ideal in Literature; The Uses of Rhetoric, are among
his writings. Mac.
Stone, Frederick Dawson. Pa., 1841-1897. An historical scholar of
Philadelphia, librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania,
1876-1897, and author of many historical essays of value.
Stone, Mrs. Margaret Manson [Barbour]. Mo., 1841- ——. A St.
Louis writer. The Problem of Domestic Service; One of “Berrian’s”
Novels; A Practical Study of the Soul. Do.
Stone, Richard French. Ky., 1844- ——. A physician of Indianapolis.
Elements of Modern Medicine; Biography of Eminent American
Physicians and Surgeons (edited).
Stone, Witmer. Pa., 1886- ——. Son of F. D. Stone, supra. An
ornithologist of Philadelphia, among whose writings are Bird
Waves; The Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey; Report
on Birds collected in Yucatan and Southern Mexico.
Stowell, Calvin Llewellyn. Pa., 1845- ——. A prominent financier of
Rochester, New York. The Red Cross of Constantine, a work upon
Free Masonry.
Strang, Lewis Clinton. Ms., 1869- ——. A dramatic critic. Famous
Actresses of the Day; Famous Actors of the Day; Prima Donnas and
Soubrettes in America; Celebrated Comedians in America; Players
and Plays of the Last Quarter Century. Pa.
Stratemeyer, Edward. N. J., 1862- ——. An author of Newark, New
Jersey, popular as a writer for young people. Victor Horton’s Idea;
Richard Dare’s Venture; Oliver Bright’s Search; The Last Cruise of
the Spitfire; Reuben Stone’s Discovery; Bound to be an Electrician;
The Minute Boys of Lexington; Under Dewey at Manila; A Young
Volunteer in Cuba; Fighting in Cuban Waters; The Campaign of the
Jungle; The Minute Boys of Bunker Hill; Under Otis in the
Philippines; To Alaska for Gold; With Washington in the West;
Under McArthur in Luzon; Between Boer and Briton; On to Pekin;
True to Himself; For the Liberty of Texas; The Young Bandmaster;
With Taylor on the Rio Grande; Lost on the Orinoco; The Young
Volcano Explorers; Young Explorers of the Isthmus; Young
Explorers of the Amazon; Two Young Lumbermen; The Young
Auctioneer; Shorthand Tom; Fighting for his Own; American Boys’
Life of William McKinley; American Boys’ Life of Theodore
Roosevelt; Marching on Niagara; At the Fall of Montreal; On the
Trail of Pontiac; Joe the Surveyor; Larry the Wanderer; Under the
Mikado’s Flag. Est. Le.
Stratton, George Malcolm. Cal., 1865- ——. A professor of
psychology in the University of California. Experimental
Psychology and its Bearing upon Culture. Mac.
Strecker, Herman. Pa., 1836-1901. A naturalist and sculptor of
Reading, Pennsylvania. Butterflies and Moths of North America.
Street, Ida Maria. Ia., 1856- ——. A Milwaukee educator. Ruskin’s
Principles of Art Criticism. S.
Streeter, John Williams. O., 1847- ——. A Chicago physician. Doctor
Tom, a novel. Mac.
Stringer, Arthur John Arbuthnot. Ont., 1874- ——. A littérateur of
New York city. Watches of Twilight; Pauline and Other Poems;
Epigrams; The Loom of Destiny; The Silver Poppy. Sm.
Stringham, [Washington] Irving. N. Y., 1847- ——. A professor of
mathematics in the University of California from 1882. Uniplanar
Stroebel, Edward Henry. S. C., 1855- ——. A lawyer and diplomat,
Secretary of the United States Legation and Chargé d’Affaires at
Madrid, 1885-1890. The Spanish Revolution, a history covering the
period from 1868 to 1875. Sm.
Strong, Charles Hall. La., 1850- ——. An Episcopal clergyman of
Savannah. In Paradise; Sermons; Creed in Deed; A Fair Agnostic; Is
Hell Endless?
Strong, Frank. N. Y., 1859- ——. The chancellor of the University of
Kansas from 1902. Life of Benjamin Franklin; A Forgotten Danger
to the New England Colonies; The Government of the American
People (with J. Schafer). Hou.
Strong, George Augustus. “Marc Antony Henderson.” 18- ——. An
Episcopal clergyman now (1904) living in Cambridge, but formerly
a professor in Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. The Song of
Milkanwatha, and Other Poems,—the title poem a witty parody of
Stryker, William Scudder. N. J., 1838-1900. An author of Trenton, New
Jersey, adjutant-general of New Jersey. The Battles of Trenton and
Princeton. Hou.
Studer, Jacob Henry. O., 1840- ——. An ornithologist of Columbus,
Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: its Resources and Progress; The Birds of
North America; Ornithology.
Sudbury, Richard. See Gibson, Charles H.
Sudworth, George Bishop. Wis., 1862- ——. A dendrologist in
government service, among whose writings are Check List of North
American Forest Trees; Forest Flora of the Rocky Mountain
Region; Forest Flora of Tennessee; Trees of the United States
Important in Forestry; Nomenclature of Arborescent Flora of the
United States.
Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins. Nebraska, 1874- ——. Out of the
West. Har.
Super, Charles William. Pa., 1842- ——. An educator, president of
Ohio University at Athens, Ohio. Translation of Weil’s Order of
Words; A History of the German Language; Between Heathenism
and Christianity; Wisdom and Will in Education. Rev.
Sutherland, Mrs. Evelyn Greenleaf [Baker]. Ms., 185- - ——. A
playwright of Boston. Po’ White Trash and Other One-act Dramas;
In Office Hours and Other Vaudeville Sketches, and other one-act
Sutphen, William Gilbert Van Tassel. Pa., 1861- ——. A littérateur of
New York city. The Golficide; The Golfer’s Alphabet; The
Nineteenth Hole; The Cardinal’s Rose; The Doomsman; The
Golfer’s Calendar. Har.
Swift, Lindsay. Ms., 1856- ——. Son of J. L. Swift (page 370). A
librarian in the Boston Public Library. Brook Farm; Benjamin
Franklin, a brief biography; Literary Landmarks of Boston. Hou.
Mac. Sm.
Swift, Morrison Isaac. 18— - ——. A writer of Cambridge.
Imperialism and Liberty; A League of Justice; The Advent of
Empire; Grimple’s Mind.
Swing, Albert Temple. O., 1849- ——. A Congregational clergyman,
professor of church history in Oberlin Theological Seminary from
1893. Theology of Albrecht Ritschl. Lgs.
Swing, Melvin. Ms., 1863- ——. The Darrow Enigma.
Tadd, James Liberty. At Sea, 1854- ——. An educator, director of the
Philadelphia School of Industrial Art. New Methods in Education.
Taft, Lorado. Il., 1860- ——. A sculptor of Chicago. The History of
American Sculpture. Mac.
Taggart, Marion Ames. Ms., 1866- ——. A New York writer for young
people. Aser the Shepherd; Bezaleel; Blissylvania Post Office; By
Branscombe River; Three Girls and Especially One; Treasure of
Nugget Mountain; Winnetou; Jack Hildreth on the Nile; Loyal Blue
and Royal Scarlet; The Wyndham Girls; Miss Lochinvar; The Little
Gray House. Ap. Ben. Cent.
Tait, John Robinson. O., 1834- ——. A New York author and artist.
European Life, Legend, and Landscape; Dolce far Niente, a
collection of verse.
Talbot, Arthur Newell. Il., 1857- ——. A professor of engineering in
the University of Illinois from 1890. The Railway Transition Spiral.
Talbot, Eugene Solomon. Ms., 1847- ——. A prominent Chicago
dentist. Degeneracy: its Causes, Signs, and Results; Irregularities of
the Teeth and their treatment; Interstitial Gingivitis. Scr.
Talmage, James Edward. E., 1862- ——. A professor of geology in the
University of Utah. First Book of Nature; Domestic Science; The
Articles of Faith; The Book of Mormon; The Great Salt Lake,
Present and Past.
Tappan, Eva March. Ms., 1854- ——. A teacher in the English High
School, Worcester, Massachusetts. Charles Lamb: the Man and the
Author; In the Days of Alfred the Great; Old Ballads in Prose;
England’s Story; In the Days of William the Conqueror; Our
Country’s Story; In the Days of Queen Elizabeth; The Christ Story;
In the Days of Queen Victoria; Robin Hood: his Book; Canada’s
Story. Hou. Le.
Tapper, Thomas. Ms., 1864- ——. A Boston musician, among whose
publications are Chats with Music Students; The Music Life;
Pictures from the Lives of Great Composers; First Studies in Music
Biography; The Child’s Music World; The Natural Course in Music.
Tarkington, [Newton] Booth. Ind., 1869- ——. A novelist of
Indianapolis. The Gentleman from Indiana; Monsieur Beaucaire;
The Two Vanrevels; Cherry. Dou.
Taylor, Albert Reynolds. Il., 1846- ——. An educator of Illinois. The
Church at Work in the Sunday School; Civil Government in Kansas;
Apple-Blossoms; Among Ourselves; The Government of the State
and Nation. He.
Taylor, Arthur Nelson. Wis., 1867- ——. A lawyer of New York city.
The Law in its Relations to Physicians. Ap.

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