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Name: John Exzel Paye Grade & Section: 11 - GOLD

Teacher: Ms. Marie May B. Chaves Subject: Philosophy

Go to or type “Most - The Bridge” to watch
either the full or edited version of the short story. Reflect and answer the following questions.

1. How do you find the decision made by the father? Do you think it was the best choice in that

It was the most merciful decision yet at the same it was the most painful decision for a father to
sacrifice his son just for the sake of other people. The father made the best choice in that
situation, cause first of all, it was his duty as a bridge tender so if he choose instead to save his
son, he would be responsible for the outcome and may even convicted to murderer. And also,
there were hundreds of people who aboard inside the train, so if the father was selfish at that
situation, hundreds of people will die and a lot of people will mourn to their death. The father
will carry the guilt all the time if he choose to be selfish at that situation.

2. Try to imagine the scenario that if you were the father, would you do the same (pulling the
lever)? What best reason(s) would there be for you to do the act?

Honestly, I don't have enough courage to sacrifice my love ones just for the sake of other
people, but in that situation, if I was the father, I am willing to sacrifice my own son not for the
other people sake but for my own selfishness. I would rather be driven by guilt to the death of
my own son, than the death of some strangers.

3. Do you think the father acted on his own will or not?

The father and the son has the same will in that situation, their were trying to save people in
there who were completly oblivious in their situation. Their are the only one who were aware in
that situation, so they have no choice but to take action. Of course the father doesn't have the
intent to kill his own son nor the other people in there. But the given situation, left him no
choice but to sacrifice his own son, so I believe that the father did not acted on his own will but
instead the given situation made him acted that decision.

4. What do you think of freedom as a human attribute? Is freedom desirable? How do you find
freedom in relation to forming relationships, sociopolitical order, and personal development?

I believe freedom is a choice, it is already in ourselves so its up to us whether we desire it or

not, But in terms in relationships, sociopolitical order, and personal development. This freedom
has its own limit, cause our society has its own standards in ethics. In establishing relationship,
we have the freedom to do so but we also have to consider the other party if he or she is willing
to form a relationship with you. In our society, we are given the freedom on how we live our life
but we are abide in the law of the government and in personal development, we have the
freedom on how we become but we have the standards to follow in the society. But just as I
said, freedom is a choice, if we choose to forget the laws, the ethics, and the standards of
society, we fulfill complete freedom, but it would only lead us into complete madness and
chaos, and thats the problem of freedom.

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