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Nombres: Matrículas:

Armando Aviles Abarca 3045794

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Ingles III

Módulo: Actividad: Activity 6

Fecha: 3 de Marzo del 2023


1. Research online for an article from an online newspaper or reliable website the
following concepts using the keywords:
rules of etiquette, polite behavior abroad, types of etiquette.
2. Read the following article and analyze: Rigg, A. (2013). Weird and wacky
etiquette from around the world. Flight Centre. Retrieved on May 2018
etiquette-from-around-the-worldLinks to an external site.
3. After reading both your findings and the suggested article, answer:

What rule of etiquette did you find more interesting?

1. The most interesting rule of etiquette I find it’s that in Germany they don´t
ask personal questions about family or about health, and it’s better do not
talk about one’s personal life.

2. Koreans do not like that foreigners criticize any aspect of their country or
their way of life. 

Write an etiquette rule from Mexico that is similar to the ones mentioned in the

1. The first one of Germany I find a bit similar here in Mexico is that people
do not ask someone of about their salary.
2. The second of Korea I find similar is that a lot of Mexican people get angry
if someone criticize something about the culture or the religion or food or
something about Mexico.

Write an etiquette rule from Mexico that is opposite to the ones mentioned in the

1. I find opposite one that here in Mexico everyone asks about their families
or about others persons, the people is a Little bit of gossips.
2. About the Korea rule I find opposite that here in Mexico the people try to
copy the style of life of others countries like USA or Canada, if a foreign
come and criticize the Mexican people maybe will change to be accept of the

4. Write 5 sentences summarizing the article using the modal verbs seen in class.
Write the modal verb + main verb in bold.
For example: In Scotland you can wear a kilt without underwear.

1. In Korea you mustn’t criticize their country.

2. You are able to drink beer at 16 years old in Germany.
3. You have to do military service for 18 months in Korea.
4. You must not mention WWII to German people.
5. You shouldn’t ask personal things to German people.

5. Record a 5 – 7 minute video where you talk about your findings on exercise 4
and compare them to those from Mexico. Don't forget to use modal verbs and
comparative and superlative forms.

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