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Chemistry doesn't directly define a

In biology, a human person is
human person, as it primarily deals
typically defined as a member of
with the composition and properties
the species Homo sapiens,
of matter. However, from a chemical
characterized by specific
perspective, a human person can be
anatomical, physiological, and
genetic traits. These traits include described as a complex arrangement
bipedalism (walking on two legs), a of atoms, molecules, and
large and complex brain, the compounds that interact in various
ability to use language, and the biochemical reactions to sustain life.
capacity for advanced cognitive

In psychology, a human
- In biology, a human person is
person is often defined

typically defined as a member

as an individual with of the species Homo sapiens,
characterized by specific
cognitive, emotional,
anatomical, physiological,
and behavioral and genetic traits. These traits
capacities. This include bipedalism (walking
definition considers on two legs), a large and
factors such as complex brain, the ability to
consciousness, use language, and the
capacity for advanced
perception, memory,
cognitive functions.
emotions, thoughts, and

the ability to interact

with the environment.

Anthropology views a human Economics defines a human
person as a cultural and person as a rational economic
biological entity. It considers agent who makes decisions base
on self-interest and seeks to
both the biological
maximize utility or well-being
characteristics that define
given limited resources. This
humans as a species and the perspective focuses on the
diverse cultural practices, beliefs, individual's role in economic
and behaviors that shape human activities, consumption,
societies and identities. production, and allocation of

What is a Human? A being made of skin and bones muscles, Blood
flowing through the veins, pump by our hearts. capable of feeling
emotion, moving though the world, communicating, socializing with
one another.
We live laugh, love, and cry because that makes us human,
We play, music, write and paint with our hands ,Sing with our voices
We hurt others, We make mistakes, We discriminate, We are not
We do everything WE ARE EVERYTHING,
We are the heroes and villains, the dragon and the night, We are chaotic
But thats what makes us Humans, We simply are capable of

A human is a living creature

that belongs to a group called
'people.' Humans are special
because they can think, feel
emotions like happiness and
sadness, and do many things
like talking, learning, and
creating. They come in
different shapes, sizes, and
colors, and they live all around
the world. Humans need things
like food, water, and shelter to
stay healthy and happy."

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