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College: BU College of [Name of College]
Course: BS [Course] [Year and Bloc] Insert your picture here
School Year: 2023 – 2024 First Semester
Subject: Mathematics in the Modern World
Topic: Reflection Paper on Mathematics in Nature

Things I did to answer this worksheet (check all that applies to you):
o Read ahead before the lesson. o Watched the lecture video posted in G Classroom.
o Attended the onsite class. o Discussed with my classmates (group study).
o Study the lecture notes provided. o Self-study via online sources (YouTube videos, etc.).

1. What is the role of Mathematics in your course? Also, what is it in Mathematics that
you love and hate?

Write your answers here.

2. What to you is the greatest contribution of Mathematics in humankind?

Write your answers here.

3. What is you ambition? What is the reason why you will continue pursuing this college
degree despite the hardship in the academe brought by this pandemic?

Write your answers here.

2023 – 2024 FIRST SEMESTER | MMW Reflection Paper

4. Show mathematically that among triangle, square and hexagon, the maximum
efficiency in building honeycombs is if it follows a hexagonal shape, i.e. assuming the
same perimeters, the hexagon has the biggest total area, as the ratio of the total areas
will be approximately 0.048, 0.063 and 0.072, respectively.

Write your answers here.

5. Kindly discuss briefly what you have significantly learned in this lesson. You may also
ask a question about this topic.

Write your answers here.

P.S. Before sending the file, please rename the filename to:

GEC14 Act01 CourseYearSection LastnameFirstname

example: GEC14 Act01 BSAM 1A LuciloJayson

2023 – 2024 FIRST SEMESTER | MMW Reflection Paper

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