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Search Engine Baidu

1 "Ethanol as an alternative for motor vehicle"

2a Volume of information

b Quality of information

Search Result Relevance: Measure the percentage of relevant search results

i. returned by each search engine for a set of standardized queries. Assess the
top search results and determine their accuracy and relevance to the query.

Search Result Accuracy: Evaluate the percentage of accurate information

ii provided within the search results. Check for factual errors, outdated
information, or misleading content in the top results.

Source Credibility: Analyze the percentage of search results from authoritative

and reliable sources. This can be determined by evaluating the presence of
reputable websites, academic sources, government domains, and news
organizations within the search results.

Spam and Irrelevant Results: Quantify the occurrence of spammy or irrelevant

iv. websites in the search results. Measure the percentage of search results that
do not provide valuable information or are unrelated to the query.

Query Understanding: Assess the search engine's ability to understand complex

queries and provide relevant results. Measure the percentage of queries where
v. the search engine correctly interprets the user's intent and delivers accurate
Freshness of Information: Determine the timeliness of the information
provided by the search engine. Measure the percentage of search results that
include recent and up-to-date information, especially for topics that require the
latest data.

Privacy and Security Measures: Assess the privacy and security features
provided by each search engine. Quantify factors such as adherence to privacy
policies, encryption protocols, protection against malware and phishing, and
user control over data.

Ease ofc.use - we can use the following parameters to compare the ease of use for each search engine.

Search Speed: Measure the time taken by each search engine to display search
viii. results for a given query. Faster search engines provide a more efficient user

User Interface Complexity: Evaluate the simplicity and intuitiveness of the

search engine's user interface. Count the number of clicks or steps required to
perform common tasks like entering a query, viewing search results, and
refining search parameters.

Search Suggestions: Measure the effectiveness of search suggestions or

x autocomplete features. Assess the accuracy and relevance of suggestions as the
user types, and compare how well they assist in refining search queries.

Advanced Search Options: Count the number and accessibility of advanced

xi. search options offered by each search engine. Evaluate features like date range
filters, language preferences, file type filters, and domain-specific searches.

Result Filtering and Sorting: Measure the ease of filtering and sorting search
xii. results based on relevance, date, source, or other criteria. Assess the
availability and user-friendliness of these options.

Voice Search Accuracy: Assess the accuracy of voice search functionality.

xiii. Measure the percentage of correctly interpreted voice queries and the
subsequent delivery of relevant search results.

Helpand Support: Evaluate the availability and usefulness of help and support
xiv. features provided by the search engine. Measure the ease of accessing help
documentation, support forums, or customer service channels.
Rating %


The information provided is relevant and complete


The first sources provided have dates from 2009, so the information is not recent, but they are
academic research documents, the most recent date found was 2022.

The results have strong credible sources since they are attached or linked to verifiable websites
and with the academic tab of the search engine, likewise they are based on previous studies or

Results are accurate with queries based primarily on academic documents.


The search engine generates based on queries and capable of correctly interpreting the user's
intention and for what they may need said information for.
The most recent information was 2022, the most relevant responses are from 2009 and earlier.

There is strict compliance with privacy policies, encryption protocols, protection against
malware and phishing and control of data by the user, it is also possible to observe all the
privacy policies that the browser has and its uses.

e for each search engine.

The serach engine has a considerable speed to generate report


The interface is simple to understand, in order to access any of its results links, they open in a
different tab than the search tab, which can be uncomfortable for some users.

It has few refinement search queries, mostly on not-so-common research topics.


Not much was noticed about the advanced search, since the results returned are from
academic research, and are in traditional Chinese, needing to use an extra tool to be able to
carry out the respective translation of the results.

Although it has a browser that is easy to understand for the user, it does not have many
options to filter or classify the search criteria.

You are having trouble interpreting a language other than Simplified Chinese.

The sources provided are easily accessible, and are also very useful when you have not used
this search engine before.

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