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Firstly, what is a situationship ?

It means a relationship with “ no label” . It's when you and your partner are already not
friends but not a couple yet.
You may send messages to each other every day to ask things like “ how was your day ?” or
“ what are you doing now?”,.. or even you can go out with them like a couple but it's not an
official couple because there isn't any commitment or any responsibility in this relationship.

And it's not like friends with benefits where both partners agree to avoid developing feelings.
They just come to each other when they want and then they will go back to their own life
without any problem.

But in situationship , it's different . In this case , one or both partners are waiting to see if the
relationship becomes something more serious or not

Humm I'm also an open minded person so in my personal opinion , if you are still young and
you don't want to be committed for TO anything or responsible for anyone and you want to
more about other persons PEOPLE or have more choices before starting a serious
relationship, then it's ok to be in a situationship. Honestly I neither support nor oppose, it
totally depends on your purpose and your character.

But as my current age, i I come to 28 year YEARS olds OLD this year so i think
situationship is unhealthy and negative because
1/ The person who has more expectation EXPECTATIONS in this relationship will be very
2/ Everything is unclear and temporary and i don't like it
3/ I'm not too young to waste my time on the things that may not have good result

Second, a love rat : this is the toxic field, these people already have an official relationship,
they have their lover or even they have A family but they still go out and date with others
We must stay away from these people because if they cheat on their current lover to come
to you, one day they will treat you in the same way. And also, don't be a love rat. It will be
very painful , not only for you but also for other people

So through the topic today, I just want to send to Lina and Mei a message : “ Don't invest
yourself in the wrong person “ . Because if you are doing something right but the wrong
person , nothing good returns and it’s not going anywhere. So you need to love yourself first
and wait for the right person, let the right person come to you , there's no rush.

With your appearance & your knowledge , I believe that you are smart enough to know
which is the best for you and who is suitable for you.

So being your older sister, I always believe and support your choices if they really make you
happy. Finally, I hope both of you will have a happy ending love affair ^^ .

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