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Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, also known as Lyme’s borreliosis, is an infectious disease

caused by the spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi. It’s the disease most commonly
transmitted by ticks in Europe and the USA. Wild rodents (not common mice and
rats) and deer are the primary carriers of these ticks (Ixodes Ricinus species).

Early and localized Lyme disease symptoms (stage 1) start days or even weeks
after the infection. They are flu-like symptoms and include shivering, fever,
general discomfort, headache and joint ache, muscle pain and neck stiffness.
There is often a rash with a bulls-eye appearance, a flat or slightly raised redness
at the site of the tick bite, usually with a lighter area in the middle. This rash can
be quite large and spread in size, and is called erythema migrans.
Symptoms can come and go. Lyme’s disease can extend to the brain, the
heart, and the joints.
Early dissemination Lyme disease symptoms (stage 2) can take place
weeks or months after the tick bite and include numbness or pain in the nerve
area, paralysis or weakness in the facial muscles, heart problems, respiratory
difficulties. Late dissemination Lyme’s disease symptoms (stage 3) can take
place months or even years after the infection. The most common ones include
abnormal muscle movement, joint swelling, muscle weakness, facial paralysis
and tingling, speech and cognitive impairments.

Dear Jim,
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Lyme disease, for which I received
standard treatment with dopamine and antibiotics. I noticed a significant
improvement, but now my health has slowly worsened again.
For the past two weeks, I have been using MMS. I felt nauseated, taking three
drops, eight times a day, so I reduced it to seven times, and then increased to
three drops, 15 times a day. Last week I continued at a pace of 1 drop, 15 times
a day.
It’s funny; I feel so much better. It works! I am thrilled, and I plan to use it
during the whole year or for as long as necessary, and then change to a
maintenance dose just to be on the safe side. I will also take paradophillus and
Thank you for saving my quality of life.


Appropriate treatment, in this case, would be Protocol C (or Protocol

B as an alternative), increasing the dose to 3 ml of CDS dissolved in 100
ml of water, ten times a day. It can be combined with Protocol R (rectal
irrigator) after depositions for three weeks. At night, apply Protocol E
(enema) alternating the next day with Protocol L (bath).

There are also testimonials from people for whom treatment did not work
and who went on to do Dr. Daniel s treatment. She’s been working with
turpentine for over 20 years (e. g., from Soria Natural®). She puts minimal
quantities of turpentine on sugar cubes. Doses are very small, from 2.5 ml to 5
ml at most, and uses a natural distillation of turpentine from trees. This is not
the turpentine we buy at DIY stores..


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