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Lesson>2e : The good old day / Answer Key \ Page : 26-27

1 / a) In a minute write as many words as possible under the heading.

+ rooms : kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, utility room, study room.

+ furniture : chair, table, sofa, book case, desk, coffee table, dining table.

+ appliances : microwave, vacuum cleaner, dish washer, refrigerator, washing machine.

b) Look at the picture. What does it tell us about life in the 1950s

This picture show people in 1950s didn’t have as much technology in the kitchen. As we have.
For example, they didn’t have electric tea kettles – they head water on the stove. The woman
using a kitchen wooden spoon to mix ingredients, which shows that people didn’t have electric
mixer, either. The picture suggests that people in the 1950s used cookbook a lot – the woman is
holding one open and there in also one on the kitchen table.

c) Think of the kitchen in your house. Compare it with the one in the picture

The kitchen in my house has a lot of modern electrical appliances where as the one in the
picture has got authentic 1950s. we have a toaster, refrigerator, microwave, and have a
cupboard on the wall and under the counters. We also have a wood table and chairs around it.

2 / Read the title and introduction of text. What do you think Joanne Massey’s life is like?

I think Jonne Massey’s life is simple and a lot of fun. She lives like a 1950s woman without
cellphone or modern gadgets.

3 / Read the text again and for question 1-5 choose the bast answer (A, B, C or D)


4 / Fill in

1 = time warp , 2 = black and white TVs , 3 = rock and roll music , 4 = traditional values

5 = 21st century conveniences , 6 = bright lipstick , 7 = stylish suit , 8 = throwaway fashion

9 = singing career , 10 = cleaning tips , 11 = second-hand appliances , 12 = back then

a) Use the phrases to make sentences based on the text.

- Joanne Massey live in a 1950s time warp.

- We had black and white TVs in the 50s.

- Rock and roll music was popular then.

- People had traditional values in the 50s.

- She has a microwave and other 21st century conveniences but he keeps them hidden.

- She likes to wear bright lipstick.

- Her husband often wears a stylish suit from the 50s.

- Joanne doesn’t like the throwaway fashion of modern times.

- She has a successful singing career as Lola Lamour.

- Joanne Massey has lots of second-hand appliances in the house.

She has chosen to live as people did back then.

b) Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

- desire to have more of sth than you need = greed | - a hat made of felt = trilby

- advice = tips | hidden = out of sight | - moral principles = values | - adores = cherishes

- took care of = looked after | - money for retires people from the state = pensions

- dull = bland | - large meeting = convention | - energy = spirit | - antique = vintage

- disposable = throwaway | - upsetting = distressing | - confesses = admits

- running away from = retreat from | - useful equipment = conveniences

- shake in disgust = shudder | - Culture of valuing shopping and goods = materialism

5 / Read the text again and complete the wed diagram to take notes about Joanne Massey’s life.

+ JOANNE > Home : retro décor , stone fireplace , metal kitchen , dish , radio & TV.

Life style : giving ‘40s & ‘50s-style , drive for 45 year-old car , cleaning tips.

Appearance/Clothes : pencil skirt , white blouses , wide belt.

+Then use your notes to describe Joanne’s life to your partner.

Joanne Massey lives in a home that has a 1950s oven, radio, telephone. It has retro décor,
including a stone fireplace, metal kitchen & TV cabinet. She dresses like a woman in 1950s, in
clothes like a pencil skirt, white blouses and wide belts. She wears bright 1950s-style lipstick. Her
lifestyle is also very 1950s. she bakes cakes for friend, gives 1950s-style cleaning tips, driver for
45 year-old car and avoids supermarkets and newspapers.

6 / What kind of person do you think Joanne is? Tell the class. Give reasons from the text.

I think Joanne Massey is a very caring person. She says doesn’t like the 21 st century because of
violence, greed and materialism. She prefers having a 1950s lifestyle because she thinks people
treated each other better then. I think living like in 1950s is a little strange but I admire her
because she has strong values and simple life.

7 / Compare your lifestyle to Joanne’s. In three minutes, write a few sentences on the topic. Read
them to your partner or to the class.

My lifestyle is simple. I use the internet every day and I like cooking, listening, reading, playing a
lot . Although I don’t go shopping every time, I do help them with clothes and anything

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