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October 21, 2022 2022

Rizki Fachriansyah
The Jakarta Post Editor
Jl. Palmerah Barat No.142-143

Dear Mr Rizki

I would like to provide some perspective from me regard to a recent editorial (Work-from-home policy in
effect at major Jakarta companies over virus concerns, March 15, 2020) that appeared in Jakarta Post.

We’ve already known that Covid-19 has changed our lives and relationships over the past year. This outbreak
has brought up new habits that we’ve never been done normally. As well as the way we work is also limited
due to the spread of COVID-19.

Work-from-home is only one way to adapt during a period of COVID-19 pandemic. It is adopted in the
workplace and opted by the workers.

Although it is not easy, especially for employee who regularly work in office. It is very challenging to start
work from home effectively, efficiently, and produce quality result. The notes must be taken, for the work that
needs to meet other people, be invited, or travel outside the city is really a kind of work that cannot be done in
home effectively.

On the other hand, currently, doing work from home is the best alternative to avoid the spread of the COVID-
19 virus. For instance, if one person is sick, he or she could spread the germs through coughing and sneezing,
touching surfaces and contacting others closely. Even staying at their private desks, germs can also be
spread by the flying droplets which settle on any surface and cause contamination. Therefore, I do agree that
working from home protects people from harm.

My advice is although people work from home, they need to prioritize sanitization. Absolutely, there will be
fewer high-touch surfaces in their own home and no colleagues to touch them. It is just for anticipating if the
germs enter their environment. Moreover, Government should provide cleaning and disinfecting for office.
Hopefully, this pandemic will be end soon.

Thank You


Vian Hidayat

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