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 DI 模板
 RL 模板
 SWT 连接词表&使用范例
 Essay 模板
 SST 模板
猩际 DI 满分模板
The graph gives information about + <标题>.
It is a very informative picture.
From the picture I can see + <关键词 1> and <关键词 2>.
From the picture I can see + <关键词 3> and <关键词 4>.
From the picture I can see + <关键词 5> and <关键词 6>.
From the picture I can see + <关键词 7> and <关键词 8>.
I can see the largest element and also the smallest element.
In conclusion, the picture is very informative.

* 此 模 版 适 用 于 线图、柱 图、流 程 、图片 、组合 图、地 图等 所 有 图片 类型 。

 在图片中选取标题,如没有就任选信息为标题
 从图片中选择至少 8 个词或者短语
 所选词或短语尽量来自于图片的不同位置
 仅仅依靠模版是不够的,流利度和发音才是决定你是否能拿到高分的关键,确保作
图片 范 例 :
1. 多线图

The graph gives information about

Consumption of Fast Food by Australian
It is a very informative picture.
From the picture I can see Pizza and Fish and
From the picture I can see year and 1975.
From the picture I can see 1995 and 2000.
From the picture I can see 20 and 40.
I can see the largest element and also the
smallest element.
In conclusion, the picture is very informative.

2. 表格
The graph gives information about English Wikipedia at a glance.
It is a very informative picture.
From the picture I can see data and yearly change.
From the picture I can see article count and new editors.
From the picture I can see 800 and 3000.
From the picture I can see 6% and 21%.
I can see the largest element and also the smallest element.
In conclusion, the picture is very informative.

3. 流程图
The graph gives information about Rock.
It is a very informative picture.
From the picture I can see weathering and sediment.
From the picture I can see compaction and sedimentary rock.
From the picture I can see heat and pressure.
From the picture I can see melting and cooling.
I can see the largest element and also the smallest element.
In conclusion, the picture is very informative.
4. 图片

The graph gives information about the forest.

It is a very informative picture.
From the picture I can see chairs and grass.
From the picture I can see trees and river.
From the picture I can see mountain and sunshine.
From the picture I can see flowers and blue sky.
I can see the largest element and also the smallest element.
In conclusion, the picture is very informative.
Re-tell Lecture 模板

The lecture gives information about + topic word / phrase.

It is a very informative lecture.

From the lecture I can hear + 1 and 2.

From the lecture I can hear + 3 and 4.

From the lecture I can hear + 5 and 6.

From the lecture I can hear + 7 and 8.

Furthermore, the speaker has proven this by

providing all these reasons.

In conclusion, the lecture is very informative.

The lecture gives information about camels.

It is a very informative lecture.

From the lecture I can hear hot climate and escape faster.
From the lecture I can hear fat and food.
From the lecture I can hear suffer a lot and people.
From the lecture I can hear short on food and put the top.
From the lecture I can hear recovery and superfood.

Furthermore, the speaker has proven this by providing all these reasons.
In conclusion, the lecture is very informative.
SWT 逻辑关系&连接词

because I liked swimming and hiking because they were fun.

通常情况下 because 前面不要加逗号

since Since Hubert is not very smart, he never

experiences any fear.

so My computer crashed, so I lost all my work. 不能 把 so 替换 成 therefore 或 者

thus。So 是连接词,therefore 和
thus 都只是副词。


but Mary is very popular among her classmates, but 不 能 把 but 替 换 成 however , 因 为
her poor exam scores make her teachers worried. however 并不是连接词。

although / Although / Though Mary is very popular among

though her classmates, her poor exam scores make her
teachers worried.

and Mary is very good at sports, and her classmates And 作为两个分句的连接词时,
are very proud of her. 前面需要加逗号

分号 Mary is very good at sports; her classmates are 分号可以连接并列且同级的分句,或者连

very proud of her. 接两个语义联系紧密的分句

in order to I’ve studied very hard in order to score high in my


when When it started to rain, we went inside.

while While Peter is spending a good time on television,

Mary is practicing her piano.

where In 1963 we moved to Boston, where my

grandparents lived.

which Mindfulness which is achieved by meditation

techniques is very benefitial.

that The research result that has surprised many is

undergoing further investigation.

双逗号 Huber, a young man who never fears, is not very

such as This job requires various skills such as public such as 后 面 都 是接 名 词 或 者
speaking, coding and driving. 动名词
SWT 模版

Sentence 1, and sentence 2, which means that sentence 3, so sentence 4;

sentence 5.


In 2005 Japan had the highest median age of all countries in the world, while
Australia's population was only moderately aged. Some 50 years ago the
demographic situation was quite different, with the median age of Australia's
population being seven years older than Japan's.

The ageing of the population is a major issue for Australian policy makers,
particularly in regard to the long-term implications for reduced economic growth
and the increasing demand for Age Pensions, and health and aged care
services. As the population ages, growth in the number of people of working
age will slow, while the proportion of people of retirement age will increase.

Sustained population ageing also leads to slowing or negative population growth.

While declining population growth in developed countries is welcomed by some
environmentalist and social scientists, economists tend to agree that population
decline brings gloomy economic prospects. In addition to the decrease in the
labor supply, the demand side of the economy may be affected through
shrinking markets for goods and services.

How quickly this occurs depends on the dynamics of fertility, mortality and
overseas migration. While a moderate pace of demographic change allows for
gradual adjustment of the economy and policies to the changing population
demographics, rapid changes are more difficult to manage. As a result,
governments and society as a whole may need to take actions to address these

Key Points:
1.Australia’s population was only moderately aged;
2.the ageing of the population is a major issue for Australian policy makers;
3.sustained population ageing leads to slowing or negative population growth;
4.population decline brings gloomy economic prospects;
5.governments and society as a whole may need to take actions to address
these issues.


Australia’s population was only moderately aged, and the ageing of the
population is a major issue for Australian policy makers, which means that
sustained population ageing leads to slowing or negative population growth, so
population decline brings gloomy economic prospects; governments and society
as a whole may need to take actions to address these issues. (57 words)
猩际教育 Essay 内容模板
Nowadays, whether (topic) has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the
public ’s attention. Some people believe that ... ( 一个观点), while others hold the
view that … (另一个观点). In my opinion, … (你的观点) for … (A) and … (B) reasons.

Firstly, the … (A) reason is why I think … ( 改 写 你 的 观 点 ). Although potentially

positive/negative impacts of … (topic 里的主语,如电脑,法律 ) must be taken into
account, I still reckon that … (topic 里 的 主 语 ) has in many ways enormously
harmed/enriched people ’ s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist
Einstein once said that … (编一句与主题相关的话). It is thus clearly shown that … (你

Moreover, another factor that should be considered is the … (B) reason. As far as
society is concerned, the ultimate aim of … (topic 里的主语) is to … (扣题的话). For
instance, a recent article
published in/by Scientific American/The Economist revealed that … (编一句与
主题相关的话). Undoubtedly, this is a clear indication that … (你的观点).

To sum up/In conclusion, I hold the view that … (你的观点) because of the A and B
reasons outlined above. To address this issue, the government and society should
make a concerted effort to find solutions.

A/B 位置可以根据题目替换的词:

Essay 类型(Agree or Disagree)

Essay topic: Some people believe law changes human behaviour. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, whether the law changes human behaviour has attracted numerous
controversies and drawn the public’s attention. Some people believe that the
law can change human behaviour, while others hold the view that there is no
relationship between law and human behaviour. In my opinion, the law does have
an influence on human behaviour for social and psychological reasons.

First and foremost, the social reason is why I think the law has an influence on
human behaviour. Although potentially negative impacts of law must be taken
into account, I still reckon that the existence of law has in many ways enormously
enriched people’s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist Einstein
once said that people are generally afraid of receiving any form of legal
punishment. It is thus clearly shown that human behaviour is changed by law.

In addition, another factor that should be considered is the psychological reason.

As far as society is concerned, the ultimate aim of the law is to protect people. For
instance, a recent article published by The Economist reveals that 80% of people
fasten their seat belts in cars after a traffic law has been enacted. Undoubtedly,
this is a clear indication that the law has a positive impact on individuals’
In conclusion, I hold the view that the law changes human behaviour. To
address this issue, the government and society should make a concerted
effort to find solutions. (words: 235)
Essay 类型(两个问题)

As a result of advances in medical care, average life expectancy is

increasing for men and women. Do you think most people will see this as a
positive development? What are the disadvantages of an ageing population
for individuals and society? Support your point of view with reasons and/or
examples from your own experience or observations.
Nowadays, whether increasing life expectancy is a positive development has
attracted numerous controversies and drawn the public’s attention. Some
people believe that living longer is very beneficial, while others hold the view
that it is very harmful. In my opinion, increasing life expectancy has an
advantage and a disadvantage for social and financial reasons.
First and foremost, the social reason is why I think living longer is beneficial.
Although potentially negative impacts of increasing life expectancy must be
taken into account, I still reckon that long life expectancy has in many ways
enormously enriched people ’ s lives. For example, a well-known American
scientist Einstein once said that living longer will allow people to accompany
their families longer. It is thus clearly shown that increasing life expectancy
is great for society.
Moreover, another factor that should be considered is the financial reason.
As far as society is concerned, the ultimate aim of families is to support the
elderly. For instance, a recent article published by Scientific American
revealed that families have great financial pressure in supporting elderly
people. Undoubtedly, this is a clear indication that the ageing population
does have some negative influences on many families.
To sum up, I hold the view that increasing life expectancy is certainly a
positive development. However, it also has the disadvantage of financial
pressure. To address this issue, the government and society should make a
concerted effort to find solutions. (words: 235)
Essay 类型(开放式)

Culture shock is a new worry leading to less immigration. What are the possible
options to eradicate this issue?

Nowadays, solving the problem of culture shock, which is a new worry

leading to less immigration, has attracted numerous controversies and
drawn the public’s attention. Some people believe that people should
travel more, while others hold the view that there should be more events
hosted to bridge the gap between people from different cultures. In my
opinion, this problem can be solved by individuals and governments
working together.
First and foremost, governments need to host more events for people
from different cultures. Although potentially negative impacts of
community events must be taken into account, I still reckon that
community events have in many ways enormously enriched people’s
lives. For example, a well-known American scientist Einstein once said that
people will have a better understanding of each other if they spend more
time together. It is thus clearly shown that culture shock can be reduced if
people will understand other cultures better through community events.

Moreover, another factor that should be considered is that individuals should

travel more. As far as society is concerned, the ultimate aim of travel is to
experience the unknown. For instance, a recent article published in Scientific
American revealed that 80% of people are more willing to accept new cultures
after travel. Undoubtedly, this is a clear indication that culture shock will
become less of a problem if people travel more.

In conclusion, I hold the view that culture shock can be managed by both
individuals and governments. To address this issue, the government and society
should make a concerted effort to bridge the gap between different cultures.
(words: 262)
Summarize Spoken Text 模板

This lecture is mainly about <word/phrase>. Firstly, the speaker emphasizes that
<sentence 1>. He/She also mentions that <sentence 2>, and <sentence 3>.
Lastly, the speaker believes that <sentence 4>, and <sentence 5>. In conclusion,
<sentence 6>.



This lecture is mainly about math anxiety. Firstly, the speaker emphasizes that
you sit down to take a math test. She also mentions that twenty percent of the
population suffers from it, and they are anxious about math. Lastly, the speaker
believes that it is a short-term memory system. In conclusion, people struggle
with math skills. (words: 56)

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