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Ms. April Anne D.

Balanon-Bocatp Notes for Nursing Research RLE ( NCM 111a)

Nursing research is an essential component of the nursing profession that promotes evidence-based
practice, informs clinical decision-making, and contributes to improving patient outcomes. Nursing
research is a systematic process of inquiry that seeks to answer questions related to nursing practice,
education, and policy.
Nursing research is essential to improve patient care, enhance nursing practice, and advance the
nursing profession.
 By conducting research, nurses can identify the best practices that promote patient
safety, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the quality of care.

 Nurses can also use research findings to guide clinical decision-making and develop
evidence-based nursing interventions.

 Nursing research also contributes to the development of nursing science, which helps to
establish the unique role of nursing in the healthcare system.

 It also supports the development of nursing theories, which guide nursing practice,
education, and administration.

 Nursing research also informs health policies that impact patient care, healthcare
systems, and nursing practice.

The first step in conducting nursing research is to formulate a research question. The research question
should be relevant to nursing practice, education, or administration and should be answerable through
research. The research question should be clear, concise, and specific.


Come up with 5 titles that cover your areas of interest vis a vis Nursing Research.






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