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In this lesson, the students learned about Congruent Triangle. Before I introduce
the lesson, we started with games that connected to our topic. After that I asked
questions that led to our topic. I engaged games for them to boost their energy and let
their mood focus on the learning. In the discussion part, I gave them activities that
masters their understanding in the classification of triangles according to its sides and
angles and also corresponding sides and angles of triangles.I also gave activities that
requires collaboration and cooperation with their classmates. The flow of the lesson is
very smooth and most of the students understand the topic.
Parts Objective 13 Remarks
Teaching Philosophy
Motivation Progressivism Integrating games for the
students to identify the
lesson to be discussed
Presentation Humanism Asking the current state of
the students. Showing
interest on individul
Discussion Progressivism Coopertive Learning ws
Perennialism+Active being used.
Learning Instill vlues relted to the
Fixing Skills Progressivism Students will work as
group to concretize their
learning and present it in
Generalization Progressivism Custom-made activities
were given to the students

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