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Written by: Mitzi Carollo, MS, CCC/SLP

Summer’s nearly over! We had a

good and fun Summer! But now it is
time for school to begin.

I will be going to a new school. It
will be lots of fun! I will meet many
new friends! I know that everyone
will be friendly and nice. Maybe I
will be able to visit my new school
before school begins.

I will need to get my mind and body
ready for school. I will start going to
bed early just like I do during school.
This will help me get back into the
school routine.

On the first day of school I will wake

up early, get dressed, and eat a
yummy breakfast!

The first day of school I will probably

be nervous and scared, but my
parent’s say that’s ok. Mom and dad
will always make sure I am safe.
Even at my new school.

My parents also told me that there
will be really nice teachers to help
me find my way.

I will meet my new teacher. She will
be very nice. She will introduce me
to my new friends.

At the end of the day mom or dad
will come for me or I may ride the
bus home. When I get home I will
relax and play. I will be tired so I
will go to bed early. I want to be
ready for my next day at school!

I might miss my old school, but I
know my new school will be GREAT!

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