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SCH4C – WHMIS/Lab Safety Quiz

1. WHMIS stands for:

a. Workplace Hazardous Meeting Information Seminar
b. Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
c. Workplace Hazards and Metals Information for Students
d. Winning Happy Merry Informed Students

2. What does GHS stand for?

a. Good Healthy Students
b. Globally Harmonized System of Classification
c. Global Health and Safety
d. Global Health System

3. These health effects happen quickly, usually a short time after exposure.
a. Chronic b. Acute c. Immediate d. Local

4. These health effects happen slowly over time.

a. Chronic b. Acute c. Immediate d. Local

5. The shape around a WHMIS 2015 symbol is

a. A black circle
b. A red circle
c. A black diamond
d. A red diamond

6. What does SDS stand for?

a. Safe Disposal System
b. Safer Disuse Strategy
c. Safety Data Sheet
d. Safely Do Stuff

7. What should you do if you accidentally break glass during a lab experiment
a. Tell the teacher
b. Use a broom and dust pan to sweep it up
c. Make sure it goes into the broken glass container
d. All of the above

8. Safety glasses must be worn whenever chemicals are used in an experiment.

a. True b. false

9. At the end of an experiment, all remaining chemicals are to be poured down the sink.
a. True b. false

10. In order to determine the odour of a chemical, always put you head/face directly over the container opening
and inhale deeply to get the best sample.
a. True b. false
Short Answer:

1. List the 4 route of entry for any chemical. For each one explain a lab safety rule or precaution that is used to
protect us from chemical exposure. (4 marks)

2. Match the following. Please write out the correct LETTER beside the number and symbol on the lines below.

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