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Arthur Cutinho

1. To Understand the Various Effects of
loads on a Bending Member Bending
2. To Understand the Theory of Bending i.e. Stresses
Creation of Moment of Resistance to
Counter-act the External Bending Moment
Based on Assumptions
3. To Record the Flexural Formula; and
understand the Distribution of Bending
Stresses across the Section
4. To Understand Section Modulus and Why
Deep Beams resist Bending Better than
Wider Beams

TOS 2: Unit 3a: Spanning Members; Beams- Bending

3.A.1 Basics: We learnt in T.O.S 1 that Spanning members like Simple Supported, Cantilever and
Continuous Beams are subjected to loads like u.d.l and point loads and hence develop
1. Bending Moments which cause Bending Stresses.
2. Shear Forces which cause Shear Stresses.
3. Deflection: The physical deformation of a Beam.
Accordingly spanning members have to be designed so that
1. Bending Stresses are not exceeded i.e. Design for Flexure
2. Shear Stresses are not exceeded i.e. Design for Shear.
3. Deflection is within limits i.e. Design for Serviceability.
In this chapter we shall study Bending Stresses as an effect of the Bending Moment on a Beam and
in turn the mechanism the beam develops i.e. Moment of Resistance to overcome the Bending
Before we begin a serious discussion on Bending Stresses, I would like to first point out the essential
differences between Simple Stresses that we learnt in the Unit 2 of T.O.S 1 and Bending Stresses that
we shall study now, which will help us in understanding the Theory of Simple Bending easily.

Direct or Axial Compressive and Bending Stresses require an internal Resisting Force to be developed
to combat the external force. However Loads acting on a Beam produce a Bending Moment which
can be counteracted by another Moment only.
So let us remember
1. An external Bending Moment has created these stresses. A moment can be resisted by
an equal and Opposite Moment and not a Force.
2. So the theory should aim at creating an equal and opposite Internal Moment.

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

3.A.2 Assumptions in the Theory of Simple Bending:

1. Material of the Beam is homogenous i.e. constant E in all directions.
2. Young’s Modulus is same in Compression and Tension. This is to simplify analysis.
3. Transverse Sections that are plain before bending will remain plain after bending.
This is to eliminate the effect of strains in other directions
4. Beam is initially straight and all longitudinal filaments will bend in circular arcs. This
is again to simplify calculations.
5. Radius of curvature is large compared to dimensions of cross sections.
6. Each Layer is free to expand or contract independent of the layer above or below.
Other-wise this will generate additional internal stresses.
7. Effects of shear stresses or other stresses are neglected when computing Bending
Stresses. This is again to simplify calculations.
8. The Beam is of uniform cross-section through-out the length of the Beam.
9. The Beam is stressed within its Elastic Limit. i.e. Stress is proportional to Strain
3.A.3 The Theory of Simple Bending:

1. The first picture shows the entire beam bent due to external loads and or self-weight

2. The second picture shows a part of the beam enlarged. It clearly shows the top layers of the
beam are in Compression and the bottom layers in tension. Moving from top to bottom
there is one layer neither in Compression nor in Tension called the Neutral Layer. The Axis
passing through this layer is known as Neutral Axis

3. The third picture is a Strain Diagram. The Strains ec and et are maximum and are at the top
and bottom layer respectively. As per assumption 9, the fourth picture is the Stress Diagram
as Stress is directly proportional to Strain. Hence fc = E x ec and ft = E x et are the
Compressive and Tensile Strains at the top and bottom layer respectively.

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

4. The Compressive Part develops a Compressive Force Fc and the Tensile Part develops a
Tensile Force Ft. The Compressive Force Fc acts at the c.g. of the compressive stress diagram
and the Tensile Force acts at the c.g. of the Tensile Stress Diagram. The Distance between
the two is the lever arm
5. If Fc=Ft then the net force at the section is Zero.
6. However as Fc and Ft are in the opposite directions, they form a couple whose Moment will
counteract the External Bending Moment. This Moment Fc x l.a. = Ft x l.a. is called the
Moment of Resistance (M.R).

3.A.4 Flexural Formula:

ࡹ ࣌ ࡱ
• = =
ࡵ ࢟ ࡾ

 M = B.M max = M.R e.g. M = wl²/8 for a simple supported beam with full u.d.l
 I =Moment of Inertia (I = bd³/12 for a Beam with a rectangular cross section of b x d,
I = πD⁴/64 for a beam with a circular cross section of diameter D)
 σ = Bending stress at a layer of distance y from Neutral Axis, Sometimes denoted as f
 y is the distance of layer from Neutral Axis where Bending Stress is to be found
 E = Young’s Modulus
 R = radius of Bending

• σ =Mx

• hence σmax = M x , ymax = d/2

1. The Layers above the Neutral Layer are in Compression and the Layers below are in Tension for a
Simple Supported Beam with Positive Bending Moment and opposite for a Cantilever
2. Bending Stress compressive max (σcmax)is at top most fibre and Bending Stress tensile max
(σtmax)is at bottom most fibre for a simple supported Beam(positive B.M) and opposite for a
cantilever beam (negative B.M) as value of y is max at top and bottom Here y = d/2
3. Bending Stress is Zero at Neutral Axis as Strain is Zero and y=0
4. Bending Stress distribution is linear across the section

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem.1 A wooden beam of size 125mm x 375mm is simply supported over a span of 4m and
carries an udl of 5kN/m over the entire span and a central point load of 6kN.
a. Calculate the Maximum Tensile and Compressive Bending Stress.
b. Calculate the stress at a layer 50mm from the topmost fibre
c. Calculate the stress at a layer 100mm from the bottom.
d. Draw the Bending Stress Diagram across the Section

Solution: σ=Mx

M = B.Mmax, y = distance of layer from N.A and I = Moment of Inertia, σ = Bending Stress.

I have drawn the loading diagram above.

(B.Mmax due to udl w) = wl²/8 and (B.Mmax due to Central point load W) = Wl/4
• M = B.Mmax = wl²/8 + Wl/4 = (5 x 4²/8) + (6 x 4/4) = 10 + 6 = 16kNm = 16 x 10⁶Nmm
• I = bd³/12 = 125 x 375³/12 = 549.31 x 10⁶mm⁴
Below is drawn a section of the Beam

a. σcmax = σtmax when y = d/2 = 375/2 = 187.5mm

Hence σcmax = M x y max/I = (16 x 10⁶ x 187.5)/ 549.31 x 10⁶ = 5.46N/mm².
σcmax = σtmax = 5.46N/mm².

b. We can calculate σc at layer cc by this formula or by similarity of triangles

• σc at layer cc = M x y max/I = (16 x 10⁶ x 137.5)/ 549.31 x 10⁶ = 4.005N/mm².
• By similarity of triangles: σc at layer cc = 5.46 x 137.5/187.5 = 4.005N/mm².

c. We can calculate σc at layer dd by this formula or by similarity of triangles

• σc at layer dd = M x y max/I = (16 x 10⁶ x 87.5)/ 549.31 x 10⁶ = 2.54N/mm².
• By similarity of triangles: σc at layer dd = 5.46 x 87.5/187.5 = 2.54N/mm².
Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

We are always confused about units

B.M = Wl/4 = kN x m = kNm = 10³N X 10³mm = 10⁶Nmm
I = b x d³/12 = mm x mm³ = mm⁴

Problem.2 A Beam of size 230mm x 600mm is simple supported and carries a load of 22kN/m
over the entire span. Calculate span l for the beam if Max Bending stress in compression is not to
exceed 12N/mm².
Solution: σ = M x y/I Hence M = σ x I/ymax
M = B.Mmax, y = distance of layer from N.A and I = Moment of Inertia, σ = Bending Stress.
• Let l be the span of the simple supported beam in m and load is 22kN/m
Hence M = B.Mmax = wl²/8 = 22 x l²/8kNm = 2.75 x l² kNm = 2.75 x l² x 10⁶Nmm

• ymax = 600/2 = 300mm

• I = bd³/12 = 230 x 600³/12 = 4140 x 10⁶mm⁴
• σcmax = 12N/mm²
Putting all the above values in the equation given below
M = σ x I/ymax
2.75 x l² x 10⁶ = 12 x 4140 x 10⁶/300
l² = 60.21m²
Hence l = 7.76m
Let us just use the beam section as 600 x 230 instead of 230 x 600 and find what load it is capable of
carrying over the same span or what span it can be used over to carry the same load?

Problem.3 A Beam of size 600mm x 230mm is simple supported. Calculate the udl it can carry
over a simple supported span of 7.76m, if max Bending stress in compression is not to exceed
Solution: σ = M x y/I Hence M = σ x I/ymax
Let w be the load in kN/m over the span of 7.76m
• M = B.Mmax = w x 7.76²/8 = w x 7.527kNm = w x 7.527 x 10⁶Nmm
• σcmax =12N/mm²,
• I = bd³/12 = 600 x 230³/12 = 608.35 x 10⁶mm⁴
• ymax = 300/2 = 150mm
Putting all the above values in the equation given below
M = σ x I/ymax
w x 7.527 x 10⁶ = 608.35 x 10⁶/150
Hence w = 6.665kN/m
The load carrying capacity over the same span reduced from 22kN/m to just 6.46kN/m because we
rotated the section of the Beam

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem.4 A Beam of size 600mm x 230mm is simple supported and carries a load of 22kN/m
over the entire span. Calculate span l for the beam if Max Bending stress in compression is not to
exceed 12N/mm².

Solution: σ = M x y/I Hence M = σ x I/ymax

M = B.Mmax, y = distance of layer from N.A and I = Moment of Inertia, σ = Bending Stress.
• Let l be the span of the simple supported beam in m and load is 22kN/m
Hence M = B.Mmax = wl²/8 = 22 x l²/8kNm = 2.75 x l² kNm = 2.75 x l² x 10⁶Nmm

• ymax = 230/2 = 115mm

• I = bd³/12 = 600 x 230³/12 = 608.35 x 10⁶mm⁴
• σcmax = 12N/mm²
Putting all the above values in the equation given below
M = σ x I/ymax
2.75 x l² x 10⁶Nmm = 12 x 608.35 x 10⁶/150
l² = 17.69m²
Hence l = 4.2m
The safe span reduced from 7.76m to 4.2m for the same load if the Beam Section gets rotated.

3.A.5 Section Modulus and Moment Resisting Capacity of a Beam

M = σ x I/ymax.
• The term (I/ymax) is called Section Modulus and is denoted by Z. Z = I/ymax
• Z for a rectangular section is (bd³/12)/d/2 or bd²/6. Hence for a rectangular section Z = bd²/6.
• Hence M = σ x bd²/6. From this equation we can deduct that
1. M.R α σ. M.R of the Beam is directly proportional to the Stress taken by the Material – Material
2. M.R α b. M.R of the Beam is directly proportional to the width of the section
3. M.R α d² M.R of the Beam is directly proportional to the square of the depth of the section
Hence deeper the section more will be its Moment Resisting Capacity
The above effect is studied mathematically in Problem 2, 3 and 4.
 For a beam 230mm x 600mm taken such that d=600mm and b = 230mm
Z = 13.8 X 10⁶mm³
And hence Mα13.8X10⁶mm³
 For the same beam but taking 600mm as the width and 230mm as the depth i.e. d =230mm
and b=600mm,
Z = 5.29 X 10⁶mm³
And hence Mα5.29X10⁶mm³

One can easily see that the beam is stronger when placed as 230mmx600mm than when placed as
600x 230

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem.5 An I section is used over a Cantilever span of 2.2m and carries an udl of 36kN/m and
a point load of 12kN at its free end. The overall depth of the I Section is 325mm. The Ixx value
from Steel tables is found out to be 9874.6x10⁴mm⁴. Calculate Maximum Compressive and
Tensile Bending Stress. Draw the Bending Stress Diagram.
Load Diagram is as shown below

σ=Mx (For ymax refer to the sketch below)

M = wl²/2 + Wl = (36 x 2.2²/2) + (12 x 2.2)
= 87.12 + 26.4 = 79.64kNm = 113.52 x 10⁶Nmm
ymax = Total Depth/2 = 325/2 = 162.5mm
Ixx = 9874.6x10⁴mm⁴. Given
σcmax = σtmax = 113.52 x 10⁶ x 162.5/9874.6x10⁴ = 186.81N/mm².

Note: As the beam is a Cantilever

the section above the Neutral Axis
is in Tension and the section below
is in Compression
Bending Stress Diagram

3.A.6 Definitions
1. Moment of Resistance: The Internal Moment created by the Section of a Beam to resist the
external Bending Moment is called Moment of Resistance or
The Amount of Moment a Section can withstand (based on material, size and shape of the
Section) is called Moment of Resistance. Unit of M.R is kNm or Nmm
2. Section Modulus: The Ratio of the M.I of a Section and the Distance of the Extreme fibre from
the Neutral Axis is called Section Modulus. It is denoted by Z and Z = Ixx /ymax. The units are
3. Neutral Layer: That layer of a Beam which is neither in Compression nor in Tension after
Bending caused by External Loading and/or Self Weight is called the Neutral Layer. It is the Layer
where Bending Stress is Zero.
4. Neutral Axis: Neutral axis is the intersection of Neutral Layer and Cross section of the Beam

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem.6 A T Section is of Flange 80mm x 10mm and Web of 10mm x 150mm. The C.G is
located at a distance of 102.83 from the Bottom, and Ixx = 615.82 x 10⁴mm⁴. It is used as a Beam
Section over a Cantilever Span of 2m to carry a load of 5kN/m. Draw Bending Stress Diagram
showing all important Values.
Solution: σ = M x y/I (For Distances refer to the sketch below)
M = wl²/2 = 20 x 2²/2 = 40kNm = 10 x 10⁶Nmm
ycmax = 57.17
y at flange junction = 47.17
ytmax = 102.83
I = 615.82 x 10⁴mm⁴.
σcmax = M x ycmax/I = 10 x 10⁶ x 57.17/615.82 x 10⁴mm⁴ = 92.83N/mm²
σc at flange bottom = 20 x 10⁶ x 47.17/615.82 x 10⁴mm⁴ = 76.59N/mm²
σtmax = 10 x 10⁶ x 102.83/615.82 x 10⁴mm⁴ = 166.98N/mm²

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Suggested Theory Questions: Unit 3

1. What are the assumptions in the Theory of Simple Bending
2. Explain the Theory of Simple Bending in your own words
3. Write down the flexural formula and explain each term.
4. Define the following terms
a. Moment of Resistance
b. Neutral Layer and Neutral Axis
c. Section Modulus
5. Explain why Deeper Beams are stronger to Resist Moments than Wider Beams.

The Five Cases we had studied earlier
1. Simple Supported Beam of span l and full udl w
B.Mmax = wl²/8. S.Fmax = wl/2
2. Simple Supported Beam of span l and central Point Load W.
B.Mmax = Wl/4. S.Fmax = W/2
3. Simple Supported Beam of span l and eccentric point load W at distance a (from
lhs) and b(from rhs)
B.Mmax = Wab/l. S.Fmax = Wa/l or Wb/l
4. Cantilever Beam of span l and full udl w
B.Mmax = wl²/2. S.Fmax = wl
5. Cantilever Beam of span l and point load of W at free end
B.Mmax = Wl. S.Fmax = W

Unit 3a Spanning Members; Beams; Bending Stresses Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

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