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Total Score

_______ / 50 points

A [Track 08] Listen to the conversation between Stan and Tina.

Write T (true) or F (false).
1. Televisions were already sold in the 1930s. ____
2. The cell phone was invented in the 1970s. ____
3. The dishwasher invented by Josephine Cochrane used electricity. ____
4. The digital camera was invented in 1985. ____
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Yesterday was a really eventful / conventional day. So much happened!
2. This invention is popular because it’s very convenient / insignificant.
3. My boss has a lot of new and interesting ideas. She’s really uncreative / imaginative.
4. Everyone is reading this book. It’s very unimaginative / successful.
5. One of my favorite artists uses materials found in the garbage. I like his art because
it’s uncreative / unconventional.
6. This tea is good for stopping headaches. It’s really effective / ineffective.
B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Complete the paragraph with the correct noun form of the verbs in parentheses.
The _____________________ (introduce) of canned food in 1813 was

an exciting moment in food history. Everybody welcomed the

_____________________ (innovate), but there was one problem.


The cans were difficult to open because they were made of very

thick metal. The first can openers were invented in the 1850s,

but they were not easy to use. The _____________________ (develop)


of thinner cans in the early 1860s, and William Lyman’s _____________________ (create) of a better can

opener in 1870 improved things a little. In 1925, a company in San Francisco changed Lyman’s design

slightly. That small change was a significant _____________________ (improve) on the original design,

and the can opener finally became a big _____________________ (succeed).

C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 7 Quiz 1

D Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. CDs were such / so a great idea that records were soon out-of-date.
2. She created such / so original paintings.
3. His last album is such / so good that everyone is talking about it.
4. Cell phones are such / so easy to carry.
5. It was such / so a sad movie that everyone in the theater was crying.
6. The MP3 player was such / so inexpensive that we bought one for each child.
D _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

E Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in parentheses.
Use the simple present, simple past, or present perfect passive.

• The first CDs _____________________ (develop) in the 1970s, but they didn’t

become popular until the 1980s.

• Originally, the CD _____________________ (create) for music, but later


it _____________________ (improve) so that you could use it for data, images,


and videos.

• Nowadays, CDs _____________________ (use) everywhere – they’re in our


cars, our homes, and at our jobs.

• Before the 1990s, records _____________________ (sell) in most music stores.


Since that time, they _____________________ (replace) by CDs.


• In the last few years, as MP3 files have become more popular, fewer and fewer

CDs _____________________ (sell).

E _______ / 7 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: Yes, great idea. Let me call him!
____ A: Oh, no! My computer isn’t working! What should I do? Got any suggestions?
____ A: I tried that, but it didn’t work. Got any other ideas?
____ B: Another solution might be to call Thomas. He knows a lot about computers.
____ B: Something you could try is to turn it off and then turn it on again.
F _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 7 Quiz 2

G Read the magazine page. Then complete the sentences with Sue, Dana, Pam, or Beth.

1. ______________ uses her favorite invention when she exercises.

2. ______________ makes gifts for her friends with her favorite invention.
3. ______________ can stay seated with the help of her favorite invention.
4. ______________ uses her favorite invention for work.
5. ______________ manages stress with her favorite invention.
6. ______________ can’t hold her favorite invention in her hand.
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 7 Quiz 3

Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 09] Listen to two people talk about their experiences. Check ()
the correct answers.
Vicky Matt
1. Vicky is talking about ____. 3. Matt is talking about ____.
a.  her first day at a new school a.  his first day at a job
b.  her first day at a new job b.  his last day at a job
c.  her first job interview c.  a mistake he made at work
2. She shouldn’t have asked for water because ____. 4. By 3:00 he felt bad because ____.
a.  she wasn’t thirsty a.  nobody had come to see him
b.  she dropped the glass b.  everybody had gone home early
c.  she wasn’t nervous c.  his boss was upset with him
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the verbs with the prefixes dis-, mis-, or re-.

1. I didn’t think I would see you today. Did I _______understand?
2. I sent you the wrong information. Please _______regard my last message.
3. My teacher was upset because I _______spelled her name in the report.
4. The article had many mistakes in it, so I asked him to _______do it.
5. Last year I took the bus to work, but the city has _______continued the service.
6. Have you decided to quit your job, or do you think you will _______consider?
B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

effort mind nerves rid trouble

1. It’s difficult to decide. I can’t make up my ______________.

2. If you break the rules, you’ll get into ______________.
3. He’ll do better in school if he makes an ______________.
4. You should get ______________ of that old cell phone and buy a new one.
5. I hate it when people are late. It really gets on my ______________.
C _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 8 Quiz 1

D Complete the paragraphs with the words in parentheses. Use the correct
simple past or past perfect form of the verbs.

Last Friday night, I _____________________ (go) to a concert, but when I got


there, I realized I _____________________ (forget) my ticket! I was angry


at myself, but I _____________________ (take) a taxi home to get the ticket.


When I _____________________ (get) back to the theater, the concert


_____________________ (already / start), and I had to wait for the second half

to go inside.

As I was waiting in the lobby, I _____________________ (see) an old


friend from college. I _____________________ (not / talk) to him for ten years!

Amazingly, he _____________________ (not / change) at all. We talked and


talked. It was great! So, in the end, missing half of a concert was a pretty good

D _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

E Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct forms of the verbs
in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. If Harry _____________________________ (not / disagree) with


the interviewer, he _____________________________ (get) the job.


2. Your teacher _____________________________ (tell) you if you


_____________________________ (mispronounce) any words.


3. My relationship with Trey _____________________________ (be) better


if I _____________________________ (not / misjudge) him in the first place.


4. If Lisa _____________________________ (listen) to us,


she _____________________________ (not / make) a fool of herself last night.

E _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: Don’t worry. Just try to relax. I’m sure you’ll do fine.
1 A: Hi, Rick. How are you?
____ B: OK, but I’m a little anxious today.
____ B: I hope so.
____ B: I have a job interview tomorrow morning.
____ A: Why?

F _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 8 Quiz 2

G Read the article. Check () the correct answer for each question.

Who . . . ? TerryW Mandy Erin86

1. made a mistake at work   
2. apologized for something that was embarrassing   
3. was embarrassed by another person   
4. forgot something   
5. didn’t make a big deal about something   
G _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 8 Quiz 3

Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 10] Listen to the conversation between Mary and Doug.

Write T (true) or F (false).
1. Mary is telling Doug about the theft of some money. ____
2. The theft happened when the place was closed. ____
3. The article said that someone turned off the video cameras. ____
4. The police think the person escaped through a door. ____
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the words with the prefixes -ful or -less.

1. My brother loves skiing. He’s fear_______ on high mountains.
2. My new computer is very power_______. It’s the fastest one I’ve ever had.
3. I’m not very good at math. In fact, I’m hope_______.
4. Thanks for sending me flowers. It was very thought_______ of you.
5. I make too many mistakes. I should try to be more care_______.
6. My dad bought that TV in 1990. It’s old, broken, and use_______.
B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

abduction disappearance discovery escape explosion theft

1. A man took $3 million from a local bank.

The _____________________ happened yesterday.
2. Rescue teams are looking for a missing sailboat.
This is the third _____________________ this year.
3. Tourists have found ancient human bones in Africa.
The _____________________ could change history.
4. A man says aliens kept him on a UFO for a week.
The _____________________ happened in May.
5. A terrible _____________________ woke everyone in town
this morning. The noise was terrifying.
6. The police have found out that about 10 criminals were
planning a big _____________________ from prison
next month.

C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 9 Quiz 1

D Circle the correct word to complete each conversation.
1. A: I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.
B: Wow. You couldn’t / must have been really tired.
2. A: I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.
B: Oh, sorry. I could / must have turned off my phone.
3. A: Jim isn’t here yet. Did he call you?
B: No, but he couldn’t / might have missed his bus. He sometimes does.
4. A: Where’s Derek? He’s not at his desk.
B: He couldn’t / could have gone out for lunch. It’s too early.
5. A: I hear Jean drove to work today. Did she finally get a car?
B: No, but her father is traveling in Asia, so she couldn’t / might have borrowed his.
6. A: Why wasn’t Kelly at the meeting today?
B: I saw her write it in her calendar, so she couldn’t / might have forgotten.

D _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

E Rewrite the questions as embedded questions.

1. What is the deepest lake? Do you know ?
2. Was paper invented in China? Can you tell me ?
3. How tall is the CN Tower? Do you have any idea ?
4. Are there lions in India? Do you have any idea ?
5. Did they catch the robbers? Do you know ?
6. Where did the Incas live? Can you tell me ?
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: I’m not sure I agree with you. Cell phones are getting cheaper all the time.
____ A: Why not “everyone”?
____ A: Do you think everyone in the world will have a cell phone in the future?
____ B: Because I’m pretty sure that a lot of people in the poorest parts of the world
will never have their own cell phones.
____ B: Right. But I doubt that everyone will be able to pay for even the
cheapest phones.
____ B: No, not really. I think it’s very probable that the number of people with
cell phones will continue to grow, but I think it’s highly unlikely that
everyone will have a cell phone.
F _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 9 Quiz 2

G Read the article. Write T (true) or F (false).

1. The article doesn’t say if the men are Australian. ____

2. Some things on the boat looked unusual. ____
3. The men haven’t contacted anybody in the past week. ____
4. Jack Wilson thinks the men must have fallen into the ocean. ____
5. Jack Wilson thinks it is doubtful that his team will find the men. ____
6. Jack Wilson thinks the men could be on a beach. ____
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 9 Quiz 3

Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 11] Listen to the interview with Marina Martin. Circle the
correct answer to complete each sentence.
In the interview, Marina said that . . .
1. her dream was to make money / write and play music / be famous.
2. other musicians / her family / journalists had helped her to be a success.
3. she didn’t like people who were dishonest / made her sad / took photos.
4. her music is usually about how she feels / sad / written by other people.
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the interview with the correct words from the box.

come get keep look put take

Q: Could you tell our readers what you do?

A: I’m a designer and the owner of a small fashion company.

Q: What do you like about your job?

A: I like the fact that it’s a very creative job, but also a very challenging one.

I have to ______________ up with new ideas all the time.


Q: Do you read a lot of fashion magazines?

A: Of course. I have to ______________ up with the latest fashions from


designers all around the world.

Q: Do you enjoy working in your office?

A: Yes! I like all my co-workers, and I ______________ along with everybody.


The only problem is that sometimes the office can get really noisy, but it’s not that

hard to ______________ up with.


Q: What is something you always ______________ forward to?


A: The traveling. I love going to the shows in Paris, Milan, and Tokyo. The only

problem is that I can never stay long at these places. I always think I need

to go home and ______________ care of my business.

B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 10 Quiz 1

C Complete the message with about, in, or on.

Hi, Scott,

Have you heard ______________ a band called Perspectives? I have an extra ticket to their

concert this Saturday. If you’re not planning ______________ doing anything then, I’d love

for you to come! I usually don’t believe ______________ inviting people at the last minute,

but Patty is sick and can’t go. My parents wanted me to ask my sister, but I told them

I couldn’t depend ______________ her. If I asked her, she’d probably say “yes” and then

forget ______________ it. When you say “yes,” I know I can rely ______________ you!
5 6

Let me know tonight, OK?


C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

D Rewrite the statements and questions. Use reported speech.

1. She said, “I don’t worry about anything.”
She said .
2. He asked, “Did you dream about the movie?”
He asked me .
3. She said, “I’ll call you on Sunday morning.”
She told me .
4. I asked, “Are we participating in the organization?”
I asked .
5. He said, “They got away with speeding again.”
He said .
6. She asked, “Have you decided already?”
She asked me .
D _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

E Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: Hey! That reminds me. Do you know if there’s a movie festival next weekend?
____ A: What did you do last weekend?
____ A: That’s really cool! Oh, I just thought of something. Carla wants you to call her, OK?
____ B: A movie festival? I’m not sure. But as I was saying, after the show, we met one of
the lead singers!
____ B: Sure. I’ll give her a call tonight.
____ B: I went to a music festival. It was great! I saw some of my favorite bands, and after
the show –
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 10 Quiz 2

F Read the emails. Then circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
Inbox Outbox Sent Drafts Trash
To: Sandra
From: Grace
Subject: Hi there!
Hi, Sandra,
Sorry for not writing earlier. I’ve been so busy at work that it’s been difficult to find time to
catch up with friends.
How’s everything with you and the family? I hope you’re happy in your new home. How’s
Kelly? Has she made any new friends?
I’ve had some problems with Mandy lately. She spends most of her time on the computer,
tries to get away with not doing homework, and never participates in any events at school.
Are you having similar problems with Kelly? Do you have any advice?
Write soon!

Inbox Outbox Sent Drafts Trash
To: Kelly
From: Mandy
Subject: Hi!
Hey, Kelly!
How’s it going? Do you like your new school?
I really miss you. We always had so much fun when we were in school together. I don’t like
any of the guys in my classes this year. And the classes are so boring.
I dream about the day when I’ll graduate from high school! I’ve already decided what I want
to do after that. I want to learn to design computer games. Wouldn’t that be fun?
By the way, I’ve been playing some cool games online. Let me know if you want me to send
you the links to the websites.

1. Sandra is Grace’s co-worker / friend / relative.

2. Mandy is Grace’s daughter / friend / mother.
3. Grace is worried about Mandy’s health / friends / behavior.
4. Grace thinks Mandy is a good student / doesn’t like to do homework / is very energetic.
5. Kelly has changed schools / hasn’t made new friends / doesn’t like her school.
6. Mandy is a college student / a game designer / in high school.
F _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 10 Quiz 3

Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 12] Listen to Karen and Jerry discuss how Karen should
answer the questions on a job application. Check () the four ideas
they both think she should write about.
a.  Karen is reliable.
b.  She is good at managing stress.
c.  She likes working on a team.
d.  She is sometimes late.
e.  She often criticizes herself.
f.  She is too hardworking.
g.  The company has the best products.
h.  The job matches her career goals.
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the paragraph with the correct words from the box.

accept apply proofread provide research send

You want to ______________ for a job that you read about online. Here are some

tips to follow. First, make sure that you ______________ your résumé to get rid

of spelling mistakes. And always ______________ the names of at least two


people who can recommend you. Next, ______________ the company to find out

more about its products and its history. At the interview, ask as many questions

as you can. If you’re offered the job, this information will help you decide if you

want to ______________ it or not. Finally, remember to ______________

5 6

a thank-you note to your interviewer.

B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. I usually get my brother format / to format / formatted my résumé.
2. She got her teacher wrote / to write / write a letter of recommendation.
3. Where can I have this letter translate / translated / to translate into Spanish?
4. He got his mother to cut / cutting / cut his hair.
5. Should I have my jacket cleaned / to clean / cleaning?
6. You should have your résumé to print / printing / printed on nice paper.
C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 11 Quiz 1

D Complete the sentences with the correct phrases from the box.

be financially independent have a big wedding study abroad

do volunteer work live in the countryside work as a journalist

1. My parents have offered to send me money, but I always say “no.”

I prefer to ____________________________.
2. I’m going to ____________________________. I’ve had job offers from three
newspapers already.
3. We’re getting married soon, but we don’t want to
____________________________ with hundreds of people.
4. I grew up in a big city, but I prefer to ____________________________.
It’s quieter and not so fast-paced.
5. I’m going to go to college in Australia. I’ve always wanted to
6. I think it’s good to help others, so I ____________________________
at a children’s hospital.
D _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

E Complete the conversations with the words in parentheses. Use the

future with will or the future continuous form of the verbs.

1. A: What _____________________________ (you / do) in five years?


B: I’m not sure, but I know _____________________________ (I / not / work) here!


2. A: What _____________________________ (your life / be) like ten years from now?

B: I think _____________________________ (I / have) a good job and a big house.


3. A: Where _____________________________ (you / live) next year?


B: That’s hard to say. _____________________________ (I / travel) all over the world


next year.
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: OK. Well, that’s my last question for now. It’s been great talking to you.
Thanks for coming in. We’ll be deciding in a few days, and we’ll let you know.
____ A: I just have a couple more questions before we finish. The first is: “What are
your best qualities?”
____ A: Excellent! And your greatest weakness?
____ B: Hmm, let me think. Well, I sometimes work too many hours.
____ B: Thanks. I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. I look forward to hearing from you.
____ B: Hmm, let’s see. I’m good at communicating, and I’m very hardworking.
F _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 11 Quiz 2

G Read the email. Then check () the six questions that Pat answers in her email.

Inbox Outbox Sent Drafts Trash
To: Emmy
From: Pat
Subject: Catching up
Hi, Emmy,
Sorry I haven’t written you in a long time. I hope this email helps us catch up.
As you can imagine, I’ve been busy getting my résumé ready and looking for a job. First, I
had to get references from previous employers. Then I had to get a letter of
recommendation from a teacher. It took a while, but I think I’ve put together a fairly accurate
description of my skills and experience.
The most difficult thing is deciding what jobs I should apply for. I’ve been thinking a lot about
what I want to achieve in my life. I know that I don’t want to accept a boring office job and
still be working there in five years. In five years, I’d like to be making important decisions for
a company, traveling to other countries, and meeting lots of interesting people. I think it’s
important to choose an employer who can offer those kinds of opportunities.
And what have you been doing? Any big plans for the next five years?
Write soon!

a.  Who formatted her résumé?

b.  Has she started applying for jobs?
c.  What did she put in her résumé?
d.  What are her strengths?
e.  Who did she ask for a reference?
f.  What are her weaknesses?
g.  Did she list her skills and experience?
h.  What kind of job does she want to have?
i.  How many jobs has she applied for?
j.  Where will she be living in five years?
k.  What are her career goals?
l.  How’s her family?
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 11 Quiz 3

Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 13] Listen to the interview between Hank and a community

council member. Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Hank’s daughter usually goes to the recreation center / public library /
recycling center.
2. Hank has never used the employment center / recycling center / public library.
3. Hank doesn’t think they need a beautification project / community garden /
neighborhood watch.
4. Hank says something needs to be done about the garbage / dangerous drivers /
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

avoid combine commute maintain purchase recycle

To prevent air pollution, it’s a good idea to ______________ to work by bus or


train whenever you can. If you have to use your car, try to ______________ tasks

like shopping and driving your children to school so that you reduce the number

of trips you make. And remember to ______________ your car so that it doesn’t

waste energy.

To prevent water pollution, you should ______________ using harmful cleaning


products and use natural products instead.

To prevent land pollution, ______________ products that don’t have much


packaging and ______________ all glass, plastic, and paper.

B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Match the people and the places they are going.

1. Jay: I need to see the doctor. I’ll call you later. ____ a. community garden
2. Ava: I’m going out to water my tomatoes. ____ b. employment center
3. Bill: We’re playing tennis later. Do you want to come? ____ c. health clinic
4. Ida: I’m going out to get rid of these old newspapers. ____ d. recreation center
5. Hal: I’m going to a class on résumé writing. ____ e. public library
6. Kim: I need to borrow a book about pollution. ____ f. recycling center

C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 12 Quiz 1

D Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. New electric cars are to develop / being developed / developing.
2. Water has be conserved / being conserved / to be conserved more carefully.
3. People need to be used / to use / being used their cars less often.
4. Harmful chemicals need stored / to be stored / being stored safely.
5. To limit land pollution, we have to being discarded / be discarded / discard
batteries properly.
6. We are being identified / to be identified / identifying where the recycling
bins are in our community.
D _______ / 6 points (1 point each)
E Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Our homes will be safer if / so that we have a neighborhood watch.
2. Although / So we have a volunteer program, not many people participate in it.
3. Let’s find a library so that / because of we can use the Internet there.
4. The public swimming pool had to close because of / so that financial problems.
5. The council members began a beautification project if / so that they
could give people jobs.
6. The city needs a new parking garage although / because of the
increase in the number of cars downtown.
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: I think that public transportation should be free. That way more people would
use the city’s buses and trains, and there would be fewer cars on the road.
____ B: Well, think about it. Buses and trains need to be maintained, and that costs
money. The people who use them should help pay the costs.
____ A: Well, anyway, something needs to be done. We all need to try harder
to stop pollution.
____ A: I see what you mean, but what about all the people who drive their cars into
the city? They’re polluting the air. Maybe the city should make them pay, too.
____ A: Why not?
____ B: That’s a good point. Some cities are already doing that.
____ B: Well, I see it a little differently. I think people could pay a little less for using
public transportation, but I don’t think they should ride for free.
F _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 12 Quiz 2

G Read the letters to the editor of a newspaper. Write T (true) or F (false).

Dear Editor,
I’m writing to say how surprised I am that
we do so little recycling in our town. I think
I’m the only one on my street who recycles
regularly. I know it’s inconvenient to go to
the recycling center, and it’s much easier to
have household trash picked up by the city,
but I think we all need to do more for the
environment. The city can help. If it builds
more recycling centers, more people will
use them.
Todd Burton

Dear Editor,
Although I agree with Mr. Burton that
people aren’t recycling enough, I don’t
agree with his plan. I think the best plan is to
make people pay for the amount of trash
they ask the city to pick up for them. This
idea is being tried in several cities around
the country, and it’s working. People are
recycling more, and they are putting out less
trash for the city to collect.
Meg Smith

1. Both letters suggest ways to improve recycling. ____

2. Todd is surprised that so much trash is recycled in his town. ____
3. Meg and Todd agree about people’s recycling habits in their town. ____
4. Todd believes that having more recycling centers will help solve the problem. ____
5. Meg thinks people should pay for the city to pick up their recyclables. ____
6. Meg agrees with Todd’s suggestion to limit pollution. ____
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 12 Quiz 3

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