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Pharmacy Management System

Nikesh Pakuyrel, Saroj kumar Sah, Shubham Khanal and Sachin Khatri

BSc. (Hons.) Computing, Softwarica College of IT and E-commerce, Coventry University

ST4008CEM: Computing Activity-Led Learning Project 1

Giri Raj Rawat

August 1, 2023

Table of Contents

Pharmacy Management System.................................................................................................5

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 5

Aim............................................................................................................................................. 7

Objectives................................................................................................................................... 8

Problem Statement....................................................................................................................9

Features.................................................................................................................................... 10

Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................12

Non-Functional Requirements ...............................................................................................13

Scope......................................................................................................................................... 15

Development Methodology.......................................................................................................17


Tools and Technologies................................................................................................18

Conceptual Diagram.....................................................................................................19

System Architecture.................................................................................................................20

Project Plan............................................................................................................................... 21

Prototypes................................................................................................................................ 22

Developed System....................................................................................................................27

System Testing.......................................................................................................................n/a

Version Control........................................................................................................................ 34

Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 35

References................................................................................................................................ 36

Table of Figures

Figure 1 5

Figure 2 6

Figure 3 9

Figure 4 11

Figure 5 16

Figure 6 17

Figure 7 18

Figure 8 19

Figure 9 20

Figure 10 21

Figure 11 22

Figure 12 23

Figure 13 23

Figure 14 24

Figure 15 24

Figure 16 25

Figure 17 26

Figure 18 25

Figure 19 26

Figure 20 28

Figure 21 28

Figure 22 29

Figure 23 30

Figure 24 31

Figure 25 32

Figure 26 32

Figure 27 33

Pharmacy Management System

The pharmacy industry plays a critical role in healthcare delivery, ensuring the safe and

efficient dispensing of medications to patients. However, managing a pharmacy involves

numerous challenges, such as inventory management, prescription processing, patient

information tracking, and regulatory compliance. This case study explores the implementation

of a Pharmacy Management System (PMS) to address these challenges and improve overall

operational efficiency while enhancing patient care.

Pharmacy management software is any system used in a pharmacy that helps automate

the pharmacy workflow. This includes such tasks as reviewing physician orders and preparing

medications, controlling the inventory and making drug orders, handling billing and insurance,

providing counseling, identifying incompatibilities, and more—all while following legal

protocols and compliances.

Figure 1

PMS Software (Figma, 2022).


The Pharmacy Management system streamlines prescription, inventory, patient

information, History, and point-of-sale integration. It provides additional benefits to the

pharmacy, as our priority is to make the pharmacy’s management system more efficient and


Figure 2

ER Diagram of PMS (VPC, 2023)



The management of the pharmacy shop's database is the project's primary goal. This

project provides information about developing and using a pharmacy management system.

This is accomplished by compiling a database of the drugs that are sold in the store. The

pharmacy management system's main goals are to improve accuracy, safety, and efficiency in

the pharmacy store. This project's goal is to create software for the efficient management of a

pharmacy. We created this program to provide statistics on the medicines in store and ensure

effective policing. The database is then linked to the primary program using a connection

between the built-in Visual Basic program and the database. A pharmacy management system

that offers the opportunity to update the drugs in stock helps keep an accurate database The

majority of pharmacy-related activities are managed by this pharmacy management system.

A pharmacy management system is a type of management that is intended to increase

accuracy, improve safety, and boost productivity in a pharmacy. Any pharmacy that needs to

keep a database can use this application. It is a computer-based system that aids the

pharmacist in managing inventories, costs, medical safety, etc. better. The software can

produce receipts, bills, invoices, and more. Additionally, it can keep track of the supplies that

the provider has sent. The pharmacy management system handles the upkeep of the

medications and supplies in the pharmacy unit. This pharmacy management system is user-


This Pharmacy Management System project's goal is to enhance the handling and

maintenance of the medications used in healthcare. The pharmacy management system will be

employed to reduce the amount of time and resources needed by keeping the drug's details

organized so that the information can be used as quickly as feasible. Workers, money, papers,

and other resources are minimized. The user-friendly technology will support the pharmacist.

This pharmacy management system will lessen the strain on pharmacists and increase its

effectiveness by giving more precise information on medications in the medical field.



The Pharmacy Management System's primary goal is to handle the specifics of

medicines, stocks, inventory, pharmacies, and sales. It controls all the data relating to drugs,

companies, sales, and drugs. Since the project was entirely developed on the administrative

end, only the administrator is assured access. The project's goal is to create an application

software that will lessen the amount of manual effort required to manage the company's

inventory, stocks, and medicines. It keeps track of every aspect of the Pharmacy and Inventory.


⮚ Prescription Management

⮚ Inventory Management

⮚ Patient Information and History

⮚ Point-of-Sale (POS) Integration


Problem Statement

In Nepal, countless pharmacies supply medical drugs, and most of them don’t have a

system to properly manage and operate their pharmacies. The pharmacy, located in a bustling

urban area of Kathmandu, faced several challenges, including manual record-keeping,

inefficient inventory management, a lack of medication traceability, and difficulty accessing

patient information. These issues led to prescription errors, stock outs, long waiting times, and

compromised patient care.

Figure 3

Problems, its solution and their benefits in PMS:



⮚ Centralized Database for Data Storage

⮚ E-prescription Generation

⮚ Synchronization with Real-time Information

⮚ Analytics and Report Generation

⮚ Necessary Integration

⮚ Compliance with standard Regulation

⮚ Medication Order Management

⮚ Managing Medication Expiries

⮚ Inventory Management

⮚ Sales Management

Figure 4

Features of PMS

Functional Requirements of a Pharmacy Management System:

Functional requirement describes what the product does and define its product feature. It

focuses on the user requirements.

The functional requirement of our system is given by :

User Registration and Authentication:

The system should provide a user registration process and authentication mechanism to

ensure secure access to the system for different users, such as pharmacists, administrators, and


Inventory Management:

The system should allow pharmacists to manage the inventory of medicines, including

functionalities such as adding new medicines, updating quantities, and tracking expiration


Sales and Billing:

The system should facilitate the process of selling medicines, generating bills, and managing

payment transactions. It should calculate the total cost, apply discounts if applicable, and

generate invoices for customers.

Medicine Information:

The system should provide a comprehensive database of medicines, including details such as

generic names, brand names, dosage forms, strengths, and indications. This information can

assist pharmacists in providing accurate and up-to-date information to customers.

Customer Management:

The system should allow pharmacists to maintain customer profiles, including contact

details, medical history, and medication allergies. This can help in providing personalized

services and avoiding potential medication conflicts.


Non-Functional Requirements of a Pharmacy Management System:

Non-Functional requirement describes how the product works and defines product properties.

It focuses on the user expectations.

The non-functional requirement of our system is given by :


The system should ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information

such as patient data, prescriptions, and financial transactions. It should employ appropriate

security measures to prevent unauthorized access and protect against data breaches.


The system should be capable of handling a large volume of transactions efficiently and

responding to user requests in a timely manner. It should have optimized database queries to

minimize any delays or downtime.


The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth and an increasing number of

users, medications, and transactions. It should be able to handle additional loads without

significant degradation in performance.


The system should have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand. It

should provide intuitive workflows and minimize the learning curve for pharmacists and other



The system should be reliable and available whenever required. It should have backup and

disaster recovery mechanisms in place to ensure data integrity and minimize downtime in the

event of any unforeseen events.


The system should be able to integrate with other healthcare systems or third-party services

such as electronic health records (EHR), insurance providers, and suppliers. This integration

can streamline processes and improve efficiency.


The system should adhere to relevant regulations and standards, such as data protection laws

and pharmacy practice guidelines. It should support audit trails, data privacy, and consent

management as required by applicable regulations.



The scope is jointly defined by the aim, objectives, problem statements, features, functional

requirements, and non-functional requirements outlined before. Figure “5”illustrates the

extent of the PMS system. To maintain overall pharmacy and patient health, this program's

main focus is on digitizing staff information, product information, and accounting.

⮚ Centralized Database for Data Storage

⮚ E-prescription Generation

⮚ Synchronization with Real-time Information

⮚ Analytics and Report Generation

⮚ Necessary Integration

⮚ Compliance with standard Regulation

⮚ Medication Order Management

⮚ Managing Medication Expiries

⮚ Inventory Management

⮚ Sales Management

Figure 5

Scope of PMS

Development Methodology

The project lifecycle of the development process consists of several consecutive phases,

some of which are optional, and the order of the phases depends on the project being worked

on. In conclusion, development approach is known to as the Software Development Life Cycle

(SDLC), which describes how to construct software from inception.


The Agile software development cycle relies on iterations, or single development cycles,

that build upon each other and lead into the next step of the overall development process until

the project is completed. Each iteration typically lasts between two to four weeks, with a set

completion date.

Figure 6

Steps in Agile Development (, 2023)


Tools and Technologies

Several tools and technologies were used in the entire SDLC, as shown in figure 8.

They are:

⮚ Windows and Ubuntu as working platforms,

⮚ MS Word and Google Doc for the ‘Feasibility Study’ and ‘Requirement

Analysis and Specification’ phases,

⮚ Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and GIMP for the design phase,

⮚ Python with Tkinter-library and Visual Studio Code for

coding the ‘Development’ phase,

⮚ Lucidchart for conceptual diagrams,

⮚ Git and Github for version control,

⮚ WhatsApp for feedbacks and discussion,

⮚ Google search engine for research,

⮚ Google Doc for project planning.

Figure 7

Tools and Technology used in project


Conceptual Diagram

Entity-Relationship A diagrammatic explanation of the connections between system entities In

this project, the ER diagram connecting items is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8

ER Diagram of PMS

System Architecture

This system is built on a two-tier architecture, which divides its two components, the server

and client, into two independent places, with the client running the presentation layer, or user

interface, and the server storing the data layer, or data structure. 'Client-Server Application' is

another name for it.

Due to its simplicity, it is employed. Managers enter data into this program to be saved on

databases on server systems. In order to log in or take orders, the client system can retrieve any

data it needs from the server. If necessary, it can even modify data by updating staff

credentials, modifying orders, or deleting data. These client system requests are updated in the

server's database, which the client system can again access (PerfMatrix, 2019). An architecture

with two tiers is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 9

Two-tier architecture (Prepinsta).


Project Plan

Progress charts are essential for tracking the time, effort, and progress of the developed system.

Developers record their progress using a Gantt chart for all phases of the agile development


Figure 10

Gantt Chart for work progress



To create a unique approach to constructing a GUI in accordance with the SRS guidelines,

prototypes are crucial. We constructed several prototypes before turning them into source

code. Several useless prototypes paved the way for later developments. The replication of this

system from the finalized prototypes

Figure 11

Login Page

Figure 12


Figure 13


Figure 14


Figure 15

Add Category

Figure 16

Update Category

Figure 17

Update Medicine

Figure 18

Pharmacy Settings

Figure 19


System testing

After we finished coding, our group concentrated on employing black box testing to examine
the system's general operation as per SRS in figure 20-25. First, we only verify our system and
log the information that it produces. Once the output was logged, faults were dealt with

Figure 20

Login Page

Figure 21

Dashboard test

Figure 22

Medicine test

Figure 23

Category test

Figure 24

Billing test

Figure 25

User setting test


Version Control

⮚ Github:
⮚ Youtube: LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Figure 43

Version control of the project

Image Here


The team integrated all the concepts learnt in the classroom from modules like

mathematics, programming and algorithm, and software design to create the final functional

product in accordance with the user manual's requirements. The most advanced technology

were employed.


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