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The burning fossil fuels can cause global warming

Burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions into the air and
contributes to global warming. As we continue to learn more about the negative
effects of burning a fossil fuels, it becomes increasingly important to explore
alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power.

Burning fossil fuel release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a

greenhouse gas, into air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing
global warming. Over the last century, burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has
increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

In the case of carbon dioxide, the average concentration measured at

the Mauna Loa Observation in Hawaii has risen from 316 parts per million (ppm)
in 1959 to more than 411 ppm in 2019. Since preindustrial times, the
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by over 40%, methane
has increased by more than 150%, and nitrous oxide has increased by roughly
20%. More than half of the increase in carbon dioxide has occurred since 1970.
Increases in all three gases contribute to warming of Earth, with the increase in
carbon dioxide playing the largest role.

In addition, the global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels

can also be observed through extreme weather events. Natural disasters such as
hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires are becoming more frequent and more
intense as the climate warms. According to Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) the more tropical cyclone
(TCs) are entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) than anywhere else
in the world. With the average of 20 TCs in this region per year, with about 8 or 9
of them crossing the Philippines. The peak of the typhoon season is July through
October, when nearly 70% of all typhoon develop.

Burning fossil fuels can cause global warming, which is a very real thing causing
harm to our planet. However, some people argue that it is difficult to phase out
fossil fuels and that they are necessary for economic growth. While this may true
in the short term, the long-term consequences of climate change will be
devastating if we do not take action. Additionally, there are many alternative
energy sources available that can help us transition away from fossil fuels.

In conclusion, burning fossil fuels can cause global warming and have lasting
impact on our planet. While there are challenges to transitioning away from fossil
fuels, it is important that we take action to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Renewable energy sources offer a promising alternative to fossil fuels, and expert
agree that rapidly phasing out fossil fuels is critical to addressing the climate
crisis. By taking action now, we can help ensure a sustainable future for
generations to come.

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