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Date: March 2022 Time allowed: 3 hours

General Instructions

1. There are 15 pages in this paper. Please check!

2. This paper has four sections, A, B, C and D. Please check!
3. Follow the instructions for each section.
4. Fill in your details on the answer book provided.
5. Write your name on the top of each page of the answer sheets provided.
6. Write on both sides of the answer sheets.
7. Do not tear any paper from the answer book or question paper.
Instructions: There are sixty questions in this section. Answer ALL questions by writing the
letter that represents the correct answer on the ANSWER CARD
provided. Each question carries one mark.
1. Why should teachers strive for adequate knowledge?
A. It enables them to effectively plan their lessons.
B. It enables them to understand quickly.
C. It enables them to plan for necessary topics to teach.
D. It enables them to accomplish the task of teaching on time.
2. In relation to classroom management, a teacher needs to consider ONE of the following
A. learners understanding of the language of instruction
B. interpersonal relations
C. success criteria
D. questioning techniques
3. Why is it important for teachers to understand learners’ knowledge of subject before starting
A. It helps learners to know their teachers better.
B. It helps teachers to identify learners with learning difficulties.
C. It helps teachers address conflicting conceptions from different learners
D. It helps teachers distinguish fast learners from slow learners.
4. How do teachers acquire content knowledge?
A. Through inquiry from fellow teachers.
B. Through daily teaching experiences.
C. Through keen observation.
D. Through courses they have learned.
5. What are the two forms of knowledge that teachers use in the classroom?
A. Practical and contextual knowledge
B. Pedagogical and content knowledge
C. Practical and content knowledge
D. Content and contextual knowledge
6. Why are teachers referred to as curriculum gatekeepers?
A. They follow the syllabus when teaching
B. Because of the kind of decisions they make in the implementation of the intended
C. They always follow the intended curriculum in their classrooms
D. Because of the ability to understand the content of the syllabus and executing a proper
7. When teachers acquire the knowledge of ‘how to teach’, they are said to have
A. specialization knowledge
B. content knowledge
C. pedagogical knowledge
D. trained knowledge.
8. Why do teachers need continued professional development?
A. It enhances the understanding of the learners
B. It makes them adhere to the status quo
C. It enhances their knowledge from time to time
D. It makes them aware of their profession
9. Why does teacher knowledge practical formal vary from one teacher to another?
A. Because teachers are unique human beings
B. Because teachers do not share ideas.
C. Because teachers attend different training schools
D. Because teachers have different contexts
10. Which of the following is an aspect of the assessed curriculum?
A. success criteria
B. grading standards
C. intended criteria
D. evaluation standards.
11. The curriculum is said to go through a form of transformation from one category to another.
Through the list below, choose the correct order by which the transformation process occurs.
1. Assessed curriculum
2. Learned curriculum
3. Enacted curriculum
4. Intended curriculum
A. 1, 2, 4 then 3
B. 2, 1, 3 then 4
C. 3, 4, 2, then 1
D. 4, 3, 1 then 2
Use the following quote to answer question number 12. Adeyinka (2000) points out that ‘having
known what to teach, the teacher should know how to teach it, and with what resources’ (p.21).
12. A deyinkas’ quotation above enables us to view a teacher as
A. a manager
B. a decision marker
C. a leader
D. a knowledge provider
13. The following are aspects of pedagogical knowledge EXCEPT:
A. it can be initiated through training
B. it can be enhanced through experience
C. it can be acquired practically
D. it can be adapted easily
14. What is an intended curriculum?
A. One that specifies what learners should ideally learn as a result of instruction.
B. One that is largely based in the minds of the teachers.
C. One that specifies the product we get after learners are exposed to various activities.
D. One that determines what learners actually learn.
15. Which of the following is NOT a source of knowledge acquire in formal training.
A. teachers own beliefs
B. the internet
C. in-service programs
D. post- service programs
16. What is the difference between drama and role play as instructional techniques?
A. Drama is when learners perform on stage while role play is performed in class.
B. When conducting drama, learners are serious while in role play learners show lack of
C. Role play involves the ability of learners to act out of their own creativity or
imagination while drama involves script.
D. When conducting role play learners use a specific language while in drama learners
use any language.
18. Why is it important for teachers to use the future’s wheel as one of the instructional
A. It encourages critical thinking in learners
B. It enables the teachers to cover the lesson quickly
C. It enhances learners to understand content.
D. It helps teachers ask a lot of questions.
18. Which of the following is NOT a guideline to help a teacher plan a field visit.
A. making necessary logistics
B. briefing learners about the purpose of the visit
C. making learners practice varying roles
D. encouraging learners to get notebooks for note taking
19. Discussion method of teaching and learning involves the participation of learners in some of
the following ways
A. Pair work and Forum
B. Forum and Drama.
C. Presentation and Role play.
D. Pair work and Field visits.
20. When should teachers employ the use of a case study as an instruction technique?
A. When studying a phenomenon in its real context
B. When a given topic necessitates an interactive learning process.
C. When a given topic calls for the involvement of learners to act out roles onreal
life situations.
D. When the content of the topic requires learners to have a detailed study of an area.
21. What are some of the problems affecting the effective implementation of an intended
1. Lack of content for teachers.
2. Lack of school blocks
3. Poor teacher preparation programmes
4. Employment of unqualified teachers.
A. 2 and 3 only
B. 3 and 4 only
C. 1 and 2 only
D. 1 and 4 only
22. What type of instructional strategy should teachers use when they want learners to engage in
cooperative learning?
A. Picture and Map study technique
B. Jigsaw technique
C. Discussion methods
D. Document study
23. What is the difference between discussion method and jigsaw leaning technique?
A. In jigsaw learning technique learners’ aim at fitting together different components of
the lesson while in discussion method every discussion is done in unison.
B. Jigsaw learning encourages active participation while in discussion method only a
few selected learners participate.
C. In discussion method the teacher gives immediate feedback while in jigsaw learning
teachers leave the learners to give each other feedback.
D. In discussion method learners are given materials to use during discussions while in
jigsaw learning learners are not given any material for reference.
24. How is the case study instructional strategy similar to the document study instructional

A. Both instructional strategies discourage group work participation
B. Both instructional strategies necessitates the availability of a teachers’ input
C. Both instructional strategies employ the use of documents
D. Both instructional strategies encourage the need for learners to select the documents
of their choice.
25. When should teachers use of drama and role play instructional strategies?
A. When handling a topic that necessitates learners’ active participation
B. When handling a topic that requires learners to demonstrate their knowledge
C. When handling a topic whose understanding can be enhanced through observation.
D. When handling a topic that talks about a market place
26. One of the ways of using the question and answer method in the classroom is by:
A. using both low and high level questions
B. narrowing down questions to suit learners’ interests
C. showing appreciation for learners’ correct responses
D. questioning only those learners who raise their hands to respond
27. Why should teachers use teaching and learning resources when teaching?
A. Because they are readily available
B. Because they help minimize noise in the classroom
C. Because they enable teachers to have assist every learner
D. Because they help in the clarification of concepts
28. In relation to the curriculum, what learners actually learn is determined by?
A. The learned curriculum
B. The enacted curriculum
C. The assessed curriculum
D. The intended curriculum
29. Which of the following is instructional strategy to employ when teaching a large classroom?
A. Role play
B. Document study
C. Discussion method
D. Brainstorming
30. A well planned participatory lesson has evidence of
A. a teacher dominating in conducting lesson activities
B. learners’ domination in lesson activities
C. variety of instructional strategies
D. variety of teaching and learning resource
31. What is a scheme of work?
A. Interpretation of the syllabus indicating the amount of work the teacher is likely to
cover during a term.
B. Interpretation of content which the teacher has taught during a term.
C. All activities that are planned by the teacher designed to help learners develop critical
D. All activities arranged by the school in order to keep learners busy with academic
work so that they are not led astray by wildly things.
32. Why is it important to revise scheme of work every school year?
A. To make the scheme adapted to all individual needs of the learners.
B. To accommodate new ideas emerging every year.
C. It allows improvement of the previous years’ work.
D. It allows schools to assess teacher performance every year
33. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when preparing schemes of work?
A. Pupils previous experience
B. Course syllabus.
C. Class ability.
D. Pupils religious and cultural background
34. What is the importance of introduction during a lesson?
A. . It is used to arrest the attention of the learners.
B. It provides a forum for the teacher to show off his knowledge to learners.
C. It helps the teacher in marking and awarding of grades during a lesson.
D. It provides a chance for the teacher to reveal what is to be learnt in order to raise
35. Which of the following is not a primary goal of a school?
A. Helping students to develop personal capabilities which they are capable of achieving
B. Making students master basic skills or reading, writing and arithmetic
C. Developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for social and economic
development of the country
D. Developing attitudes in the learners that are retrogressive to the development of their
36. Why is it important to specify objectives?
A. It helps learning and teaching to be effective as the teacher selects suitable content
and materials to achieve the objective
B. It helps teachers at the end of the lesson to know whether learning has taken place or
C. Behavioral objectives enable the teacher to communicate teaching intentions to
D. It helps the teacher to come up with general objectives which are derived from
specific objectives
37. What is stimulus variation as used in teaching?
A. Teacher actions whether planned or unplanned designed to develop high level of
attention of pupils.
B. Student’s activities that are planned by the teacher designed to facilitate learning and
C. School activities that are organized by different departments aimed at achieving
general and specific objectives.
D. Topics in a syllabus that help to stimulate the five senses of the learners.
38. Which part of the lesson does the teacher allow learners to practice a particular skill?
A. The conclusion
B. The introduction
C. The development
D. The evaluation
39. Which of the following is not a function of records of work?
A. Provides Ministry of Education to check what is happening in schools
B. Provides evidence that teachers are doing their job in classrooms.
C. Reminds teachers the work which has been covered.
D. Helps teachers to take a laise faire attitude in classrooms.
40. What are teaching and learning aids?
A. Materials used in schools in order to construct classroom blocks
B. Materials used by teachers in their homes when having free time from academic work
C. Materials used by teachers to facilitate learning and teaching in classrooms
D. Materials used by teachers to discriminate fast and slow learners in the classroom
41. Which of the following is not an importance of teaching aids?
A. They arouse pupils interest during instruction
B. They reinforce memory in the learners
C. They simplify content hence leading to successful lesson
D. They help teachers to show off how intelligent they are
42. What are specimens?
A. These are real objects which a teacher may use in lesson delivery
B. These are locally available resources found within the vicinity of the school campus
C. These are appliances used in laboratories during biology and physical science
D. These are electrical devices used in classroom designed to meet the needs of learners
with special needs.
43. Which of the following is not included when completing schemes of work?
A. Methods of teaching and learning materials.
B. Learners performance and their previous knowledge.
C. Age of the learners and their cultural background.
D. Work actually covered and remarks.
44. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication in classroom?
A. Physical barrier
B. Mental barrier
C. Emotional barrier
D. Age barrier
45. What is the disadvantage of using a resource person in a classroom?
A. Students are naturally born afraid of strangers
B. Resource persons are boastful hence they annoy students
C. Students are used to their teachers hence resource personnel are useless
D. Some resource personnel may underestimate the learners
46. What is the chief purpose of a revision lesson?
A. To promote laizze faire attitude in the learners
B. To help learners remember questions asked during previous lessons
C. To promote retention of content covered during previous lessons.
D. To help learners to plan for field and education visits during future lessons
47. Why is it important for a teacher to evaluate a lesson?
A. To recognize their own faults, shortcomings and weaknesses
B. To give room for teachers to improve their pedagogical skills.
C. To discover strengths and weaknesses of the pupils on a particular topic.
D. To prove to the head teachers that they are discharging their duties.
48. What is school environment?
A. Refers to the physical, biological and cultural elements found in the immediate
surroundings of the school.
B. Refers to the political and economic elements found within the school premises
C. Means the religious, racial and ethnic elements that reveal the learners socio
economic background.
D. Means psychological and biological elements that show physical development of the
49. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good textbook?
A. It serves as a base for organizing learning activities.
B. It can serve as a basis for self-study.
C. It assists the pupil to acquire good reading skills.
D. It contains difficult English words which help learners to master language.
50. What is a model?
A. It is a recognizable imitation of a real thing used in classroom to enhance learning.
B. It is a real object which teachers bring to class for teaching and learning.
C. It is any appliance used in a laboratory to help learners conduct experiments.
D. It is any material which learners bring to classroom to promote teaching and learning
51. Why is it important to use peer teaching in classrooms?
A. They give chance to the teacher to abandon academic work and focus on his personal
B. They help learners to have free time to concentrate on trivial issues since they are at
the centre of learning
C. They give room for students to learn from each other
D. They give room for teachers to learn from each other before going to teach
52. Which of the following is not a limitation of small group work teaching method?
A. Some students prefer to learn through direct instruction and are not happy with peer
B. Some students may be reluctant to do their fair share of group work.
C. Some students may not be accepted in groups because of being unpopular.
D. Some students especially those who come from poor socio economic status find the
method difficult.
53. What is scaffolding?
A. Providing a student with enough help to complete a task and then gradually
decreasing the help as the student becomes able to work independently.
B. Withdrawing help from learners the moment they are given work.
C. Giving learners a chance to discuss non school activities during instruction.
D. Increasing help to learners when they are performing a difficult task during a lesson.
54. Why is it important for a teacher to summarize major points before the end of the lesson?
A. It helps to instill discipline in the learners who were noisy during the beginning of the
B. It promotes leadership skills in the teacher
C. It consolidates or reinforce the major teaching points covered in a lesson
D. It helps learners to forget major points discussed during instruction.
55. Which of the following is not a type of lesson?
A. The information lesson.
B. The practice lesson.
C. The revision lesson.
D. The combined lesson.
56. What are audio visual aids?
A. These are teaching and learning materials that help students to learn by producing
sound only.
B. These are teaching and learning aids that help students to learn through seeing only
C. These are teaching and learning aids that help students to learn by using both the
senses of sight and hearing
D. These are teaching and learning aids that are designed and made by students during
art classes
57. Why is it important to include component of age in a scheme of work?
A. It helps the teacher remember birthdays of the learners
B. It acts as a reminder to the teacher to know that they are older than their learners
hence need to be treated with compassionate
C. It reminds the teacher about the need to consider stages of intellectual development of
the learners
D. It acts as a barrier between the teacher and learners so that they treat each other with
58. What is cooperative learning?
A. An instructional task design that engages students actively in achieving a lesson
objective through their efforts and members of their heterogeneous group.
B. An instruction in which a group of teachers with similar skills drill students on the
same topic in order to achieve objectives within a short period.
C. An instruction in which a teacher and learners are involved in a similar task with the
aim of promoting retention.
D. An instruction that employs both teacher and learner centered methods in single
59. Which of the following is not a step in writing instructional objectives?
A. Specifying the general goal
B. Breaking down the general goals into more specific objectives
C. Checking objectives for clarity and appropriateness
D. Matching the objectives with the age of the learners
60. What is a specific objective?
A. An intended outcome of instruction that is observable in students behaviour or
B. An intended outcome that takes a long time to be noticed in the behaviour of the
C. An intended outcome which is general and cannot be measured.
D. An intended outcome which is difficult to be achieved by the learner alone without
the help of the teacher.


Instruction: There are 20 questions in this section. Answer all questions by writing Tor F
on the ANSWER CARD provided
61. Field visits as an instructional technique should be used when there is a need to take
learners out to study a phenomenon in real context.
62. Proper planning helps teachers come to a conclusion of what they need to teach.
63. Pedagogical knowledge refers to facts, concepts and procedures that teachers possess.
64. Pre-service training is usually short term trainings that teachers receive while they are on
the job.
65. Curriculum development processes are largely dependent on the type of knowledge
teachers’ gain from their formal training
66. One of the guidelines to remember when engaging in field visits is to assign roles to a
selected group of learners.
67. Teachers design schemes of work based on the curriculum, from which they also prepare
lessons plans.
68. Drama and Role play instructional techniques should be used sparingly in the process of
teaching and learning.
69. One of the reasons for using teaching and learning resources during an instruction is to
promote learner participation
70. Teacher will only employ the use of several instructional strategies if they have
equivalent available teaching and learning resources.
71. Lecture method is effective when teaching children because it makes them less active
72. Teachers must use one teaching method during a lesson in order to prevent confusing
73. Knowledge of the curriculum is not very important to teachers as long as they possess
knowledge in their specialized subject.
74. Learners centered approaches are often discouraged because they tend to divert learners
attention to trivial issues during the lesson.
75. An intended curriculum is based on extra curriculum activities which students are
engaged after classes
76. Subject rationale is a justification for offering a particular school subject in the
77. It is not important for learners to know in advance about success criteria and learning
78. The age of the learners affect the methods a teacher employs in the classroom
79. Learners come to class completely blank hence teachers have to use lecture method to in
order ensure that learners acquire all the fact.
80. Lecture method is best used when introducing a new topic or concepts which students
are not familiar with.


Instructions: There are Four questions in this section. Answer ALL by writing brief statements
based on the instructions given against each question; on the ANSWER
SHEETS provided.

81. What are three the major differences between learner and teacher centered methods of
teaching? (6 marks)
82. What are the three characteristics of a good lesson plan (4 marks)
83. Give any two guidelines to be followed before using visual aids (4 marks)
84. Give three reasons why teachers need to use field visits (6 marks)

Instruction: There are five questions in this section from which you should answer
three questions. The first (Question 85) is COMPULSORY and the
rest are optional. Each question carries 20 marks

Compulsory Question

85. To what extent would you argue that teachers are born or made?
Optional Questions
86. Explain five reasons why it is important for teachers to vary teaching methods?
87. Explain five guidelines you would use to effectively use of teaching and learning
88. Discuss five reasons why teachers have to consider learners with special needs during
lesson planning?
89. To what extent would you argue that learner centered approaches are more effective than
teacher centered methods? Use five points

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