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Title: My Dad

Attention-Gainer: My Father was a very stoic person. When he got hurt, he would
never complain about his pain and would just endure it.
Introduction: My Dad once brought me to the bird park. There were many birds and
parrots there. A cockatoo had landed on his arm and scratched it with its sharp
talons which caused him to start bleeding and gave him a permanent scar on his
arm. He never complained about it and just endured it but I could tell that he was in
great pain.
Thesis: My father is my favourite person as he takes good care of me and gave me
things he never had in his childhood.
I. My Father grew up very poor so he did not have a good education but he studied a
lot to the point that he became short-sighted and had to get glasses. He also
sometimes had little food to eat like a slice of bread or a bowl of rice. He got a well-
paying job as a director at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research and
made sure I did not have to worry about things like food and education like he did,
but he also made sure not to spoil us and made sure we studied and did not play too
II. My father would always forgive me no matter how much I misbehaved, he might
yell at me, but he would never stay mad at me for a long period of time.
My father would always stay calm and rarely would get angry but when he did, it was
not for long as he cools down quickly.
He is also very athletic and would go out to jog early in the morning with my brother
and sometimes I also come along. He also brings me with him to the gym to exercise
sometimes. Even on holidays, we would also exercise early in the morning every
My dad also loved watching football. I would sometimes watch football with him late
at night and we would occasionally eat potato chips while we watch. My parents
support Manchester United so I also support them. I do not really understand what
the rules are, but it is fun to see my parents yell at the television screen. From
watching them I know the gist of how to play football.
Conclusion: My dad may look very intimidating and big on the outside but he is
actually very kind and caring on the inside. I know from my dad the importance of
studying, getting good grades, exercising, and staying healthy.

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