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Text: An Englishman’s Diary

Grammar: The Simple Tense Forms (Present, Past). The Continuous Tense
Forms (Present, Past). Reported Speech.
The Adjective. The Degrees of Adjectives. The Article.

An Englishman’s day – and who can describe it better than an Englishman’s wife?
It begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper.
As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his
favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the
North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalade 1 on toast2 and tea (with milk, of course) or
He in fact gets such a meal if there is enough money in the family to buy it.
After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays which are holidays, he goes to
work by train, tube3, bus, car, motor scooter, motor bike or walks there. He leaves
home at about 7:30.
At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at mid-day
everything stops for lunch.4 Most offices and shops close for an hour from one to
Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they
eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding5, fried fish and
chipped potatoes.
There are usually two courses6 in the mid-day meal – a meat course with a lot of
vegetables, a sweet dish 7, perhaps fruit pudding and custard8 with tea or coffee to
Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once
again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or biscuit.9
The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an Englishman
gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, high tea10,
dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little
gardening and then have a walk to the «local»11 (the nearest beerhouse) for a «quick
one» (a drink, alcoholic, of course!). There are a lot of people at the «local» and he
can play darts, dominoes, billiards or discuss the weather, the local events or

the current situation. But if the Englishman stays at home, he may listen to the
radio, watch television, talk or read.
Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his «nightcap» – a drink with a snack –
and then off to bed ready for tomorrow.

1. marmalade: a kind of jam made of citrus fruit – джем (особливо апельсиновий
або лимонний); note that the English for мармелад is “candied fruit jelly”;
2. toast: (a slice/piece of) bread made brown and crisp by heating at a fire –
шматочок підсмаженого хліба; грінка; in English this noun is uncountable,
always used in the singular;
3. tube (coll): the London underground railway;
4. lunch: any light meal, especially the regular mid-day meal between breakfast and
dinner. For the working people “lunch” is “dinner” and the evening meal “supper”.
Dinner, whether eaten at mid-day or in the evening, is a formal meal with several
5. Yorkshire pudding: пиріг із рідкого прісного тіста.
6. course: a part of a meal. e.g. We usually have a three-course dinner.
7. dish: a particular kind of food – страва. e.g. My favourite dish is spaghetti with
8. custard: a kind of sauce made of milk, sugar, eggs, etc – солодкий заварний
крем (з яєць, молока, борошна тощо);
10. biscuit: сухе печиво, галета. The English for бісквіт is “sponge cake”;
11. high tea: an evening meal with tea and meat, eggs, etc – ситна вечеря з
12. local (coll): the local public house, or “pub”.
any pron – 1. будь-який, який-небудь. e.g. Any student knows it. Take any book
you like. Phr. in any case/at any rate – у будь-якому. e.g. That’s what they said, at
any rate. 2. жодний, ніякий (у заперечних реченнях). e.g. I did not find any
grammar mistakes in your essay.
as cj – коли, в той час як, поки, по мірі того як. As he walked on he got more and
more tired. Phr. as ... as ... – так само як; as for me/you etc – щодо мене/тебе
тощо; as much as – стільки, скільки; as for/to– щодо, що стосується; as well –
також. e.g. Charles comes to visit me as often as he can. Why don’t you come

along as well? Fred was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him. –
Фред був дуже не впевнений щодо того, чи підходить йому ця робота. – As for
you, young man, you're grounded and that’s it. – Щодо тебе, молодий чоловіче, ти
будеш сидіти вдома і на цьому розмову скінчено.
describe v – описувати (словами): describe a person (a picture, a place, etc);
describe how/why/what etc. e.g. He described to us the most interesting places in the
town. Phr. describe in detail (accurately/exactly) – описувати детально (точно);
describe fully/briefly – давати повний/короткий опис. e.g. She described in detail
how sad and anxious she had been feeling in a few past months. – Вона описала
детально наскільки засмучено та схвильовано вона себе почувала протягом
останніх кількох місяців.
description n – опис: accurate/correct/exact/clear (brief/short, full/ complete)
description – точний (короткий, повний) опис; detailed/ thorough description –
детальний опис. Phr. fit/match/answer smb’s description – відповідати чиємусь
опису. e.g. Your insurance company will need a full description of the stolen
property. He matches the description of the robber.
discuss vt – обговорювати: discuss a question (a film, a contract, the price, etc);
discuss what/who/where etc. e.g. I am still discussing the matter with the firm and I
don’t wish to prejudge the result of those talks. – Я все ще обговорюю проблему з
компанією і не хочу передбачати результат тих переговорів.
discussion n – 1. обговорення, всебічний розгляд, вивчення питання: have a
discussion on/about smth; 2. дискусія; розмова. Group discussion – групове
обговорення; have a round-table discussion – проводити круглий стіл (з якоїсь
проблеми/питання). e.g. After a long discussion with her father, she decided not to
take the job. We had a round-table discussion, which allowed us to answer any
enough adj – достатній (за кількістю): enough time (money, food, etc); enough
to go round (=enough of something for everyone to have some). e.g. He hasn’t got
enough money to buy a car yet. Do you think we’ve got enough pizza to go round? –
Ти думаєш нам вистачить піци для всіх? – enough adv – достатньо, досить.
The book is interesting enough. They were unlucky enough to be caught in the storm.
– Їм досить не пощастило, бо їх наздогнала гроза.
event n – випадок, подія: an important (unforgettable, sporting, etc) event. e.g. The
past year was full of events. Joe’s party was a splendid event – about 150 people
were there. Phr. current events – поточні події; in the event of smth – у
разі/випадку; in any event/in either event – у будь-якому разі e.g. He left a letter
for me to read in the event of his death. I might see you tomorrow, but I’ll phone in
any event.
except prep – крім, окрім, за винятком. Everybody knew the answer except me.
My mother felt fine except for being a little tired. – Моя мама почувала себе добре
крім того, що вона трохи стомилась. – exception n – виняток: а notable/
important/significant (minor, rare) exception. e.g. There are several exceptions to
this rule. We don’t usually accept checks, but for you we’ll make an exception. Phr.
with the exception of (smb/smth) – за винятком (когось чи чогось). e.g. No other
artist of the time, with the possible exception of Vivien, was so popular. – Жодний
художник того часу, за винятком Вів’єна, не був таким популярним.
leave (left) vt/vi – 1. піти, поїхати; від’їжджати. e.g. What time does the train
leave? 2. вирушати, їхати (кудись – for). e.g. When did they leave (Kharkiv) for
Kyiv? It’s time to leave. 2. залишати. e.g. Leave the letters with the secretary. He
left his watch at home. – Він залишив (забув) годинника вдома. Phr. leave sb/smth
alone – залишити когось/щось у спокої, не чіпати когось/щось; leave smb to
himself/leave smth to smb – не втручатися в чиїсь справи; leave school/college –
закінчити школу/коледж; it leaves much to be desired – це залишає бажати
кращого. e.g. Leave the boy alone, he can make up his own mind. She will probably
ring him tomorrow. Leave it to her. – Вона, можливо, зателефонує йому завтра.
Не втручайтеся в її спpави. – leave out – пропускати, не включати, не
враховувати. e.g. He told the story leaving out the names.
meal n – прийняття їжі; харчування. e.g. He likes a good meal in the middle of
the day. We have four meals a day. – У нас чотириразове харчування (ми їмо
чотири рази на день); a big/heavy/decent/hearty/ solid/square (light/small,
simple) meal – ситна (легка, проста) їжа; the main meal – основна їжа;
cook/fix/prepare/make a meal – готувати їжу; have a meal – їсти; make a
meal of soup – приготувати суп; serve (order) a meal – подавати (замовляти)
їжу. e.g. All I need is a bath, a decent meal, and a good long sleep. – Усе, що мені
потрібно, – це ванна, ситна їжа та гарний тривалий сон. dish n – страва,
їжа. e.g. His favourite dish is fried potatoes. course n – страва. Вжив., коли
йдеться про порядок подачі їжі на стіл. the first (second, main, etc.) course –
перша (друга, основна тощо) страва. e.g. What are we having for the first course?
– Що у нас на перше? dessert/sweets n – десерт, солодке (про страву). e.g. We
had fruit for dessert. – Ми їли на десерт фрукти.

stay vi – 1. залишатися: stay (at) home; stay for a year/ten minutes/a week etc; stay
in. e.g. He must stay at home for some days as he is ill. Will you stay for
dinner/lunch? Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids. I'll stay in to wait for his
telephone call. – Я залишуся вдома, щоб зачекати на його дзвінок/дочекатися
його дзвінка. 2. зупинятися, жити (at), гостювати (with); stay at/in a hotel (at
one’s friend’s; with friends, etc). e.g. My mother is staying with us this week. Stay n
– перебування: a long/short/overnight etc stay e.g. I shall make a week’s stay in
Lviv. – Я пробуду у Львові тиждень. I met her during my stay in Venice.
watch vt – спостерігати, споглядати, слідкувати за чимось/кимoсь. Watch (the)
children (stars, etc). e.g. Watch carefully. You may learn something. Phr. watch
television – дивитись телевізор. e.g. He stayed to watch a football match on TV.
Phr. Watch your step! – Обережніше, дивіться під ноги! Watch it/watch out! –
sit down to breakfast (work, chess, one’s lessons, etc). – сідати, прийматись за
сніданок (роботу, шахи, уроки тощо);
look through a newspaper (book, letter, etc) – продивлятись газету (книгу,
листа тощо);
be fond of smb/smth (doing, smth) – любити когось чи щось (робити щось);
once again – знову;
do the/one’s gardening (shopping, cooking etc) – займатись садом (робити
покупки, займатись кулінарією тощо);
be off (home, to bed, to work etc) – відправлятись (додому, у ліжко, на роботу
Exercise 1. In the following groups of words, pick out the word which, you
believe, is the most general in meaning.
(a) wife, husband, son, family, daughter, children;
(a) picnic, high tea, breakfast, supper, meal, lunch, snack, dinner, tea,
(b) tea, coffee, drink, lemonade, ale, beer, whiskey, brandy;
(c) tram, motor bike, transport, taxi, motor scooter, car, bus, bicycle, train,
tube, trolley car, airplane.

Exercise 2. Replace the words in bold type with their opposites. Make all
necessary changes. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. This is a national newspaper. 2. The mechanic started the motor. 3. I started
the book this morning. 4. She opened the windows. 5. He came home later than
usual. 6. Heavy food is bad for the stomach. 7. The family got up from a heavy
meal. 8. Work at the factory finishes at seven. 9. Classes are over at four. 10. The
news is of local importance.
Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with “come” or “go”. Translate the sentences
into Ukrainian.
1. You may _______ at any time after 6; we are always at home evenings. 2.
Good-bye and _______ again when you have time. 3. If you want bus 24, _______
to the corner of the street. 4. “May I _______ in?” John asked and opened the
door. 5. On Saturday evening they sometimes _______ to the cinema or the
theatre. 6. _______ into the corridor, don’t smoke in the room. 7. _______ to the
library, you can get any book you like there. 8. The doctor says I must not
_______ out, not in such weather. 9. _______ and have tea with us. 10. He
usually _______ home late in the evening when the children were already in bed.
11. I don't see why I couldn't do it. In any case, I_____ to try.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences by nouns corresponding to the

words in bold type.
(A) 1. She can’t answer the questions. She doesn’t know the ________. 2. In fine
weather he usually walks to the office. It’s a short ________. 3. (i) I can’t drink
the tea. It’s too hot. (ii) Tea is a national ________ of the English. 4. My brother
works at a factory. He says the ________ is interesting enough. 5. (i) In the
country, a pub is often part of an inn where you can stay for the night; (ii) My
friends will come to Warsaw for a short ________.
(B) 1. The book describes the Olympic Games opening ceremony in full. The
book gives a full _________ of the Olympic Games opening ceremony. 2. The
film version of the story is different from the book. There is a ___________
between the film version of the story and the book. 3. We often discussed books
and films in class. Those ________ were most interesting.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences, using the different phrasal verb
in each.
Look back, get back, come back, give back, walk back, sit back, go back.
1. Повертайтесь скоріше! 2. Я закінчу читати книгу і поверну її тобі. 3. Він
відкинувся на спинку стільця і запалив. 4. Всю зворотну дорогу від
станції додому він йшов пішки. 5. Ми зайшли до кафе, випили по чашці
кави, і він пішов назад додому. 6. Не озирайся! 7. Коли вони повернулися
до табору, була друга година ночі.

Exercise 6. Combine the following sentences according to the model.

Model 1. I don’t know the book well enough. I can’t discuss it.
I don’t know the book well enough to discuss it.
Model 2. He has enough money. He can buy a new suit.
He has enough money to buy a new suit.
1. He knows English well enough. He can read English books in the original. 2.
The boy is not strong enough. He can’t swim across the river. 3. I don’t
remember the poem well enough. I can’t tell it by heart. 4. Have you got enough
time? Can you stay for tea? 5. The museum is near enough. We can walk there.

Exercise 7. In the following sentences choose the correct form in parentheses.

1. There were not (enough people/people enough) to have the meeting. 2. Allen
has learned (enough French/French enough) to study in France next year. 3. Do
you have (enough time/time enough) to talk now? 4. She drove (enough fast/fast
enough) to win the race. 5. Mike will graduate from law school (enough
soon/soon enough) to join his father’s firm. 6. We arrived (enough early/early
enough) to have some coffee before class began. 7. It has rained (enough
hard/hard enough) to flood the low-lying areas. 8. You should type (enough
slowly/slowly enough) that you will not make an error. 9. He has just (enough
flour/flour enough) to bake that loaf of bread. 10. There are (enough books/books
enough) for each student to have one. 11. This soup is (substantial enough/
enough substantial) to serve as a main dish.

Exercise 8. Use “enough” with the words in bold type.

1. Let’s go and see the film. It’s interesting enough. 2. We can go for a long
country walk today. The weather is warm enough. 3. Don’t leave. There is
enough work for all. 4. I can’t tell you the story from beginning to end. I have no
enough time. 5. You can’t do this work. You are not strong enough. 6. You
must know this actor. He is famous enough. 7. Now I can buy a TV set. I have
enough money. 8. You needn’t buy any notebooks. I have enough notebooks at

Exercise 9. Make up sentences with the given phrases according to the model.
Translate them into Ukrainian.
Model 1: There is nothing he (she, etc) likes better than his (her, etc.) favourite
breakfast of cornflakes.
Model 2: There is nothing I (they, etc) like better than to play tennis (playing
1. a good mid-day meal; iced tea on a hot day; a quiet evening at home with the
family; modern painting;
2. discuss new books and films; play a game of chess after the working day is over;
watch a football match on TV; sit down to a book by our favourite writer.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

1. «How do you like your coffee?» «___some__ milk and a lot __of___ sugar.» 2.
«How do I get __to___ the shopping centre?» «__by___ bus. The bus-stop is over
there ___on__ the street.» 3. The note became clearer only after he looked
__through ___ it another time. 4. She liked to stay ___at__ home __in___ the
evening ___???__ an interesting book. 5. They are fond __of___ classical music.
They can listen __to___ Bach or Beethoven ___for__ hours. 6. When the last
exam was __passed(gone)___ he was so tired that she couldn't sleep __at___
night. 7. He liked to have supper _with____ his family. 8. We shall first go
__to___ that part __of___ the museum where the old masters are. 9. Now I
want to take you ___to__ the house __for___ a cup of tea. 10. She said she had
friends _from____ Chester __with___ whom she planned to stay __for___ a week
or two. 11. «When will you leave __the__ Sukhumi?» «Not before the end __of__
the month.» «How long will you stay there?» «Not more than __for___ two
weeks. Then some time ___in__ the middle ___of__ July I will go ___to__ Odessa
__on___ boat.» 12. Where are you __from___? Describe your home town
__to___ us. 13. I saw this film __at___ our local cinema last month. 14. «I'm
_going____ the library!» «When will you be back home?» «I'll be __???on___
supper, __at___ eight o’clock.» 15. The director was out, so I left my report

_at____ the secretary. 16. «How long will your friends be staying __with___ us?»
«They are coming __on(for)___ the week-end.» 17. Tell us the story once again,
but leave __some___ the details this time. 18. We had a heated discussion
_about____ the modern school of painting. 19. Dinner is the main meal _of___
the day _for___ most people. 20. The President asked _some___opinions
__related__ to the likelihood of war. 21. While you’re _in___ the store, could you
get a few things _for___ me as well?

Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form.
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
Describe, description, discuss, discussion, stay (n), stay (v), watch (v),
leave (v)(2), favourite, except (2), as, enough, any, exception.
1. The picture gallery is open all days of the week ___exept_____ Tuesday. 2. I
know the man well ______enough___. You needn’t ____describe_____ him to
me. 3. «How was the film?» «Oh, I loved it. All my ____favourite____ actors
are in it». 4. That afternoon he ___stayed _____ at the office later than usual. He
had work to do. 5. Did you tell him to ___discuss_____ his address with the
secretary? 6. During her ____stay_____ at her mother's, she did all the
shopping, cooking and house-cleaning. 7. ___as______ he read on he got more
and more interested in the subject. 8. Can you give me some writing paper?
____any____ old paper will do. 9. In those days we often went into the small café
across the street for a quick cup of tea and a short ____discussion_____ of the
latest film or book. 10. My sister looked into the room and said she had a few
things to ___watch______ with me. 11. The old man stopped at the busy street
corner to ____leave_____ the holiday crowds. 12. If I remember right, the
book begins with a __description_______ of the author's home town. 13. They
went to the theatre and ____left_____ their children with the baby-sitter. 14.
History books are often written in a boring style. A rare ___exception______is
this book. 15. Cecilia looks just like her sister, ____except_____ that her sister
has shorter hair.

The Simple Tense Forms (Present, Past)
The Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past)

Exercise 12. Study the following chart.

Present Simple Present Continuous

The Present Simple is used to The Present Continuous is used to express:
1. A habit 1. An activity happening now
I get up at 7.30. They are playing football in the garden.
John smokes too much. She can’t answer the phone because she’s
washing her hair.
2. A fact which is always 2. An activity happening around now, but
true perhaps not at the moment of speaking
Vegetarians don’t eat meat. She’s studying math at university.
We come from Spain. I’m reading a good book by Henry Games.
3. A fact which is true for a 3. Actions which happen too often and annoy,
long time irritate or make smb. angry
- I live in Oxford. - I’m always meeting Sara when I go shopping.
- She works in a bank. - You are constantly interrupting me when I’m
Past Simple Past Continuous
The Past simple is used to The Past Continuous is used to express an action
express past actions as in progress at a stated time in the past. The
simple facts. action can be interrupted.
When I was a child we lived in I was doing my homework when Gannet arrived.
a small house by the sea. At 7 o’clock yesterday evening they were having
John left two minutes ago. dinner.
State verbs are those verbs that describe a state rather than an action and thus do
not normally have continuous tenses. These include the following verbs:
expressing likes like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, I love chocolate ice
and dislikes adore, etc. cream.
of the senses see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound. Jim must be at home.
Can or could are often used with these I can see his car
verbs when we refer to what we see, parked outside.
hear, etc. at the moment of speaking.
of perception know, believe, understand, realize, I expect they will be
remember, forget, notice, recognize, late.
think, seem, see (=understand), expect I know it for certain.
other verbs be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, My uncle owns a
matter, cost, mean, own, want, require, hotel. I need your
have (=possess), weigh, wish, keep help badly. What
(=continue) does it mean?
Some of the above verbs are used in continuous tenses when they describe actions and not states.
Study the following examples:
I think he’s lying. (=believe) I’m thinking about the plan. (=am
The food tastes delicious. (= has a He is tasting the food. (=is testing the
delicious flavour) flavour of)
I can see some people. (=perceive with I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow. (=am
my eyes) I see what you mean. meeting)
This perfume smells nice. (=has a nice He is smelling the milk. (=is sniffing)
The baby’s hair feels like silk. (=has the She is feeling the baby’s forehead. (= is
texture of) touching)
Bob has a Porsche. (=possesses) He’s having a shower at the moment.
(=is taking a shower)
the verb enjoy can be used in I’m enjoying this party a I enjoy going to parties.
continuous tenses to express lot. (specific preference) (I enjoy parties in
specific preference general.)
the verbs look (when we refer to a person’s appearance), You look/are looking
feel (=experience a particular emotion), hurt and ache great today.
can be used in either the continuous or simple tenses I feel/am feeling well
with no difference in meaning. today.

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present
(A) 1. Why ________________ (you/smell) the soap? – It ________ (smell)
lovely. It’s like roses! 2. Why ______________ (you/taste) the soup? – To
see if it _______ (taste) good. I think it needs more salt. 3. I ________
(feel) very tired. – You should go to bed early. 4. How much
_____________ (the bag of apples/weigh)? – I don’t know yet. The man
____________ (weigh) the bag now. 5. I __________ (think) about
buying a new car soon. – Why? I ______________ (think) your car is
fine. You don’t need a new one. 6. What _________________ (you/look)
at? – The sky. It __________ (look) as if it’s going to rain. 7. I really
______________ (enjoy) home-made food. – So do I, and I
________________ (enjoy) every bit of this meal. 8. Why
______________ (you/ feel) the radiator? – It ___________ (feel) cold in
here. Is the heating on? 9. That famous opera singer __________ (appear)
at the opera house tonight. – Yes. He _____________ (appear) to be
feeling better after his operation. 10. Chris _______ (be) a sensible person,
isn’t he? – Yes, but in this case he _______ (be) rather foolish. 11. My dad
________ (fit) the old blind from the living room in my bedroom today. –
Really? ______________ (it/fit) that window?
(B) 1. A:are smelling B:smells
(C) 2. A: are tasting B: tastes
(D) 3. A: feel
(E) 5. A: does weigh B: is weighing
(F) 6. A: am thinking B: think
(G) 7. A: are looking B: looks
(H) 8. A: enjoy B: am enjoying
(I) 9. A: are feeling B: feels
(J) 10. A: is appearing B: appears
(K) 11. A: is B: is being
(L) 12. A: is fitting B:

(B) 1. Who _____________ (knock) on the door? 2. It _____________ (rain),

better take your umbrella. 3. Don't interrupt me, please, I _____________ (work).
4. Hurry downstairs, your sister _____________ (wait) for you. 5. What you
_____________ (think) of right now? 6. Let's have some tea. It _____________
(get) cold. 7. Keep the noise down. We _____________ (listen) to music. 8.
"What Tom ____________ (do) now?" "He ___________ (play) the oboe." 9. It's
a lovely day. The sun _____________ (shine) brightly. 10. What you ________
(look) at? 11. We __________ (drink) coffee every morning. 12. What this word
__________ (mean)? 13. At this moment we _____________ (do) an exercise on
the Present Simple. 14. You _____________ (know) that boy over there? 15.
"What you _____________ (do), Tom?" "I _____________ (draw)" "Let me see
what you _____________ (draw)" 16. You _____________ (see) anything? 17. I
_____________ (not remember) his name exactly. 18. Granddad _______ (be) by
himself in the kitchen. Gran _____________ (do) the housework. 19. I _________
(hope) you __________ (know) where he (live). 20. "You _____________ (read),
dear?" "Yes." "What ________ (be) the book about?" "Don't talk to him while he
_____________ (read)." 21. You ________ (eat) too much, that is why you
_____________ (get) so fat. 22. How long it _____________ (take) you to get to
the institute, usually? 23. You _____________ (like) what you _____________
(do) now? 24. "It _____________ (snow) now?" "Yes, it _____________ (snow)
very hard. You shouldn't go out yet."
(C) 1. She ____________ (wear) a new coat today. 2. Peter never ___________
(wear) a hat. 3. I (get up) at eight in the morning. 4. It’s eight o'clock. He
_____________ (get up). 5. What you _____________ (say)? I _____________
(not hear) you well enough. 6. It ___________ (get) late. It's time to go home. 7.
It __________ (get) dark early in winter. 8. Listen! Somebody _____________
(sing) in the street! 9. She ____________ (sing) well and she _________ (have) a
pleasant voice. 10. When it is foggy in London, cars ___________ (move) very
slowly. 11. Our train_____________ (move) very fast.

Exercise 14. Complete the conversation with verbs in the Present Continuous.
Use each of the verbs in the following list once only: invite, stay, come, hold,
make, get, book, give, travel, deliver. Read the dialogue to the end before you
do the exercise.
Lewis: Can you keep a secret?
Sophie: Yes, of course. What is it?
L: I (a) _______ a surprise party for Emily next Saturday. It's her thirtieth
S: A surprise party! That'll be difficult to arrange without her knowing.
Who_______ you (b) _______?
L: Everybody. All our friends, her friends from work, all her family, even her two
aunts from Scotland. They (c) _______ down by train on Friday evening and they
(d) _______ overnight in that small B&B at the end of our road.
S: What about the food and drink? Where (e) _______ you _______ that from?
L: It's all arranged. Luigi's restaurant (f) _______ all kinds of food and drink on
Saturday afternoon, and their chef (g) _______ even _______ a special birthday
cake with pink icing and sugar flowers.

S: Excellent! And what (h) _______ you _______ Emily for her birthday? Have
you got her a good present?
L: Oh yes! I (i) _______ a very special holiday. A weekend for two in Paris! We
(j) _______ by Eurostar, through the Channel Tunnel!
S: That's a great idea. I can see that you are going to enjoy her birthday, too! Do I
get an invite?
L: Of course. But keep it a secret!

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences, using either the Present
Simple or the Present Continuous Tense according to the sense.
(A) 1. Ти багато читаєш? Що ти читаєш? 2. Тут часто йдуть дощі? По-моєму,
йде дощ. 3. Павло пише батькам доволі часто. Він зайнятий. Він щось пише.
4. Брат не носить тепле пальто взимку. Він сьогодні у новому сірому пальто.
5. Дитина просинається кілька разів на ніч. Не шуміть. Дитина просинається.
6. Вони часто обговорюють такі проблеми. Вони обговорюють щось цікаве.
7. Погода в Англії змінюється дуже часто. Візьми плащ. Погода змінюється.
(B) 1. Дощ все ще йде. Я бачу дощові краплини на склі. 2. Не рухайся.
Фотограф вже знімає тебе. 3. Як називається журнал, який ви проглядаєте?
4. Що ви стоїте біля дверей? Проходьте, ми саме п’ємо чай; випийте з нами
чашку. 5. Ми наближаємось до моря. 6. Що ти слухаєш? Я слухаю концерт
Андреа Бочеллі. 7. Ця людина добре розмовляє англійською, але мені важко
розуміти його, так як він говорить дуже швидко, а я знаю мову не достатньо
добре. 8. Я не люблю таких людей, як він. Він завжди мріє, але нічого не
робить, щоб здійснити свої мрії. 9. Зателефонуйте на вокзал, будь ласка, і
дізнайтеся, коли приходить поїзд з Харкова. 10. Ви помилились – ви
передаєте мені гірчицю, а не перець.11. Вона завжди скаржиться на свого
сина, коли б я її не зустрів.12. Чому ви весь час перемикаєте телевізор з
одного каналу на інший? Що ви намагаєтесь подивитись?
(C) 1. Що у вас на сніданок? 2. Студенти звичайно обідають в yніверситеті.
3. Вегетаріанці їдять все окрім риби і м’яса. 4. Що ви любите на третє? 5. Як
ти дістаєшся до yніверситету? Скільки часу звичайно в тебе це займає? 6.
Автобус 107 тут не зупиняється. 7. Пройдіть вниз по вулиці до будівлі
університету. Там за рогом ви побачите зупинку автобусу. 8. Коли ви
читаєте газети? Я звичайно читаю їх ввечері, а зранку тільки продивляюсь.
9. В англійських школярів заняття кожного дня, окрім суботи і неділі. 10.
Англійці часто розмовляють про погоду, чи не так? 11. Коли старі друзі
зустрічаються, вони часто говорять про минуле.

Exercise 16. Open the brackets, using either the Past Simple or the Past
Continuous Tense according to the sense.
1. When we got off the train it _________ (rain) heavily. 2. The summer that year
was cold. It often ___________ (rain). 3. The weather was foggy. Cars and buses
___________ (move) slowly. 4. While I __________ (pack) my things, he
_________ (ring) up for a taxi to take me to the station. 5. The house was quiet. The
boys __________ (play) chess and Mary ____________ (read) a book. 6. When
____ you _____ (see) him last? 7. I _________ (buy) the guide book in London. It
__________ (catch) my eye when I ________(pass) a shop-window. I _________
(return), _________ (call) at the shop and _________ (buy) it. 8. In 1972 Peter
______ (be) in Siberia, he __________ (build) a railway together with his friends.
Later he __________ (write) a book about it. 9. Who _________ (speak) over the
telephone at five yesterday? The line _______ (be) busy for an hour at least. 10. The
whole family ____________ (watch) a detective film on TV when I ________
(come) into the room. 11. Ships ____________ (travel) from Southampton to
New York in four or five days last season.

Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences, using either the Past Simple or the
Past Continuous Tense form.
(A)1. Наш потяг їхав так швидко, що я не встигав читати назви станцій, які
ми проїжджали. 2. Коли потяг наближався до станції; пасажири стояли біля
вікон і махали руками. По перону бігли люди з квітами. Петро був поміж
них. Він щось крикнув мені, але я нічого не почув. 3. Я снідав у кафе
поблизу залізничного вокзалу, коли побачив його у вікно. Він стояв під
великим годинником та чекав на когось. 4. Ми викликали лікаря, коли
зрозуміли, що її стан погіршується. 5. – Коли ви бачилися з нею востаннє? –
Я не пам’ятаю точно, але знаю, що це було минулого місяця. 6. Вчора у цей
час ми були ще у літаку і пролітали над Італією. 7. Коли він увімкнув світло,
він побачив, що хтось спав на його ліжку.
(B) 1. Я писав курсову роботу про поезію Шевченка, коли мені
зателефонував Богдан. 2. Він вимкнув телевізор та піднявся у спальню. 3. У
кінці жовтня він закінчив перекладати статтю про сучасну українську
літературу, і на початку листопада її опублікував. 4. Я приймала ванну, коли
хтось постукав у двері. 5. – Скільки коштувала ця каблучка? – Вона тоді
коштувала близько 50 фунтів, але зараз вона значно дорожча. 6. Минулого
року навесні дуже часто йшли дощі. 7. Марійка йшла поруч з Олегом і про
щось розповідала йому, коли я побачив їх у парку. 8. Коли я увійшов до
зали, студенти все ще обговорювали першу доповідь. 9. Цей художник
написав свою славнозвісну картину 10 років тому. 10. Потяг набирав
швидкість, коли він ускочив до вагону. 11. Мисливці замовкли. Красивий
олень повільно наближався до них. 12. Секретарка друкувала доповідь, коли
увійшов директор і поклав на стіл ще якісь папери. Доки директор вів ділову
розмову з представниками іноземних фірм, вона переглядала ранкову
Exercise 18. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. Samantha __________ (play) tennis with friends every weekend. 2. The man
___________ (pay) for his new car in cash. 3. We __________ (play) in a concert
next week. 4. Liz _________ (go) to the Bahamas for her holidays last week. 5.
Paul and Tom _________ (sing) in the school choir twice a week. 6. We
________ (watch) a film on TV when our guests arrived. 7. We _________
(make) plans for our summer holidays right now. 8. The teacher __________
(teach) the children a song yesterday. 9. My friend ________ (live) in America at
the moment. 10. He __________ (sit) on the train at this time yesterday morning.

Exercise 19. Make up sentences from the following groups of words, the
missing elements may be added.
1. during their summer vacation; go home; all foreign students.
2. next year; these students; study many more subjects.
3. be his favourite writer; Mark Twain; when he was a schoolboy.
4. bring more chairs; be a lot of guests; at today's meeting.
5. when it began to rain; stop playing football; the boys.
6. be no more wars; if peace-loving people; fight for peace.
7. often; we; have long discussions; the current situation; our teacher.
8. after two years in the army; come back; a different man; I am sure.
9. Bernard Shaw; be born to a poor family; begin to work at an early age.
10. the last years of his life; Nikolai Gogol; Suvorov Boulevard; live.
11. Alaska; leave for; 1897; Jack London together with thousands of other
people; not find gold; write a lot of stories.

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Мій старший брат дуже зайнятий, тому що він зараз шукає нову досить
високо оплачувану роботу. 2. Не спізнюйтесь! Літак відлітає рівно о 16.00.
Ви повинні бути в аеропорту о 14 годині. 3. Мері сиділа біля вікна і
дивилася, як на вулиці йде сильний дощ. 4. Студенти запам’ятали всі
правила з граматики достатньо добре. 5. Якщо ти хочеш обговорити
проблему детально, будь ласка, зателефонуй мені на цих вихідних. 6. Наші
родичі залишуться у нас на кілька днів, якщо приїдуть на екскурсію до
нашого міста. 8. Після перегляду фільму ми пішли поїсти до китайського
Reported Speech
Exercise 21. Use Reported Speech according to the model.
Model 1:
Direct Speech Reported Speech
1. She says: «I am busy.» 1. She says (that) she is busy.
2. He says: «My parents are 2. He says (that) his parents are living with
living with me now.» him now»
1. They say: «We have lunch at the University.» 2. Vladyslav says: «My parents
live in Kyiv.» 3. She says: «I entered the University three years ago.» 4. Mary
says: «I can describe the place to you. I know it very well.» 5. The teacher
says: «You know this lesson.» 6. My friend says: “This film is boring”. 7. They
say: “We had fruit for dessert”. 8. Mother says: “He left his watch at home”. 9.
Ann says: “He hasn’t got enough money to buy a car yet”. 10. Tom says: “He
matches the description of the robber”.
Model 2:
Peter Direct Speech Reported Speech
asks 1. “Are you a student?” if/whether I am a student.
2. “Does Tom know my address?” if/whether Tom knows his
3. “Will you be at the meeting?” if/whether I'll be at the meeting.

1. Do you often have lunch here? 2. Does she like tea better than coffee? 3. Do
trains stop here? 4. Are you both fond of music? 5. Did she get a letter from her
parents? 6. Were they all there at the station? 7. Is there anything else to see in
this town? 8. Are all boys fond of playing football?
Model 3: He asks: “Why (when, how many times a week, etc) do you get up so
He asks/wonders why (when, how many times a week) I get up so early.
Begin the sentence with: (a) I wonder (ask) why...
(b) I don’t know (nobody knows) why (when...)
1. Why do they stop their work at one o’clock? 2. How many students are
there at Oxford University? 3. What questions did they discuss at their meeting?
4. Where did he hear the news? 5. What did she speak about at the meeting?
5. How long did he stay there? 6. How did she describe the place to them? 7.
Who teaches them English?
Model 4:
Direct Speech Reported Speech
1. They said: "We are late. We are 1. They said that they were late and
sorry." they were sorry.
2. He asked: «Do you always take a 2. He asked me (wondered, wanted to
walk in the afternoon?" know) if (whether) I always took a walk
in the afternoon.
3. I asked: "When will the taxi be here?” 3. I asked when the taxi would be there.
The verbs «shall» and «will» change into «should» and «would» in reported
speech. In modern English «would» is more common for all persons of the
singular and plural. «Should» must be used when it has the meaning «Do you
want me to...»
1. She said: «I like oranges better than bananas.» 2. The music teacher said (to
me): «You played the piece very well.» 3. «Are you busy now?» he asked. 4. The
dean said: «I want to have a word with you.» 5. «Do you always have ice-cream
for dessert?» she asked. 6. My mother asked: «Why are you so sad?» 7. The
librarian said: «There are a lot of English books in our library.» 8. «Do you know
why he is absent?» the teacher asked.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Exercise 22. Study the following chart.
Positive Comparative Superlative
small smaller smallest
hot hotter hottest
easy easier easiest
narrow narrower narrowest
old older/elder oldest/eldest
comfortable more comfortable most comfortable
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much/many more most
far farther/further farthest/furthest

Exercise 23. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the adjective
in brackets, making sure the grammar in each case is correct, especially
where articles need to be inserted.
1. At the moment he was (happy) person in the world. 2. John is (clever) man I
have ever met. 3. Your voice is much (low) than your father’s. 4. Last year’s
results were (poor), but fortunately, this year’s are (good). 5. Their house has
(large) garden in the neighbourhood. 6. They all ate far too much, but she ate even
(much) than Bohdan. 7. Her explanation was (clear) than yours. 8. I live far from
the University, but my friend lives even (far). 9. Concord was (fast) passenger
plane in the world. 10. His cheeks were (red) than anyone else’s. 11. Who is
(rich) man in the world? 12. Would you say that Tokyo is (modern) than London?

Exercise 24. Study the following charts.

Twice as much/many вдвічі більше
half as much/many вдвічі менше
three times as much/many втричі більше
half as much/large again в півтора рази дорожче/ більше
half the width of/half as wide as вдвічі вужче
half the price of/half as much as вдвічі дешевше
half the height of/half as high as вдвічі нижче
half the length of/half as long as вдвічі коротше
one third the height of втричі нижче
one fifth the length of в п’ять разів коротше
four books more на чотири книги більше
two pages fewer на дві сторінки менше

1. The weather today is better (worse) than it was yesterday.

2. This book is as interesting as that one.
3. The Thames is not so/as long as the Dnieper.
4. He is twice as old as I am/as me.
5. His library is much richer than mine.
6. She is two years younger than I (am)/than me.
7. Your country cottage is twice as large as mine.
8. My car is four times as expensive as his.
9. The more we learn, the more we know.

Exercise 25. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. He couldn’t sleep. The more he tried to sleep, the more he couldn’t. 2. The
more she thought of it, the more sure she was. 3. The less he has to explain, the
better. 4. The longer the baby stays out when asleep, the better. 5. The more he
studied the plan, the more he disliked it. 6. The more I looked at the thing, the
more I felt that I had seen something like it, somewhere else, some time before. 7.
I’m a great believer in luck. And I have found the more I work, the more I have of
it. 8 Mark Twain used to say: “The more I know people, the more I love my dog”.

1. Він не міг заснути. Чим більше він намагався заснути, тим більше не
міг. 2. Чим більше вона про це думала, тим впевненіша була. 3. Чим
менше йому потрібно пояснити, тим краще. 4. Чим довше дитина
залишається поза сном, тим краще. 5. Чим більше він вивчав план, тим
більше йому не подобався. 6. Чим більше я дивився на річ, тим більше
відчував, що бачив щось подібне, десь ще, за деякий час до цього. 7. Я
дуже вірю в удачу. І я знайшов, чим більше я працюю, тим більше у
мене цього є. 8 Марк Твен говорив: «Чим більше я знаю людей, тим
більше я люблю свого собаку».

Exercise 26. Translate the expressions in the brackets.
This river is (вдвічі довша) as that one. 2. Нe eаrns (вдвічі менше) as Tom does.
3. This dress is (в півтора рази дорожче) as ours. 4. Our house is (втричі вище)
as yours. 5. This path is (втричі коротше) of that one. 6. These grapes are (вдвічі
солодший). 7. George is (вдвічі старший) as his sister is. 8. The lake is (вдвічі
ширше) as that one. 9. This book is (на п’ятдесят сторінок коротша). 10. Their
villa is (вдвічі дешевша) of ours.
Twice as much/many вдвічі більше
half as much/many вдвічі менше
three times as much/many втричі більше
half as much/large again в півтора рази дорожче/ більше
half the width of/half as wide as вдвічі вужче
half the price of/half as much as вдвічі дешевше
half the height of/half as high as вдвічі нижче
half the length of/half as long as вдвічі коротше
one third the height of втричі нижче
one fifth the length of в п’ять разів коротше
four books more на чотири книги більше
two pages fewer на дві сторінки менше

Exercise 27. Change not … as into less … than.

1. She isn’t as busy today as she was yesterday. 2. It isn’t usually as hot in
England as it is in Spain. 3. She isn’t as tired as I am. 4. Your cottage isn’t as
comfortable as mine. 5. The new park isn’t as beautiful as the old one. 6. The boy
isn’t as diligent as his father. 7. This test isn’t as complicated as the previous one.
8. Bob isn’t as polite as his brother. 9. She wasn’t as clever as we had thought. 10.
The watch was not as expensive as she had expected. 11. Harry’s work wasn’t as
carefully planned as mine. 12. The dog wasn’t as friendly as the cat. 13. My
brother couldn’t read as quickly as I could.

Exercise 28. Complete the following sentences using these adjectives in the
appropriate form.
Large, intelligent, brave, rich, big, bad,
ambitious, bitter, careful, mighty, nervous, stubborn

1. This brand of chocolate isn’t as ___bitter___ as the other – it’s much sweeter.
2. As people grow older, they sometimes become __more nervous ____ than they
were and lose interest in life. 3. The person who does my income tax declaration
every year isn’t always ___careful___; I’m looking for another one to go to. 4. He
is ___mightier___ than anyone else in the country; he wants to get promoted soon.
5. My nephew is ___more intelegent___ than my niece, but he doesn’t do as well
as she does at school. 6. A horse isn’t as ___stubborn___ as a mule. 7. Old Mr.
Miser has a lot of money; the older he gets, the ___richer___ he becomes. 8.
Japan is approximately as __big____ as the state of California. 9. Cigarettes are
one of the __worst____ things for your health; you really must give them up. 10.
She was even __braver____ than most of the boys in her class. 11. His pride is
__the largest____ part of his nature. 12. Love is _more ambitious??_____ than

Exercise 29. Translate the following sentences into English.

(А) 1. Який з шести континентів найбільший? 2. Який найкоротший місяць
року? 3. Вдень на вулицях міста значно більше транспорту, ніж увечері. 4.
Нові будівлі готелів більш сучасні і вони значно вищі, ніж старі. 5. Моя
бібліотека не настільки цікава та багата, як бібліотека мого друга. 6. Нік
наймолодший з моїх друзів. Йому стільки ж років, скільки моїй молодшій
сестрі. 7. Мій брат на три з половиною роки старший за мене. 8. Влітку у нас
більше вільного часу, ніж взимку. 9. У кінці року в них у відділі вдвічі
більше роботи, ніж звичайно.
(В) 1. Що може бути кращим за чашку чаю? 2. Де розташоване найближче
поштове відділення? 3. Чим простіша задача, тим менше часу потрібно на її
вирішення. 4. Хто з нас вищий: ти чи я? 5. Ніхто не буде сперечатися, що
найзручніший вид транспорту – це метро. 6. Сподіваюсь, що тепер ти
витрачаєш менше часу на дорогу до університету.
(C) 1. Це не найкращий вихід із скрутного становища. 2. Його настрій
погіршав, але він продовжував посміхатись. 3. Ця коробка найважча, залиш
її вантажникам. 4. Ця співачка найпопулярніша у країні. 5. Його годинник
поспішає на чотири хвилини порівняно з вашим. 6. Ранок був чудовий, але
ввечері погода погіршилась. 7. Напишіть коротшу статтю. Ця занадто довга.
8. Ми сиділи у найвіддаленішому куточку цього прекрасного саду.

(A)1. Which of the six continents is the largest? 2. What is the shortest month of
the year? 3. During the day on the streets of the city much more traffic than in the
evening. 4. New hotel buildings are more modern and they are much higher than
the old ones. 5. My library is not as interesting and rich as my friend's library. 6.
Nick is the youngest of my friends. He is as old as my younger sister. 7. My
brother is three and a half years older than me. 8. We have more free time in
summer than in winter. 9. At the end of the year, they have twice as much work in
the department than usual.
(B) 1. What could be better than a cup of tea? 2. Where is the nearest post office?
3. The simpler the task, the less time it takes to solve it. 4. Which of us is higher:
you or me? 5. No one will argue that the most convenient mode of transport is the
subway. 6. I hope you now spend less time on the way to university.
(C) 1. This is not the best way out of a difficult situation. 2. His mood worsened,
but he kept smiling. 3. This box is the heaviest, leave it to the loaders. 4. This
singer is the most popular in the country. 5. His watch is four minutes faster than
yours. 6. The morning was wonderful, but in the evening the weather worsened. 7.
Write a shorter article. This is too long. 8. We were sitting in the farthest corner of
this beautiful garden.

The Article
Exercise 30. Study the following chart.
It's time for dinner. This country exports coffee.
What a good dinner! You are a fine cook. The coffee is of high quality.
The dinner she gave us was well-cooked. Have a cup of hot coffee.
After dinner we shall have coffee.

Exercise 31. Insert the article where necessary.

(A) 1. ___ supper will be served at nine. 2. Father usually reads his morning
paper at ____ breakfast. 3. She had ____ breakfast of toast with butter which
she washed down with a cup of coffee. 4. He left house soon after ____
breakfast and promised to be back some time before ____ lunch. 5. We shall
have ____ light supper because we had ____ good dinner. 6. Do we have time to
watch the film on TV before ____ supper? 7. She invited us to stay for ____

dinner, and ____ dinner, I must say, was very good. 8. There will be nobody to
____ dinner except the family.
(B) He usually has a glass of____ water with his dinner. 2. There are places where
____ water is as precious as gold. 3. ____ water in the lake is so clear that you can
see every single stone. 4. After a hard day's work I like ____ hot milk. 5. Come
quickly, ____ milk is getting cold. 6. Don't sit on ____ sand, it's damp after the
rain. 7. My shoes are full of ____ sand. 8. There are people who will eat ____
ice-cream in the street even in winter. 9. Why is ____ coal better for heating
than wood? 10. ____coal of Newcastle is rich in carbon. 11. Put the bottle into the
ice-box to cool ____ wine for dinner.

Exercise 32. Explain the use of the article. Translate the sentences.
(A) 1. Waiter, a coffee and two teas, please. 2. I met him at a dinner at Smith's
house. 3. «Yessentuky» is a mineral water, 4. Of all the teas I like the green tea
most; it's a nice drink on a hot day. 5. A hot coal fell from the fire on the carpet. 6.
Have an ice-cream. 7. Hungary is famous for its wines. 8. This is a light
Caucasian wine.
(B) 1. Where there's a will, there's a way (proverb) 2. There was a week left to the
end of term. 3. Andriy Shevchenko plays as a striker. 4. St.Volodymyr`s
Cathedral is an important monument in Kyiv. 5. There is a green hill far away.
(British hymn) 6. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. (saying) 7. You
can frequently see a Mercedes limousine pass along Khreshchatyk. 8. There was
an apple in the fruit bowl. 9. "Never mind about all that, just peel me a grape".
(Mae West) 10. If only I had taken a course in statistics. 11. You must have been
an angel.

Exercise 33. Translate the following.

1.Що в нас сьогодні на вечерю? 2. У кав’ярні напроти завжди можна
отримати гарячий сніданок. 3. У неділю у нас звичайно хтось буває на обід.
4. У вас достатньо часу для невеликої прогулянки перед сніданком. 5. Твоя
сестра пригостила нас прекрасним обідом. 6. Ми поснідаємо на терасі,
добре? 7. Лікарі рекомендують ранню та легку вечерю. 8. Чи купити щось до
обіду? 9. Замов, будь ласка, обід з трьох страв і на мене теж. 10. Я більше
всього люблю кашу на сніданок.


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