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As a citizen of Mongolia, what can you

contribute to the overall growth of the

I want to share a fact that I saw my own eyes. Recently, Mongolia was listed as one of the
fastest-growing countries in the world by Forbes. But I don't think this is real growth. Cause I
remember that summer day when I felt more sensitive and tend to observe others. While I was
walking through the city, people were so aggressive. I don't know why they were like that.
Maybe that day was very hot, or because of a traffic jam, or might be they were just angry
because of something in their daily life. The only thing I know was they were unhappy. In my
view, If the people of the country are not happy, It's not real growth at all.
And my name is Naransolongo, I'm a 12th high school student I want to share this idea of topic
with you.
As a citizen of Mongolia, what you contribute to the overall growth of the country.
When I saw this topic's name first it was long and meaningful for me. It was really long; you
know what I mean. And I was asking to myself "What is overall growth?", "how can I do this",
“What is growth actually” etc. I thought too big things. Then suddenly I realized growth isn't a big
thing but little things that add up together are a big contribution to our country's growth. Because
we all know that one small thing brings change.
Mongolians have been teaching a lesson since ancient times like first improving yourself then
improving the family finally improving the country. In my opinion, it means that overall growth
starts from brushing teeth. And eat breakfast every day, drink water, exercise, and study well.
Then what, spend time with family, pay attention to siblings and parents too, and concentrate on
the conversation. This growth makes us happy. When we grow up, we will care about bigger
things. Like economy, policy and more.
But for now, I'm no one who is trying to be someone. I can't do big things like presidents or
prime ministers. But I can make a small contribution in my life to my country's growth. I believe
that every single small thing has meaning and importance for the overall growth of a country.
We are little blood cells of this big country like our bodies have. And we are contributing our life
every day to make this country stronger day by day.
About growth of economy. Growth of the economy is not only about GDP and other economic
indicators but also about the well-being of the population. The government must pay attention to
the well-being of the population. But for now, growth of the country is not only government does,
it is more personal effort.
So, I trying to tell you that if you are growing, if you are being well, if you are happy this country
will grow, also will be happy too. Yes, we don't have to build big skyscrapers or build roads from
east to west without citizens personal growth and happiness. Unless a person herself or himself
is well there is no need for money. According to my Idea, real growth is small and normal. A
better person has a better country.
In the meantime, the world may be hard, aggressive and unpredictable but if we work on
ourselves, it will be better for us and better for others as well. Do you know why? Because we
are the true engine of positive change in our own surroundings. Also, I want to say I will keep
going, and growing for myself and our country.

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