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Name Katie Houghton Period 6

Phase Change for Elements

Login to Gizmos and select the lab Phase Change

Graph the phase change of Water

Boiling Point


Melting point


Melting Point: 0 degrees Celsius

Boiling Point: 100 degrees Celsius

1. Label the melting point and boiling point of the element.

2. Label the solid, liquid and gas phase for element.

3. What happened as the element was melting? The molecules in the element were speeding up and the element
was getting warmer which caused the element to change state.

4. When did you know all the element was melted on the graph? I knew when it got to its melting point, which is 0
degrees Celsius for this particular element, the element would be melted.

5. What temperature did the element start to boil? At 100 degrees Celsius.

6. What happened to the molecules as the element warmed up? The molecules sped up.

***On the other side of your paper choose your own element. Draw the phase change graph for that element.
Element Name: Oxygen

Boiling point

Melting point

Graph the selected element on the graph above. Use google to determine the melting and boiling point.

Melting point: -218.8 degrees Celsius

Boiling point: -183 degrees Celsius

7. Label the melting point and boiling point of the element.

8. Label the solid, liquid and gas phase for the element.

9. What happened as the element was melting?

The molecules in the Oxygen were speeding up and made it into a liquid instead of a solid.
10. When did you know all the element was melted on the graph?
I knew that the element was melted on the graph because it was at the melting point and that that is the place
where a solid will be turned into a liquid and therefore be melted.
11. What temperature did the element start to boil?
The element started to boil at -183 degrees Celsius which is why we almost never come into contact with liquid
or solid Oxygen
12. What happened to the molecules as the element warmed up?
The molecules sped up.

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