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Puguon, Alvigrace
Yangkin, Brandolf
Verano, Rizza Luz
Sagulo, Ashley Fern

GREEK ART are categorized as the following:
1 Geometric Period
 Vase Painting > Ceramic Vessels – primarily used as funerary item, painted with repetitive geometric
shapes and figures, which later became utilitarian and decorative

2 Archaic Period
Vase painting with the following techniques:
 Black Figure Technique - involves scratching incisions to create black silhouette design and backgrounds
of orange clay, details were then painted in red or white color
- Scratch out a clay background to reveal black figures/characters
 Red Figure painting – replaced chisels used in black figure technique with paintbrushes, instead of
scratching to reveal black figures, a black background was painted on with brushes
- Use a three-step complex firing process that considered oxygen levels and chemical processes to seal
the correct color schemes

3 Classical Period
 The Parthenon – constructed during the high classical period and a centerpiece of a 5 th century BCE
building campaign on the Acropolis in Athens
- Friez carved with illustrations of gods, musicians, soldiers, weavers, elders, heroes, and others
- “Its massive foundations were made of limestone, and the columns were made of Pentelic marble, a
material that was utilized for the first time. The classical Parthenon was constructed between 447-432
BCE to be the focus of the Acropolis building complex.”
- The temple’s main function was to shelter the monumental statue of Athena that was made by
Pheidias out of gold and ivory.

Classical prominent sculptures:

 Athena Parthenos – a monumental chryselephantine sculpture of the goddess Athena, said to be made of
wood covered in gold and Ivory
 Bronze Sculptures – realistic human sculptures adorned with expressive faces mostly as decorative figures
 Aphrodite of Knidos – first life-size representation of nude female form, most innovative and influential
sculpture that popularized the contrapposto pose

Classical Pottery:
Is like window to the past which incorporates figures of Greek mythology, everyday life, and 5thncentury
comedians who wore grotesque masks with exaggerated body parts
Classical Architecture.
 Corinthian Columns – more decorative than Doric and Ionic columns spreading natural motifs around
 Free sculptures – featured mythological and historical scenes and sometimes animals
 Friez Carvings – on temples

4 Hellenistic
 Unflattering features were incorporated into art sculptures, used for propaganda purposes

Notable sculptures:
 Winged Victory of Samothrace – Goddess Nike in a dynamic pose about to take off
 Venus de Milo – missing arms exemplifies the Greek idealized style

What do these architectural structures, the materials and systems of construction they were built from
communicate about the civilizations which built them?

 Cultural and political capital

 Greek innovations influenced other succeeding arts periods, influenced cultures
 Set the foundation for many modern art practices, from representation of human figures and techniques in
pottery and painting
 Law of Plato started the first democratic government in Athens

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