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A 2021/2022. tanévi
Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny
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Az Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi versenyek megvalósulását az NTP-TMV-M-21-A0002 projekt támogatja

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

OKTV 2021/2022 2 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

I. Read the article below about book summary applications and complete the text by
writing one word in each space. Contracted forms count as one word! Write the word
next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the

Why are there so many book summary apps?

There is a new app. It distills books, (0)_both_ classics and modern bestsellers, into brief,
accessible summaries. You can listen to audio versions of summaries, or read them on your
phone. The app is called Instaread – or it’s called Blinkist, or it’s called GetAbstract or Joosr
or 12Min or StoryShots or SumizeIt or CatchUp. These apps’ interfaces and summary lengths
vary, but all of them do (1)_____ much the same thing: summarize books. Most of them were
created in the past decade. 17 million people use Blinkist alone. What is going on?

Firstly, readers are mostly using these apps for non-fiction summaries. (2)_____ Instaread
offers summaries of titles (3)______ fiction greats like Nabokov, Colson Whitehead,
Jonathan Franzen, Emma Cline and Jonathan Safran Foer, most of its contemporaries only
offer summaries of non-fiction. Even given the option, readers tend toward business and
informational reads. App reviews reflect this: says Instaread user Mikester1983, “I love
staying on top of the best business reads but don’t have the time or money to buy and read the
actual books.” Instaread user Nicky Beaird refers to the app (4)_____ “Leaders Digest.” In
these cases, readers view books as tomes of facts to be synthesized, (5)______ than the
unified experience a novel is intended to provide.

We’ve also grown used to consuming information passively, through our ears, as we go about
our days. (6)______ the term “podcast” was coined in 2003, it seems we’ve been perennially
experiencing a podcast boom. Podcasts are constantly touted as (7)______ new big thing, as
their popularity trends steadily upward. Podcasts reached over 100 million Americans every
month in 2020; in 2020, for the first time, more Americans listened to podcasts weekly than
attended religious services weekly; there are around 62 million weekly podcast listeners in the
U.S.; podcast revenue is expected to top $1 billion in 2021. How substantively different is an
informational podcast (8)______ an audio summary of a book? Not that much; app
developers know that too.

Is any of this surprising? Intuitively, we live in an efficiency-driven time. We love podcasts

because we can listen (9)______ walking or taking the subway or cleaning or working. They
fill previously idle time; they minimize wastefulness. Same with book summaries; they
(10)______ not be pleasurable or artful, but that matches the crowded world outside. Fine.
And if book summaries (11)______ for you, I won’t press you on it—I’m too busy cashing in,
working on my first summary as we speak.

OKTV 2021/2022 3 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

II. Read the article below about a new film. Some of the lines contain an unnecessary
word, which does not fit into the sentence. If there is an unnecessary word in a line,
write it next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. If the line is correct, put a
tick (✓) next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There are two examples
(0, 00) at the beginning.

Princess Diana film debuts at Venice as film industry aims for return to normality

Spencer, the much anticipated film about Diana, Princess of Wales, is due to receive for (0)_for__
its world premiere on Friday at the Venice film festival – one of a string of high-profile (00)__✓_
debuts that the film industry is hoping will herald a return to some sort of the normality (12)_____
after 18 months of pandemic. Along with the near-simultaneous Toronto film festival, (13)_____
Venice has traditionally been marked the end of the summer blockbuster film season and (14)_____
the arrival of films aiming for critical praise and subsequent to awards recognition. (15)_____
While Venice has a strong record of picking films that have gone on to achieve its (16)_____
major awards-season impact, but the 2021 edition is contending with the planned (17)_____
resumption of the industry release pipeline after months of delay and reconfiguration, (18)_____
which has not seen the postponement of dozens of films and the diversion of key titles (19)_____
to streaming and platforms. An industry expert says: “It feels like what we’re looking (20)_____
at now is more of a ‘new normal’. Cinema attendance so far in 2021 has been at an (21)_____
approximately 50% of where it was at the same time in 2019, so there is some way to go. (22)_____
However, the bigger titles have seen that box office earnings at 70-80% of what they were (23)_____
in pre-pandemic times – so I don’t think cinema is in any way dead, but the way for (24)_____
audiences consume in content is changing and the studios know that.” (25)_____
Since the release of its trailer on Thursday, Spencer has quickly emerged as a key one (26)_____
contender this autumn, both in box office terms and for awards in consideration. (27)_____
Stewart is already being talked up as a contender for the best actress Oscar, while with (28)_____
the film’s US distributor Neon is releasing the film in a so similar mid-season slot to its (29)_____
successful 2019 Oscar-winner Parasite – despite of the disastrous performance (30)_____
of 2013’s Diana, the last high-profile film about the princess.

OKTV 2021/2022 4 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

III. Read the text below about an eco-friendly way of living. Use the words in brackets to
form words that fit in the gaps. Write one word only in each gap. Write the word next to
the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Is zero-waste living the future?

Famously described by the New York Times as "the poster boy of zero-waste living",
Australian (0) designer (design), floral artist, eco-warrior and champion of no-waste living
Joost Bakker wants to turn our cities and suburbs into (31) ___ (sustain) urban farms.

As the son of a fourth-generation Dutch tulip farmer, Bakker was perhaps always (32) ___
(destiny) to love nature, something that's reflected in his many careers to date, which include
building (33) ___ (sculpt) from waste, selling worm casings to biodynamic farms and
opening a zero-waste soup kitchen where discarded bones from high-end restaurants were
used for the broth.

His vision of a world without waste and with urban farms and cities that sustain themselves
might seem radical, but Bakker appears quite (34) ___ (insist) that this new future is on the
horizon. His current creative project, Future Food System is a zero-waste, productive house
that's open to the public to tour or book in for dinner or lunch. (35) ___ (local) right in the
centre of Melbourne, it grows all the food its (36) ___ (habit) – two local chefs – cook, eat
and serve, as well as generating its own energy. By showing people solutions, he hopes that
he'll be able to convince them that this way of living is actually (37) ___ (achieve).

This is how Bakker summarises his credo in a recent interview:

“My goal is for us to decentralise our food system. Our food system is the most (38) ___
(destroy) thing that humans do – it causes (39) ___ (forest), land clearing, desertification and
(40) ___ (lose) of biodiversity. Synthetic (41) ___ (fertile) have allowed there to be eight
billion of us today, but that has come with a nutritional cost. The nutrient (42) ___ (dense) is
not there in our food anymore, and much of the world is now overfed and undernourished. We
can't go back to the way we farmed 100 years ago as our population has grown so much since
then, and we can't just keep importing food.

And that's why I think that urban food systems have the (43) ___ (potent) to grow most of our
food. They have the power to include millions of people and the opportunity to rewild rural
land that's no longer being used for farming.”

OKTV 2021/2022 5 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

IV. Read the following article about tax paradises and choose the expression that fits best in the
gap. Write the letter of the chosen form next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet.
There is one example (0) at the beginning.

What are tax havens?

Close your eyes and imagine a tax haven. Does a Caribbean island (0) _A__? Sand, surf and thousands
of post office boxes housing shell corporations? Some tax havens, like the Cayman Islands or
Bermuda, fit that description. Many others (44) ___ .
The key to a tax haven is the taxes, (45) ___ . Any place that allows a taxpayer – (46) ___ an
individual or a company – to get a lower tax bill overseas than at home is a tax haven. Thus,
depending on the taxpayer’s jurisdiction and business, many places (47) ___ to be tax havens, even
the United States. A recent agreement by the Group of Seven wealthy nations seeks to eliminate
corporate tax havens (48) ___ a global 15% minimum corporate tax rate.
From a taxpayer’s perspective, the first sign of a good tax haven (49) ___ completely legal. While
(50) ___ a perception that people who use tax havens to lower their tax bills are breaking the law,
that’s rarely the case. A taxpayer who is comfortable doing that does not need a tax haven. (51) ___ , a
dishonest accountant and a less honest banker are all that’s required.
The second sign of a good tax haven is transparency, political stability and rule of law. (52) ___
more in lawyers, accountants and bribes to avoid taxes overseas than it costs to pay the tax at home,
(53) ___ in a tax haven.
The third sign is privacy. For many years, Swiss banks (54) ___ the gold standard in that regard by
refusing to reveal anything about their depositors to anyone. That changed in 2008, when Swiss banks
agreed to report on their depositors to 43 European countries. The loss of the complete secrecy that
Switzerland once provided has made shell companies – and the countries that make them easy to set
up – much more attractive. Shell companies are basically companies without active business
operations or significant assets that are stacked one on top of the other to make it harder to trace

(0) A come to mind B remind you

C rings a bell D visualise
(44) A should not B do not
C are prone D tend to
(45) A short of sunshine B but for VAT
C without the environment D not the tan
(46) A both B whether
C also D involving
(47) A end up B appeal
C turn out D consider
(48) A by imposing B to set
C meanwhile adding D as to applying
(49) A will prove B should merit
C is that it’s D that adds up
(50) A might appear B it suggests
C the case assumes D there may be
(51) A On the other hand B Instead
C Regardless D All in all
(52) A Even though you pay B As one invests
C If it costs D Although we confide
(53) A there is no point B it equals
C it’s no use D it could apply
(54) A have provided B should have provided
C are providing D provided
OKTV 2021/2022 6 1. forduló
Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

V. Read the text below about a mystery and decide which word (A – Q) best fits each numbered
gap. There are two extra answers that do not fit into any of the gaps. Write the letter of your
choice next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the
‘Havana syndrome’ and the mystery of the microwaves
Doctors, scientists, intelligence agents and government officials have all been trying to find out what
causes "Havana syndrome" - a mysterious illness that has struck American diplomats and (0)__H__.
Some call it an act of war, others wonder if it is some new and secret form of (55)_____ - and some
people believe it could even be all in the (56)_____. So who or what is responsible?
It often started with a sound, one that people struggled to describe. "Buzzing", "grinding metal",
"piercing (57)_____", was the best they could manage. One woman described a low hum and intense
pressure in her (58)_____; another felt a pulse of pain. Those who did not hear a sound, felt heat or
pressure. But for those who heard the sound, covering their ears made no difference. Some of the
people who experienced the syndrome were left with dizziness and (59)_____ for months.
Havana syndrome first emerged in Cuba in 2016. The first cases were CIA officers, which meant they
were kept secret. But, eventually, (60)_____ got out and anxiety spread. Twenty-six personnel and
family members would report a wide variety of symptoms. There were whispers that some colleagues
thought (61)_____ were crazy.
Five years on, reports now number in the hundreds and, the BBC has been told, span every continent,
having a real (62)_____ on the US's ability to operate overseas.
Uncovering the truth has now become a top US national security priority - one that an official has
described as the most difficult intelligence challenge they have ever faced.
Hard evidence has been elusive, making the syndrome a battleground for competing theories. Some
see it as a psychological illness, others as a secret weapon. But a growing trail of evidence has focused
on microwaves as the most likely culprit.
In 2015, diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba were restored after decades of hostility. But
within two years, Havana syndrome almost shut the embassy down, as staff were withdrawn because
of concerns for their (63)_____.
Initially, there was speculation that the Cuban government - or a hard-line faction opposed to
improving relations - might be responsible, having deployed some kind of sonic weapon. Cuba's
security services, after all, had been nervous about a(n) (64) ____ of US personnel and kept a tight grip
on the capital. That theory would fade as cases spread around the world.
But recently, another possibility has come into the (65)_____ - one whose roots lay in the darker
recesses of the Cold War, and a place where science, medicine, espionage and geopolitics collide.
When James Lin, a professor at the University of Illinois, read the first reports about the mysterious
sounds in Havana, he immediately suspected that microwaves were responsible. His belief was based
not just on theoretical research, but first-hand experience. (66) ____ earlier, he had heard the sounds
Since its (67)_____ around World War Two, there had been reports of people being able to hear
something when a nearby radar was switched on and began sending microwaves into the sky. This was
even though there was no external noise. In 1961, a paper by Dr Allen Frey argued the sounds were
caused by microwaves interacting with the nervous system, leading to the term the "Frey Effect". But
the exact causes - and implications - remained unclear.

A) skull B) influx C) impact D) fatigue E) word

F) decades G) sufferers H) spies I) services J) mind
K) squeals L) surveillance M) lies N) welfare O) emergence
P) frame

OKTV 2021/2022 7 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

VI. Read the text about manatees and choose the best sentence halves (A–L) from the list below
to fill each of the numbered gaps. There is one extra sentence that does not fit into any of the
gaps. Write the letter of your choice next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet.
There is one example (0) right at the beginning.
Manatees Are Better Than Us
The manatee, also known as the sea cow, is a very special creature. It is the only aquatic mammal to
subsist solely on plants. Manatees live peaceable lives: they eat no other creature, (0) H . The
human hunting of manatees, never especially popular, is now prohibited.
The relative lack of violent interaction between manatees and other creatures explains why it hasn’t
hurt them, evolutionarily speaking, to be extremely slow-moving. Having no predators, (68)_____,
and not being predators themselves, they have nothing they need to catch. It is a relatively simple
matter to obtain the sea grasses and other aquatic vegetation upon which they subsist. On land,
(69)_____, and much of their physical and mental energy must be spent eluding those who wish to tear
them to pieces and devour them. Not so the manatee. Gently it bobs along, minding its business.
Not only does a manatee do no harm, (70)_____. The shape of a manatee’s snout is such that it can’t
actually attack with its teeth. Manatees move so slowly that they can’t gain enough momentum to
cause harm with their bodies and a manatee’s body is so soft that if the animal crashes into a swimmer,
it’s like being bumped by a giant pillow. The manatee is a pacifist by design. If irritated, (71)_____.
Under conditions of extreme provocation it may attempt to splash water or use its tail to beat away an
intruder, but this is very rare. Manatees protect themselves by avoiding trouble, since their lack of any
defensive weapons means (72)_____.
Occasionally, manatees do have slightly hostile interactions with other creatures. Catfish try to eat
algae from the manatees’ backs, (73)_____. Manatees can be curious about alligators, and have been
known to follow them around, (74)_____. The manatee, being something like a giant sea potato
weighing approximately 1,000 lbs, would be difficult to tussle with. One YouTube video of a
manatee-alligator interaction shows a confident manatee approaching an alligator and booping its
snout, (75)_____.
In a way, it is sad that human beings became the dominant species on Earth. 6,000 manatees is a tiny
number. If the ratios were inverted, and there were 6,000 humans and billions of manatees, (76)_____.
A “Planet of the Manatees” would not go to war, because the manatee’s pacifism is absolute. Frankly,
a “Planet of the Apes” would also be superior—the gorilla, too, subsists mostly on plants and commits
few murders. Gorillas have not invented police or militaries. They are muscular vegans, intelligent
without being sadistic. They are far more entitled to rule.
In the manatee, we can see a model for how life can be conducted without brutality or cruelty. A social
utopia is clearly possible, because a species with vastly less intelligence and ability already lives in
one. If the manatee can get through a dangerous world without hurting a soul, and without being hurt
itself, why can’t we? The manatee is a living reminder that we have no excuses for not being good,
and they present a vision of a natural existence that is not built on the most brutal and competitive type
of Darwinian struggle. In the manatee’s world, (77)_____. The point of life is to drift along slowly and
live amiably alongside one another.
A) many herbivores are constantly on the run
B) which can annoy the manatees
C) but usually the faster-moving alligator just takes its leave when it grows tired of this
D) however, they might turn deadly
E) prompting the alligator to turn around slowly and leave
F) it has no option but to slowly move away
G) it would be a more peaceable world
H) and no other creature eats them
I) it is not kill or be killed
J) they are totally incapable of fighting
K) they do not need to avoid being caught
L) it cannot do harm

OKTV 2021/2022 8 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

VII. Read the text below about social media influencers and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)
best fits each space. Write the letter of your choice next to the appropriate number on your
answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.
The pressures - and rewards - of being an influencer
Michelle Phan says she had to (0) _A_ making her popular makeup and beauty YouTube videos
because she was burned out."It became harder and harder for me to pretend to be happy," she says.
"And [as a result] I had become (78)____-in my relationships and friendships. I had my threshold." A
so-called social media influencer or creator, she says she needed time off from the constant pressure to
upload ever more content, and chase more and more views and likes. Today her (79)____ YouTube
channel has 8.84 million subscribers around the world, and Los Angeles-based Ms Phan mentors and
supports other people who are making and uploading videos. She says that many feel stressed about
running out of ideas, and (80)____ to make new content multiple times per day.
But what exactly is a social media influencer? There is no hard and (81)____ definition, but in essence
it is someone who has enough followers on social media, and typically YouTube, Instagram or
TikTok, that they can (82)____ it. The income comes from two main sources - a share of the
advertising revenue, and deals with companies to promote their brands. Regarding the former, on
YouTube you can apply to start getting a share of the revenues from adverts placed on your videos, if
you have more than 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watched hours. YouTube is (83)____ about how
much you can earn, but according to one report it is typically between $3 and $5 (£2 to £3.60) per
1,000 views of one of your videos. While there is potentially big money to be made, Ms Phan says that
creators "need to know when to draw the line, and take care of themselves" rather than post all the
time. This concern is (84)____ by media analyst Rebecca McGrath, of research firm Mintel, who says
that some influencers are chasing revenues so much that they post "even if they don't have anything
new to create or say". Ms Phan also (85)____ that you have to be able to deal with online trolls writing
horrible things below your videos. "You're also exposed to hateful comments, which I think people
aren't prepared for." This issue was (86)____ back in July by UK social media influencer Em Sheldon,
when she spoke before MPs at the House of Commons. A committee of MPs is now continuing to
investigate the growth of influencer culture.
Brothers Colin and Dylan McFarland, and their father Dan, have been uploading comedy skits and
dances to Tik-Tok since 2019. Over the past two years their earnings allowed both brothers to
(87)____ their day jobs, buy homes, and even invest in other properties."I wholeheartedly believe
anyone can do this," says Colin, who started out editing the videos on his iPhone. "Just find your
niche, and stick to it."
Despite the downsides to being an influencer - the need to always put up more videos or posts, and the
likely online abuse - a (88)____ many people would like to be one. It can be a fun and (89)____ way
to earn a living.
Yet psychologist Stuart Duff of Pearn Kandola warns that you need a certain personality to hope to be
successful at it."Clearly there are a huge diversity of successful influencers, in terms of style and
personality. They will be highly (90)____, tell great stories, have a strong, unique brand, and stick to
the message. They will be clearly passionate about what they want to say, and always seem to know
what their audience wants to hear."
(0) A. quit B. pack C. flee D. sack
(78) A. venomous B. nonplussed C. toxic D. flabbergasted
(79) A. dexterous B. eponymous C. populous D. tedious
(80) A. complied B. compressed C. comprised D. compelled
(81) A. fix B. fast C. lasting D. clear
(82) A. monetise B. profit C. fund D. finance
(83) A. reluctant B. frugal C. tight-lipped D. glorious
(84) A. echoed B. contested C. dismissed D. ridiculed
(85) A. brags B. boasts C. debunks D. cautions
(86) A. brought B. raised C. put D. lifted
(87) A. depart B. fail C. ditch D. delete
(88) A. big B. large C. huge D. great
(89) A. lucrative B. illicit C. futile D. unavailing
(90) A. relative B. related C. relating D. relatable
OKTV 2021/2022 9 1. forduló
Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

VIII. Read these reviews of the film ‘Free Guy’ and the questions that follow. Then match the
reviews (A, B, C and D) with the questions, according to the text. Write the letter of your choice
next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.


A family action movie that targets the Fortnite Generation, "Free Guy" also preaches the importance
of individuality while not only feeling like a dozen other movies but literally incorporating some of
their imagery. An enjoyable cast, including movie-stealing work from Jodie Comer, holds it all
together, but one can still see just enough glitches in this matrix to wish it was better. With a set-up
that feels distinctly like that of “The LEGO Movie,” “Free Guy” introduces us to the very likable Guy
(Ryan Reynolds), an NPC (Non-Player Character) in a wildly successful open world video game
called “Free City.” Everything is awesome for Guy and his best pal Buddy (Lil Rel Howery) until the
cheery fella spots a real player who goes by the handle Molotov Girl (Comer) and breaks his pattern,
following the captivating woman down the street. As he becomes more interested in Molotov Girl and
where she might be going, he gets his hands on a pair of sunglasses that reveal what the actual players
see in this world, including missions, medikits, hubs, and other things that will be familiar to modern
gamers, even if some of the tech here already looks dated. Director Shawn Levy does an admirable job
of keeping “Free Guy” clicking and humming through several entertaining scenes in the first half, but
he really starts to lose the pace around the hour mark, circling back to a lot of the same plot points and
themes. Rather than developing its own personality, the film struggles to shake the clear influence of
other projects like “The Matrix,” “Ready Player One,” and even “The Truman Show” while also
dropping in actual gaming and pop culture references with increasing regularity. in the other direction.


Ryan Reynolds brings his nice-guy charisma to the role of a video game character who doesn’t want to
stay on the sidelines. One day you’re just heading to your job at the bank, preparing for its daily spate
of robberies, and the next you find out that you’re a side character in a video game. Tough break.
“Free Guy” is as agreeable as its main actor; Reynolds taps into his endless well of nice-guy charisma
to deliver an adorable brand of humor that feels like “Deadpool” Lite. And the various comic-relief
characters (Lil Rel Howery as Guy’s clueless best friend, Waititi as the toxic boss) and cameos (a
priceless Channing Tatum and a Marvel surprise) make for a perfectly enjoyable experience. But
innovative? Not so much. Conceptually, “Free Guy” recalls a PG-13 version of “Westworld”. The
interesting existential tidbits about agency, morality and artificial intelligence play second string to the
straw-man argument about the baseness of consumerism. The jokes, too, feel neatly packaged; they’re
sometimes funny, but never surprising. It’s no spoiler to say that art wins over capitalism, the phoned-
in romantic subplot is resolved and everyone’s happy in the end. “Free Guy” has charm, but there’s
not much memorable in the same old quest, same old boss fight, then game over.


You could say Free Guy is about gaming culture, which it gets better than most movies involving
video games, but has little to say about it other than people are horrible online and the person behind
that musclebound biker avatar is likely a 10-year-old moppet or a mouthbreather living in his mom’s
basement. It operates on the high-concept notion of a non-playable character experiencing an
existential crises, but only as a delivery system for your standard, steroidal blockbuster. No, what Free
Guy is really about is star power: In a truth-in-advertising world, this would be called Reynolds Player
One. We now operate in an entertainment ecosphere of intellectual properties which begat endless
franchises, which begat spin-off series, which begat side movies and multiverses and crossovers and
origin-story prequels and must-see streaming events. Ryan Reynolds knows this. Even without the
matinee-idol good looks, there’s a sky-high watchability factor around him, a prankster-next-door

OKTV 2021/2022 10 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

persona he brings to parts. That, and a sort of boundless, infectious energy without the usual
comedian’s edge. He’s the only reason to see Free Guy, but you already know this going in. Because
if you’re not just here to see Reynolds do his thing, good luck. Free Guy is what the kids like to call
one truly conflicted text. This is a movie that preaches free will and being active in taking your own
path in life, yet demands you remain a passive consumer of its thrills, spills etc. It’s a blockbuster that
says the little guy has to stand up to the big guy, delivered by a studio who swallowed up the original
studio as part of one of the most monopolistic corporate showbiz acquisitions ever.


Stamped with the sort of aggressive mediocrity that has come to define Shawn Levy’s glorified IP
creation farm 21 Laps, Free Guy is a dispassionate science-fiction film that almost dupes you into
thinking that it is clever. It really isn’t. Done well, nothing is more fun than a big, dumb Hollywood
movie. We had one just a few months ago; it was called The Tomorrow War, and starred another
white movie star desperate for mass-affection. And while that film, like Free Guy, could seem heavily
derivative on occasion, it borrowed mainly the tone and plot mechanics of 90s blockbusters. Free Guy,
on the other hand, deals almost exclusively in superficial references. It’s like Free Guy is stitched
together with celebrity cameos and sight gags more than an actual story. Because Guy is such a blank
slate of a person — he’s literally a program — it’s difficult to feel emotionally invested in his journey.
The more interesting story takes place IRL, where a couple of game developers attempt to mount a
legal case against Antwan, who they believe stole their code for his massively successful video game.
It goes to show how even thinly written characters in the real world are more relatable than someone
who is carefully constructed to appeal to a four-quadrant demographic. Which, ironically, could be a
description for Reynolds as well. Ever since Deadpool hit, the actor has fully surrendered himself, it
seems, to publicity and marketing teams that feed his personality with data points. There are no rough
edges to Ryan Reynolds, just as there are no flaws to Dwayne Johnson. And that is why, in my
admittedly unpopular opinion, neither is a movie star.

Which review suggests that...

it might not have been Reynolds who gave the best performance in the film? (0 ) __A__
the main character is meant to be popular with viewers of all ages? (91) ____
the leading actor saves the movie? (92) ____
the game in the film has already lost its cutting edge technology? (93) ____
the leading actor’s image is too artificial? (94) ____
the film is like a less explicit version of another show? (95) ____
the message of the film doesn’t reflect the reality of studio business? (96) ____
some less elaborated characters are more likeable than the hero of the movie? (97) ____
the film can’t maintain the same standard through to the end? (98) ____
the plot is predictable? (99) ____
it is difficult to relate to the main character? (100) ____

A feladatlap bázisszövegei az eredeti forrásszövegek módosításával (rövidítésével, nyelvtani

egyszerűsítésével), de az eredeti szöveg integritásának megtartása mellett jöttek létre.

OKTV 2021/2022 11 1. forduló

Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név: Évf.: Oszt.:

A feladatok megoldásához íróeszközön kívül más segédeszköz (pl. szótár) nem használható!
A válaszlapon kék vagy fekete színű, nem halványuló, nem radírozható tintával (golyóstollal)
dolgozzon! A válaszlapon csak egyértelmű javítás fogadható el. Azokban a kérdésekben, ahol
szavakat kell beírni, csak a tökéletes helyesírással beírt megoldások értékelhetőek.
A feladatlapot a szaktanár (szaktanári munkaközösség) értékeli központi javítási-értékelési
útmutató alapján.

1 31 55 78
2 32 56 79
3 33 57 80
4 34 58 81
5 35 59 82
6 36 60 83
7 37 61 84
8 38 62 85
9 39 63 86
10 40 64 87
11 41 65 88
12 42 66 89
13 43 67 90
14 44 68 91
15 45 69 92
16 46 70 93
17 47 71 94
18 48 72 95
19 49 73 96
20 50 74 97
21 51 75 98
22 52 76 99
23 53 77 100
24 54

OKTV 2021/2022 12 1. forduló

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