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Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas

Eupnea Normal breathing
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Apnea Absence of breathing
Inflammation of the
Dyspnea Difficulty in breathing endocardium
Hypoxia decrease of oxygen in tissue Endocardium - is the
innermost layer of the heart
Hypoxemia decrease of oxygen in blood
Inflammation of the
Asphyxia condition caused by pericardium
insufficient intake of oxygen Pericarditis
Pericardium - surround the
Aphonia Loss of voice heart and the roots of the
great blood vessels
Aphasia Inability to speak
Inflammation of the
accumulation of fluid in
peritoneal cavity
Conjunctiva - eye covering
Peritoneal cavity - the space
within the abdomen that
contains the intestine Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin

Ataxia poor muscle control that Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsils

causes clumsy voluntary
movements Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver

“itis” word ending meaning inflammation Mastitis Inflammation of the

mammary gland in the breast
Inflammation of the appendix
Meningitis Inflammation of the
Appendicitis Appendix - is a small thin meninges. the membranes
pouch connected to the large that line the brain and the
intestine spinal cord

Arthritis Inflammation of the joint Poliomyelitis an infectious viral disease

that can cause paralysis
Bronchitis Inflammation of the mucous
membrane in the bronchial Cholecystitis Inflammation of the
tubes gallbladder

Colitis Inflammation of the lining of hIsthmitis Inflammation of the throat

the colon (large intestine)
Phlebitis Inflammation of the vein
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the mucous
membrane of the stomach Gingivitis Inflammation of the gum
and intestines
Glossitis Inflammation of the tongue
Inflammation of one or more
diverticula “algia” word ending indicating pain

Diverticula - are small, Arthralgia Joint pain

Diverticulitis bulging pouches that can
form in the digestive system. Any type of pain affecting the
They are found most often in Cephalgia head, face or neck;
the lower part of the large commonly known as
intestine headache

Mastalgia/Mastodynia Pain in the breast Pancreatomegaly Enlargement of the pancreas

Myalgia Muscle pain Enlargement of the

peripheral part of the body,
Neuralgia Nerve pain Acromegaly especially the head, face,
hands and feet resulting from
Hematemesis Vomiting blood excessive secretion of growth
Hyperemesis Excessive vomiting
Hydronephrosis Abnormal condition of water
“plegia” word ending, meaning–paralysis or stroke on the kidney

Hydro - means water

Paralysis Voluntary movement lost
“hyper” means above high or excess; “hypo” means less
Monoplegia Paralysis of single limb or a
than normal
single group of muscles
Hyperthyroidism Excessive production of
Hemiplegia Paralysis of one side of the
thyroid hormone
Hyperlipidemia An excess of fat or lipid in the
Paraplegia Paralysis of the leg
Quadriplegia Paralysis of all four
Hyperkinesia An abnormally increase in
muscular activity
Pentaplegia Quadriplegia + respiratory
Hypercalcemia An abnormally high level of
calcium in the blood
“paresis” meaning incomplete or partial paralysis;
Hyperuricemia An abnormally high level of
“hemi” means half
uric acid in the blood
Hemiparesis Partial weakness on one side
Abnormally high fever
of the body
Pyrexia means fever

Hyperthermia Unusually high body

Xerophthalmia Abnormal dryness of the temperature
cornea of eye or dry eyes
other conditions:
Photophobia Flashes of light
Constipation Difficult or delayed defecation
Diplopia Double vision
Diarrhea Frequent discharge of liquid
Epiphora Excessive tearing stool (feces)
Diagnosis Identification of a disease or Abnormal side pocket in
a condition Diverticula hollow structure, such as
intestine, sigmoid colon and
A connection made surgically duodenum
Anastomosis between adjacent blood
vessels, part of the intestine Flatus Gas expelled through the
or other channels of the body anus
“megaly” means large Swollen or twisted
Hemorrhoids veins–either outside or just
Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen inside the anus

Nephromegaly Enlargement of one or both Melena Feces containing blood

kidneys (black tarry stool)

Hepatosplenomegaly Enlargement of the liver and Steatorrhea Excessive fat in feces

Borborygmus Rumbling, gurgling sound
Hepatic - means liver made by movement of gas in


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Bruxism Grinding teeth involuntarily action taken to prevent
often while sleeping Prophylaxis disease, especially by
specified means or against a
“leuko” means white specified disease.

Leukocyte White blood cells Hemoptysis Coughing up of blood from

the respiratory tract
Leukoplakia White plaque or patches of
mouth mucosa Accumulation of blood and
Hemothorax fluid in the pleural space in
other conditions: the chest

Sublingual Under the tongue

Aphagia Inability to swallow Pleura Is the serous membrane

enclosing the lungs
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Effusion Means collection of fluid in a
Dyspepsia Difficulty digestion closed cavity
Pleural Effusion An abnormal accumulation of
Dysphasia Difficulty speaking fluid in the pleural space

Odynophagia Painful swallowing

Menorrhea Menstrual bleeding Pneumothorax An accumulation of air in the

pleural space
Amenorrhea Absence of menstrual
discharge “ectomy” means surgical removal of something

Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation Adenectomy Surgical removal of a gland

Leucorrhea Whitish vaginal discharge Adenoidectomy Surgical removal of the


TERMS: Adrenalectomy Removal of one or both

adrenal gland
Patent means open
Appendectomy Surgical removal of the
A diagnostic effort or
Non invasive procedure treatment that does not
require entering the body or
puncturing the skin Auriculectomy Surgical removal of the ear

An electronic device that is Tympanectomy Removal of the eardrum

surgically placed in the
Pacemaker patient's body and connected Cholecystectomy Surgical removal of the
to the heart to regulate the gallbladder
Colectomy Surgical removal of the colon
Defibrillator An electronic device used to (large intestine)
establish normal heartbeat
Surgical removal of a portion
Congenital A disease or physical Craniectomy of the cranium (skull
abnormality present from composed of two part cranium
birth and mandible)

The procedure of applying Cystectomy Surgical removal of the

Cardioversion electrical shock to the chest urinary bladder
to change an abnormal
heartbeat into normal one Gastrectomy Partial or full removal of the
Palpitation A sensation in the chest
caused by an irregular Gingivectomy Removal of the gum
Glossectomy Removal of part or all of the

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tongue Salpingectomy Removal of the fallopian tubes

Removal of a hemorrhoid Splenectomy Surgical removal of the spleen

Hemorrhoid also called piles Tonsillectomy Removal of the tonsils

Hepatectomy Surgical resection of the liver Thyroidectomy Removal of all or part of the
thyroid gland
Surgical removal of the
pituitary gland
Hypophysectomy “otomy” means cutting or surgical incision
Pituitary gland also called Thoracotomy Making an opening into the
hypophysis chest wall
Hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus Incision made into the
abdominal wall for the
Iridectomy Surgical removal of a piece of Laparotomy purpose of examining
iris from the eye abdominal organs or
diagnosing an abdominal
Keratectomy Surgical removal of the problem
cornea of the eye
Incision made into the
Surgical removal of one or trachea (respiratory organ for
both breasts Tracheotomy the purpose of inserting a
Mastectomy tube to allow air to flow the
It can be either partial or lungs
Craniotomy Surgical cutting of the skull
Myectomy Removal of a portion of
muscle Surgical cut made into the
area between the vagina and
Removal of fibroids from the Episiotomy anus to prevent tearing
Myomectomy uterus, but the uterus is left during the child birthing
intact process

Necrosectomy Removal of dead tissue Surgical incision made into

the stomach for the purpose
Nephrectomy Removal of a kidney Gastrotomy of feeding an individual who
is incapable of taking in food
Neurectomy Removal of a nerve through normal processes

Oophorectomy Surgical removal of the Surgical incision made into

ovaries Hysterotomy the uterus. This procedure is
done in a cesarean section
Surgical removal of the
Orchiectomy testicles Incision or puncture made
Phlebotomy into a vein in order to draw
also called orchidectomy blood

Ostectomy Surgical removal of bone

“ostomy” means surgical procedure that creates an artificial
opening for the elimination of bodily waste
Pancreatectomy Removal of part or all of the
pancreas The surgical creation of an opening
between the surface of the skin and
Pancreatoduodenectomy Surgical removal involving the Colostomy the colon; also referred to as a large
or pancreas and the duodenum intestine stoma
Surgical creation of an opening
Pneumonectomy Surgical removal of a lung between the surface of the skin and
Ileostomy the ileum
Posthectomy More commonly known as
circumcision Ileum - part of small intestine

Rhinectomy Removal of part or all of the Stoma An artificial opening of the intestine
nose to outside the abdominal wall

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High blood lvl Low blood lvl

Potassium Hyperkalemia Hypokalemia

Sodium Hypernatremia Hyponatremia

Phosphate Hyperphosphatemia Hypophosphatemia

Magnesium Hypermagnesemia Hypomagnesemia

Chloride Hyperchloremia Hypochloremia

Calcium Hypercalcemia Hypocalcemia


Blood sugar Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia


Blood pressure Hypertension Hypotension

Lipids (fats) Hyperlipidemia Hypolipidemia

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