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11–12 EVERYDAY ENGLISH | Teacher’s notes B1

Lesson aim Dialogue

• Ask for and offer help 4 06 Read the context for the situation aloud.
Tell students that they are going to listen to a
dialogue between two students, Farah and Lars,
Lead-in and Paul, who is in charge of the self-access
Ask students which types of technology they centre. They should cover the dialogue on the
own and what they mostly use them for (e.g. page and listen. Tell them not to worry about
mobile phones: social networking; desktop/laptop understanding every word. Ask students to check
computers: work/studies/surfing the internet, etc.). their answer in pairs, before checking as a class.
Compare answers around the class.
Ask students if they have ever set up a website, Answer
either on their computer or another computer. Ask They couldn’t get an internet connection; the
if they could do it on their own or if they had to ask mouse didn’t work properly; they didn’t know
for help. the password; the connection was very slow; the
Explain that in this lesson they are going to learn computer broke down completely.
how to ask for and offer help.
5 Ask students to look at the dialogue and
complete gaps 1–6 with the missing phrases a–f.
Everyday life They check answers in pairs, then listen to the
dialogue again and check.
1 Ask students to look at the photo and answer the
questions in pairs.
Answers 1c 2f 3a 4e 5b 6d
The person could be a teacher in a school or a
student in a self-access centre/library or maybe E VERYDAY ENGLISH TOOLKIT
someone at work in an office. She is learning how
to use some equipment/a photocopier. Ask students to look at the expressions and find
She would need to learn how to use the centre’s them in the dialogue, noting who says each one.
computers/printers, and how to connect to Ask students to think about the meaning of each
the internet. expression, and to write them under the correct
heading. Check answers as a class.

Everyday vocabulary Answers

2 Students work in pairs to complete the webpage- 1 Can you help us, please? (F)
related vocabulary. They then match each one to 2 Sorry to bother you but this … doesn’t work. (L)
its meaning.
3 I think there’s a problem. (L)
4 Let’s see what the problem is. (P)
5 I’ll be with you in a moment. (P)
1 A newsfeed (c) 5 Your domain name (g)
2 Your profile (f) 6 Your password (b)
3 Your homepage (a) 7 Your username (h)
4 connect to the net (e) 8 Your site name (d)
6 Students work in pairs and think of other
expressions they can use. Ask pairs to share
their ideas with the class and write some of their
3 Students work in pairs and brainstorm any other suggestions on the board.
webpage-related words or expressions they
know and write them down. Ask pairs to share Your turn!
their ideas with the class. Check answers and
write the words on the board. 7 Students work in pairs and decide who will be
the student and who will be the person in charge
Suggested answers of the centre. Ask them to read the instructions
and follow the steps. Remind students to use
browsing: looking at websites on the internet at expressions from the Toolkit. Students can
random; chat room: an area on the internet where then swap roles and do the role-play again.
people exchange messages Monitor and note down errors or good language
during role-plays. Write these on the board
(anonymously) for the class to correct or note in
their notebooks. Some pairs could act out their
dialogues in front of the class.

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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