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RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change


We learned from the definition of the derivative that the quantity 𝑑𝑥 is the rate of change of y (or
∆𝑦) with respect to x (𝑜𝑟 ∆𝑥) as ∆𝑥 approaches zero . It simply means that as the variable x makes
an incremental change, there corresponds an incremental change to the variable y. If y is a function
𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦
of time t, i.e., 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑡), the quantity 𝑑𝑡 is the rate of change of y with respect to t. 𝑑𝑡 has many
applications in physics, economics, and engineering. For example, in physics, the instantaneous
velocity and acceleration are both evaluated using 𝑑𝑡 and in thermodynamics, the power is measured
as energy per unit time. Any quantity that changes in value with a change of time is known as time
rate of change (or simply “time rates”). In this unit, we will explore many interesting problems that
arise from the time rate of change 𝑑𝑡 .

Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify from the given problem, the variable that changes with time.
2. Write the complete time rate equation using geometric formulas and the givens from the problem.
3. Solve time rate and related rate problems.
4. Solve rectilinear motion problems.

Test Your Skills 7.1

1. The volume of a cube is given by the formula 𝑉 = 𝑠 3 , where V is the volume (in cm3), s is the
𝑑𝑉 𝑑𝑠
length of each side (in cm). If 𝑑𝑡 denotes the rate of change of volume and 𝑑𝑡 the rate of change
of the side, how fast (in cm3/s) is the volume changing at the instant when s = 2 cm? The rate
of change of the side is 0.3 cm/s.

2. The surface area of a sphere is given by the formula 𝐴 = 4𝜋𝑅 2 , where A is the surface area
𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝑅
(in cm2) and R is the radius (in cm). If 𝑑𝑡 denotes the rate of change of the area and 𝑑𝑡 the rate
of change of the radius, how fast (in cm2/s) is the area changing at the instant when R = 4 cm?
The rate of change of the radius is 0.7 cm/s.

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

3. The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula 𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ, where V is the volume (in3), r is
𝑑𝑉 𝑑𝑟
the base radius (in), and h is the height (in). If 𝑑𝑡 denotes the rate of change of the volume, 𝑑𝑡 ,
the rate of change of the base radius, and 𝑑𝑡 , the rate of change of the height, how fast (in
in3/s) is the volume changing at the instant when r = 2 in, and h = 1.8 in. The rate of change
of the radius is 0.25 in/s and that of height is 1.2 in/s.

Turn to the last page and see the solutions. If you answered all 3 questions correctly in only one
attempt, then you still know some geometric formulas and the chain-rule differentiation. You will use
these two skills for this week’s lessons. If you answered less than 3 questions correctly, you must
review the formulas of the volume and area of common solids.

7.1 Related Rates

The function 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑡) where t is measured in time occurs frequently in physics and mechanics. It
usually measures the linear or angular speed of a particle at any given time. For example, the function
𝑦 = −𝑡 2 + 2𝑡 + 3 may represent the flight of a projectile during its free flight where y is the height
attained by the object at a particular time t. Its derivative, 𝑑𝑡 = −2𝑡 + 2, represents the instantaneous
rate of change of the height or the vertical speed.

Other than the height, we can also determine the time rate of change of other physical quantities such
as volume, area, distance, depth, etc. by differentiating the dependent variable with respect to the
independent variable and inserting 𝑑𝑡 using the change rule of differentiation. For example, suppose
a spherical balloon is being filled with helium causing its surface area to expand with time. Suppose
we want to determine how fast the surface area is increasing at any instant. We know from solid

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

geometry that the surface area of sphere is given by the formula 𝐴 = 4𝜋𝑅 2 ,where A is the area (square
length) and R is the radius (length). We need to differentiate the function with respect to time using
chain rule to obtain:

𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝑅 𝑑𝑅
= 4𝜋(2𝑅) = 8𝜋𝑅
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
Where = the rate at which the surface area is increasing at any time t.
= the rate at which the radius is increasing at any time t.
R = the radius of the sphere at any time t.
𝑑𝑅 𝑑𝐴
If and R are both given, we can simply plug in those values to obtain .
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

In practice, more complicated equation may occur depending on the situation presented in the problem
and the geometry to be considered in formulating the equation. In general, given a function 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥),
we obtain 𝑑𝑡 by

𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑥
= ∙
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑡

which is an extension of the Chain Rule for Differentiation.

7.2 Steps in Solving Related-Rates Problems

In solving related-rates problems, we must follow the natural process in problem solving. Solving a
worded problem without following the correct process is like throwing a dart to the board blind folded.
When you were still in basic education, your mathematics teacher had already taught you the four
steps in problem solving. We will use those famous four steps in solving related-rate problems.

1. Understand the problem – Read and reread the problem until you fully understand what it is
about and what it is asking from you. In this step, you must write the:
a) Given: Pick out all information from the problem and label or define them as implied in
the problem. It is very important to identify the variable/s that change with time ( 𝑑𝑡 ), label
this quantity as either constant or variable. Also, identify other quantity that remains
constant throughout the problem.
b) Required: State what is being asked by the problem. You can use symbols or words. For
example, if the required is the speed at which the volume is changing, then you can simply
= the speed at which the volume is changing when r = _.
2. Devise a plan – Having understood the problem, you can now make your plan on how to solve
the problem. Draw a figure and label them in terms of the givens and the required. Consult a
geometry book for the formula that is applicable in the problem. If possible write the time
rates equation using only one independent variable.

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

3. Carry out the plan – With a good plan already laid out, you are now going to execute it.
Differentiate the equation with respect to time. Here you must apply the chain rule for
differentiation. Substitute all the givens after differentiating (not before). Write the correct
units in your final answer.
4. Look back- This means you have to look back at all that you have done. Check your answer.
Does it satisfy the problem? An important point to consider here is that you have to check
your answer with the problem not with the equation.

1. Water is poured into a conical tank 8 m across the top and 12 m deep at the rate of 1.20 m3/s.
How fast (in m/s) is the water level rising when the water in the tank is 6 m deep?

Conical tank 8 m across the top and 12 m deep
=1.20m3/s, rate of change of the volume of water in the conical tank (constant)
h = 6 m, the height of the water level at the time of observation

=The speed at which the water level in the tank is rising at the instant when the water is 6
m deep.


12 m

The volume of cone is given by the formula:

𝑉 = 3 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
Since we are after , we must replace r with h.

By similar triangle,
𝑟 4
ℎ 12
𝑟 = 3ℎ

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

Substitute r in terms of h.
1 1 1
𝑉 = 3 𝜋(3 ℎ)2 ℎ = 27 𝜋ℎ3

Differentiate both sides with respect to t.

𝑑𝑉 1 𝑑ℎ
= 27 𝜋(3ℎ2 ) 𝑑𝑡

𝑑𝑉 1 𝑑ℎ
= 9 𝜋ℎ2 𝑑𝑡

Substitute the givens.

1 𝑑ℎ
(1.20 m3/s) = 9 𝜋(6𝑚)2 𝑑𝑡
𝑑ℎ 3
= 10𝜋 𝑚/𝑠 = 0.0955 m/s (ans)

2. A plane 750 meters in the air is flying parallel to the ground to the direction of a radar station.
The plane is cruising at a speed of 100 m/s and is initially 2.5 kilometers to the right of the
radar station measured horizontally. At what rate is the distance between the plane and the
radar station changing 30 seconds from the initial position?

h = 750 m, altitude of the plane (constant)
= 100 𝑚/𝑠 , speed of the plane (constant)
2.5 km = 2,500 m, initial horizontal distance from the radar station to the plane
t = 30 s, the time at the time of observation

= the rate at which the distance from the radar station to the plane is changing

= 100 𝑚/𝑠

s 750 m

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

By Pythagorean Theorem,

𝑠 2 = 𝑥 2 + 7502

𝑠 2 = 𝑥 2 + 562500

Differentiate both sides with respect to t.

𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑥
2𝑠 = 2𝑥 +0
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑥
𝑠 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑥 𝑑𝑡

At t = 30 s, the plane traveled a distance of 100 m/s x 30 s = 3,000 m.

Thus, x = 2,500 – 3,000 = - 500 m [to the left of the radar station]

And 𝑠 = √(−500)2 + 7502 = 901.388 𝑚 [by Pythagorean theorem]

Substitute the givens.

901.388 𝑑𝑡 = 500(100)

= 55.47 𝑚/𝑠, increasing (ans)

3. A ladder 6 m long leans against a vertical wall. The lower end of the ladder is moved away
from the wall at the rate of 2 m/min. Find the rate of change of the area formed by the wall,
the floor and the ladder when the lower end is 4 m from the wall.

6 m = length of the ladder (constant)
= 2 𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛, time rate of change of the lower end of the ladder from the wall (constant)
𝑥 = 4 m, distance of the lower end of the ladder from the wall at the time of observation

= the time rate of change of the area formed by the wall, floor, and ladder


Area of the triangle formed:

𝐴 = 2 𝑥ℎ

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

By Pythagorean Theorem,

ℎ = √62 − 𝑥 2 = √36 − 𝑥 2


= 2 𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛

𝐴 = 2 𝑥√36 − 𝑥 2

Differentiate both sides with respect to t.

𝑑𝐴 1 1 1 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
= [𝑥 ∙ (36 − 𝑥 2 )−2 (−2𝑥 ) + √36 − 𝑥 2 ]
𝑑𝑡 2 2 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝐴 1 −𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥
= 2 [√36−𝑥 2 + √36 − 𝑥 2 ] 𝑑𝑡

Substitute the givens.

𝑑𝐴 1 −42
= 2 [√36−42 + √36 − 42 ](2)
𝑑𝐴 −16 2√5
= + √20 = m2/min, increasing (ans)
𝑑𝑡 √20 5

4. A spherical iron ball 8 cm in diameter is coated with a layer of ice of uniform thickness. If the
ice melts at the uniform rate of 10 cm3/min, how fast is the thickness decreasing at the instant
when it is 2 cm thick?

8 cm = diameter of the iron ball (constant)
x = uniform thickness of the ice coating in cm (variable)
= −10𝑐𝑚3 /𝑚𝑖𝑛, time rate of change of the volume of ice, decreasing (constant)

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

2 cm = the thickness of the ice coating at the time of observation

= the time rate of change of the decreasing thickness of the ice coating


4 cm

The volume of sphere is given by the formula:

𝑉 = 3 𝜋𝑟 3

To compute for the volume of the ice coating, we have to get the volume of the bigger sphere
of radius (4 + x) minus the volume of smaller sphere or radius 4 cm.
4 4
𝑉 = 3 𝜋(4 + 𝑥)3 − 3 𝜋(43 )
𝑉 = 3 𝜋[(4 + 𝑥)3 − 43 ]
𝑉 = 3 𝜋(43 + 3 ∙ 42 𝑥 + 3 ∙ 4𝑥 2 + 𝑥 3 − 43 )
𝑉 = 3 𝜋(48𝑥 + 12𝑥 2 + 𝑥 3 )

Differentiate both sides with respect to t.

𝑑𝑉 4 𝑑𝑥
= 3 𝜋(48 + 24𝑥 + 3𝑥 2 ) 𝑑𝑡

Substitute the givens.

4 𝑑𝑥
−10 = 3 𝜋(48 + 24 ∙ 2 + 3 ∙ 22 ) 𝑑𝑡

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

4 𝑑𝑥
−10 = 3 𝜋(108) 𝑑𝑡

−10 = 144𝜋 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑥 −10 −5
= 144𝜋 = 72𝜋 = −0.0221 𝑐𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛, decreasing (ans)

5. The angle of elevation is the angle formed by a horizontal line and a line joining the observer’s
eye to an object above the horizontal line. A person is 500 feet way from the launch point of
a hot-air balloon. The hot air balloon is starting to come back down at a rate of 15 ft/sec. At
what rate is the angle of elevation, , changing when the hot air balloon is 200 feet above the

500 ft – distance of the person from the launch point of the hot-air balloon.
= - 15 ft/s, the rate at which the hot-air is descending to the ground (constant, the negative
sign indicates a decreasing value)
h = 200 ft. the altitude (height) at the time of observation

= the rate at which the angle of elevation is changing when the balloon is 200 ft above the


𝑑𝜃 =- 15 ft/s
𝑑𝑡 h

500 ft

Let us Assume that the height of the person is negligible relative to the height of the balloon.

tan 𝜃 = 500

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

Differentiate implicitly both sides with respect to t.

𝑑𝜃 1 𝑑ℎ 𝑑
𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝜃 𝑑𝑡 = 500 𝑑𝑡 [Note: 𝑑𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 = 𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝜃]

1 𝑑𝜃 1 𝑑ℎ
= 500 𝑑𝑡
𝑐𝑜𝑠2 𝜃 𝑑𝑡

𝑑𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠2 𝜃 𝑑ℎ
= [The time-rate equation]
𝑑𝑡 500 𝑑𝑡

When h = 200 ft
200 2
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 = = 5 = 0.4

𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (0.4)

𝜃 = 21.8°

Substitute the givens,

𝑑𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠2 (21.8°)
= (−15) = −0.02586 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠, decreasing (ans)
𝑑𝑡 500

REMARK: The quantity is expressed in rad/sec, not in degree/sec.

Test Your Skills 7.2

Solve the following time-rates problems using the four steps.
1. Water is pouring into a swimming pool. After 1 hour, there are 𝑡 + √𝑡 gallons in the pool.
At what rate (in gallons per hour, gph) is the water pouring into the pool when t = 9 hours?
Express your answer in fraction.

2. A helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at a constant speed of 4.5 m/s. When it is
75 m off the ground, a jeep passed by beneath the helicopter, traveling in a straight line at
a constant rate of 80 kph. Determine how fast (in m/s) the distance between them is
changing after 1 second.

3. A balloon is released from the ground 100 meters from an observer. The balloon rises
directly upward at the rate of 4 m/s. How fast (in m/s) is the balloon receding from the
observer 10 seconds later?

4. A car starting at 12:00 noon travels west at a speed of 30 kph. Another car starting from
the same point at 2:00 PM travels north at 45 kph. Find how fast (in kph) the two are
separating at 4:00 PM.

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

5. Water is running into a hemispherical bowl (a bowl that looks like half a sphere) having a
radius of 10 cm at a constant rate of 3 cm3/min. When the water is x cm deep, the water
level is rising at the rate of 64𝜋 cm/min. What is the value of x?

7.3 Rectilinear Motion

Assignment 7.1

1. The radius of a right circular cone is increasing at the rate of 6 cm/s while its altitude is
decreasing at 3 cm/s. Find the rate of change of its volume (in cm3/s) when its radius is 8 cm
and its altitude is 20 cm.

2. A ship is sailing north at 22 kph. A second ship sailing east at 16 kph crosses the path of the
first ship 85 km ahead of it. How fast (in kph) is the distance between them changing one hour

3. A lamp post 3 m high is 6 m from a wall. A man 2 m tall is walking directly from the post
toward the wall at 2.5 m/s. How fast (in m/s) is his shadow moving up the wall when he is 1.5
m from the wall?

4. A reservoir is in the form of a frustum of a cone with upper base of radius 9 ft and lower base
of radius 4 ft and altitude of 10 ft. The water in the reservoir is x feet deep. If the level of the
water is increasing at 4 ft/min, how fast (in ft3/min) is the volume of the water in the reservoir
increasing when its depth is 2 ft?
NOTE: The volume of a frustum of a cone of upper base radius R and lower base r and
height h is 𝑉 = 3 𝜋ℎ(𝑅 2 + 𝑟 2 + 𝑅𝑟).

RB Astillero Calculus 1 Time Rate of Change

Answers to Tests Your Skills

Test Your Skills 7.1
1. Solution:

𝑉 = 𝑠3
𝑑𝑉 2 𝑑𝑠
= 3𝑠
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
When s = 2 cm, ds/dt = 0.3 cm/s
= 3(2)2 (0.3)
= 3.6 cm3/s (ans)

2. Solution:

𝐴 = 4𝜋𝑅 2
𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝑅
= 4𝜋(2𝑅) 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝑅
= 8𝜋𝑅 𝑑𝑡 = 8𝜋(4)(0.7) = 70.37 cm2/s (ans)

3. Solution:

𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
𝑑𝑉 2 𝑑ℎ 𝑑𝑟
= 𝜋[𝑟 + ℎ(2𝑟 )]
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑉 𝑑ℎ 𝑑𝑟
= 𝜋𝑟 2 𝑑𝑡 + 2𝜋ℎ𝑟 𝑑𝑡
= 𝜋22 (1.2) + 2𝜋(1.8)(2)(. 25) = 20.73 in3/s (ans)

Test Your Skills 7.2

1. 7/6 gph [short answer]
2. 10.32 m/s [numerical]
3. 1.49 m/s [numerical]
4. 51 kph [short answer]
5. 4 or 16 cm [short answer]


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